
dú chàng
  • solo;vocal solo
独唱 [dú chàng]
  • [vocal solo] 一个人演唱歌曲,常有伴秦

独唱[dú chàng]
  1. 他刚刚录完了他的最后一张独唱唱片。

    He had just completed his final solo album .

  2. 每个成员都参与到说唱中来,或者独唱,或者表演说唱乐中的和声部分。

    Every member contributes to the rap , singing either solo or as part of a rap chorus .

  3. 他伴着原声乐器独唱了一组歌曲。

    He plays a solo acoustic set .

  4. 优美的唱词逐渐发展到大合唱,在独唱时达到了高潮。

    Melodic lines build up to the chorus and it apexes at the solo .

  5. 这些独唱歌手得到了大学歌手的大力支持

    The soloists were ably supported by the University Singers .

  6. 她的第三张独唱专辑《GoodThingsHappenOverCoffee》在2011年发布。

    Her third solo album Good Things Happen Over Coffee was released in 2011 .

  7. 言论Voice:席琳·迪翁是奥运史上第一位展现独唱魅力的歌手。

    Celine Dion gave the first solo show in history of Olympic Games .

  8. “独唱”圣经最根本的问题是它会导致人的自主(autonomy)。

    The fundamental problem with " solo " Scriptura is that it results in autonomy .

  9. 我现在在纳什维尔一个咖啡馆进行一些独唱和乐器表演,所有的收入都捐给ProjectCleanWater。

    I am here in Nashville at the blueberry cafe and I am doing some solo , shows and all the proceeds go to Project Clean Water .

  10. 他会在自己的独唱专辑中尝试什么样的歌曲呢:《SweetCreature》(《可爱的人儿》)和《EverSinceNewYork》(《自从来到纽约》)是温馨的原声抒情歌曲;

    What would he try for his solo move : " Sweet Creature " and " Ever Since New York " are intimate acoustic ballads ;

  11. 接着Ken独唱一首歌,我忘了算时间。

    Ken sing another solo song but I cannot remember what time .

  12. IggyAzalea以专辑《TheNewClassic》获得最佳说唱专辑提名,如若获奖,她将成为首个抱得此奖而归的独唱女艺人。

    21.Iggy Azalea is nominated for Best Rap Album for The New Classic . Should she win , Azalea would become the first female solo artist to take home the award .

  13. 在感情级别上,奇异的恩典对我最有效。(Allen)你可以先进行独唱,然后切进我们大家的和音来支持你。

    On an emotional level , Amazing Grace had the most effect on me . ( Allen ) We can have you sing solo and then a choir of us come in and back you up .

  14. 声乐评分2独唱女高音的声音,2女中音独唱的声音,3男高音独唱,男中音独唱2,SATB合唱和钢琴伴奏。

    Vocal score for2 soprano voice solos , 2 mezzo soprano voice solos , 3 tenor voice solos , 2 baritone voice solos , SATB chorus and piano accompaniment . Series : G.Schirmer Opera Score Editions .

  15. 配乐以恩雅的名字命名作为独唱专辑发行。

    The soundtrack was released in1986 as her eponymous solo album .

  16. 除歌剧咏叹调外,独唱歌曲允许移调演唱。

    Except Operatic Aria , transposing is allowed or solo pieces .

  17. 他们的领唱离开合唱团后成了一名独唱演员。

    Their lead singer has left to become a solo artist .

  18. S:我猜你独唱。

    S : you were doing the solo , I guess .

  19. 2000年、2002年,她先后两次在北京举办了独唱音乐会。

    In 2000 and 2002 she held twice solo concert in Beijing .

  20. 我们喜欢你独唱的那一段。

    We liked it when you 'd sing one alone .

  21. 我在今年的圣诞演出中独唱!

    I was singing solo at Christmas play this year .

  22. 汤姆唱独唱部分,然后大家一起唱合唱部分。

    Tom sang the verses and everybody joined in chorus .

  23. 我们庆祝他在独唱会上的表演。

    We congratulated him on his performance at the recital .

  24. 在夏季举行的各音乐节,有著名的交响乐团、独唱和独奏者及歌剧团表演。

    Summer music festivals feature leading orchestras , soloists and opera companies .

  25. 他们原来的领唱者现在是独唱艺人了。

    Their former lead singer is now a solo artist .

  26. 海伦:你没听过吗?他作独唱发展。

    Helen : didn 't you hear ? He 's gone solo .

  27. 他已被邀请在演奏会上表演独唱。

    He has is ask to sing a solo at the concert .

  28. 既有合唱、朗诵,也有独唱、独奏与合奏。

    It also has chorus , elocnte , and solo , tutti .

  29. 男高音独唱者因病今晚不能演出。

    The tenor soloist is unable to appear tonight because of illness .

  30. 我现在在做独唱专辑。

    I 'm working on my soio aibum right now .