
zhòng wǔ qì
  • heavy weapons;heavy armament
重武器 [zhòng wǔ qì]
  • [heavy weapons] 射程远、威力大的武器,如大炮

重武器[zhòng wǔ qì]
  1. 坚固阵地,重武器,通信设施是主要目标。

    Fortified positions , heavy weapons , communication facilities are the key targets .

  2. 卡扎菲的士兵用重武器回击。

    The Gaddafi fighters hitting back with heavy weapons .

  3. AI玩家会侧袭重武器压制单位。

    AI players now can flank suppression weapons out of combat .

  4. 第一排出发,重武器跟我来。

    Let 's go , 1st platoon , weapons on me .

  5. 重武器将在高级作战模式里被引进。

    Crew-served weapons will be a introduced in the advanced combat environment mod .

  6. 政府上月曾经许诺停止使用重武器。

    The government promised last month to end its use of heavy weapons .

  7. 一辆重装汽车;用重武器武装。

    A heavily constructed car ; heavily armed .

  8. 敌人在发射重武器了,我们现在就得进攻。

    The enemy are firing off their big guns ; now we should attack .

  9. 注意这些重武器往往配备了三脚支架以及防盾。

    Note that these weapons are usually equipped with a tripod stand and armour shield .

  10. 这个决议也禁止在阿比让周边使用重武器。

    The resolution also bans the use of heavy weapons around the city of Abidjan .

  11. 舱中理货员主管装卸货物或重武器的飞机机组人员。

    An aircraft crew member in charge of loading and unloading cargo or heavy weapons .

  12. 由于他们的军国主义教育,骑士可以发挥巨大的盔甲和使用重武器。

    Thanks to their militaristic education , knights can wield massive armor and use heavy weaponry .

  13. 这里真是很多重武器。

    This area is heavily armed .

  14. 他们有一些重武器,而且不介意用到它们。

    They 've got a bit of an arsenal , and they don 't mind using it .

  15. 的黎波里的其他地方则是焦虑,恐惧,重武器和爆炸。

    The other Tripoli is one of anxiety , of fear , of heavy weapons and explosions .

  16. 爱玛莉安是希妮多年的朋友,对重武器的使用很有一套。

    Emaline has been a friend of Sydney for years , and is specialized in handling heavy weaponry .

  17. 重武器装备运输所遇桥梁承载能力快速评定系统的开发

    The Development of the Instant Evaluating System for Determining the Bearing Capacity of Bridges for Heavy Weaponry EQUIPMENT

  18. 尽管家家户户都有防盗警报、警卫犬和重武器配备,犯罪率还是持续上涨;

    With all the home burglar alarms and guard dogs and heavy armament , the crime rate keeps going up .

  19. 法德领导人帮助安排这次交易,该交易要求设立一个无重武器的缓冲地带。

    The leaders of France and Germany helped broker the deal , which calls for a buffer zone free of heavy weapons .

  20. 据土耳其媒体报导,这场袭击持续了几个小时,库尔德工人党几十名成员参加了袭击,他们使用了重武器。

    The attack , according to Turkish media reports , lasted several hours and involved scores of PKK rebels using heavy weapons .

  21. 它拒绝报告,仍然在继续炮轰该地区,尽管政府已经承诺停止使用所有重武器。

    It denies reports it is continuing to shell the area , despite a government pledge to stop using all heavy weaponry .

  22. 斜坡安全组〔水务署〕当部署完毕后,送弹员应当起到为重武器提供安全保障的作用。

    Slope Safety Section [ Water Supplies Department ] When deployed , the ammo bearers act as security for the crew-served weapon .

  23. (古义)堡垒内的一个土堆,我们可以把重武器放在土堆上然后再开火。在马铃薯的根上堆土

    ( formerly ) a mound earth inside a fort from which heavy gun can be fired over the parapet . hill potatoes

  24. 亲卡扎菲军队星期一在防守严密的城镇班尼瓦里的北门附近使用重武器火力击退了全国过渡委员会武装人员。

    Pro-Gadhafi forces used heavy gunfire to repel NTC fighters Monday near the northern gate of the heavily fortified town of Bani Walid .

  25. 而且,这样我们就得放弃所有车辆,还有所有重武器,伤员,补给是啊,这可不行

    Plus , we 'd have to leave all the vehicles , all the heavy weapons , Wounded , supplies . Yeah . Not acceptable .

  26. 在会议上,他们提议建造一艘使用最新蒸汽技术而且携带重武器的快速装甲战船。

    In the meeting they proposed the building of a " fast , ironclad warship using the latest in steam technologies , and carrying heavy armaments " .

  27. 他说,支持政府武装和非洲联盟维和部队对其部队发起进攻。他声称,非洲联盟部队发射大炮和重武器,造成平民伤亡。

    He said pro-government forces and African Union peacekeepers attacked his militia 's bases . He claimed AU peacekeepers fired mortars and heavy artillery , killing civilians .

  28. 在法国电台发表讲话时,朱佩表示,北约必须全力发挥自己的作用,包括阻止利比亚领袖使用重武器来轰炸。

    Speaking on French radio , Juppe said NATO has to play its role , including preventing the Libyan leader from using heavy weaponry to bomb the population .

  29. 士兵士兵,尤指中世纪时装备重武器的骑兵由良好的板甲和骑枪武装,这些精英部队与终极骑士不相上下。

    A soldier , especially a medieval cavalryman supplied with heavy arms . Well equipped with good plate armour and lances these elite cavalry are arguably the ultimate knights .

  30. 会谈的当务之急是停止战斗,在冲突双方之间建立一个安全区,把重武器拖出双方射程之外。

    The immediate issues in these talks were stopping the fighting , establishing a security zone between the two sides , and pulling their heavy weapons out of each other 's range .