
zhònɡ yì qīnɡ lì
  • 熟语value justice above material gains
  1. 孟子继承并发展了孔子的重义轻利的思想。

    Mencius inherited and developed Confucius ' valuing thoughts .

  2. 价值标准上对重义轻利传统的继承与创新;

    The tradition of preference of justice to benefits in terms of value criterion ;

  3. 儒家义利观经历了从“重义轻利”到“存理灭欲”的发展过程。

    Interests Notion of Confucianism experienced developmental process of Value Just Above Material Gains to desires extinguishing .

  4. 儒家的“重义轻利”观念可以使我们以一个独特的视角去更为细致和深入地理解中国的传统法律文化。

    The confucian idea of valuing loyalty over money enables us to understand the traditional Chinese Legal culture in a special aspect .

  5. 传统伦理思想教育人们要重义轻利,但是一个企业要是轻利,那它可能一天也生存不下去。

    Traditional ethical ideas teach people to value righteousness and belittle profit , but if an enterprise belittles profit , it cannot last long .

  6. 从中国传统的重义轻利观念与西方功利主义思想的冲突出发,论述严复的合理利己主义价值观。

    It can express Yan Fu 's value of rational self-benefit from the conflict between Chinese traditional one-side-emphasis on justice and western concept of utilitarianism .

  7. 受中国特殊的血缘文化、家族文化的影响,中国传统诚信观表现出自律性、重义轻利的特点;

    Chinese traditional trust view is characterized by self-discipline , more righteousness and less benefit , affected by Chinese special blood relationship culture and family culture .

  8. 金庸武侠小说中的理想人格涵盖重义轻利、诚实守信、勇敢无畏等内容。

    The ideal Personality in Jin Yong 's novels includes upholding righteous but belittling money , being honest and keeping one 's promise , being brave and fearless .

  9. 长期以来,人们一直认为儒家是重义轻利的,并把某些时期中国经济发展的落后归结为儒家重义轻利思想的影响。

    For a long time , it is said that Confucian regards value justice higher than material gains and cause in some extent the economy development behind the time .

  10. 着重介绍了重义轻利价值观影响下的钱代语,反映传统委婉、含蓄等心理特征的钱代语,以及在特殊行业、场合下使用的钱代语。

    The paper mainly introduces those substitutes related to values , those ones that reflect psychological features , and those that are used in special trades or on particular occasions .

  11. 而我国企业利益观则存在着严重的极化现象,由计划经济体制下的重义轻利转向现在普遍的重利轻义。

    But the social benefit views of Chinese enterprises exist serious extreme phenomenon : changing from focusing on righteousness while neglecting profits during the times of planned economy to focusing on profits while neglecting righteousness at present .

  12. 他们所提出的仁爱、重义轻利、中庸、和谐、无为而治等等都是中国人信奉的做人和处世的准则。

    Their views , such as benevolence , valuing justice above profits , the golden mean , harmony , and governing by doing nothing against nature , have become the norms of the Chinese to conduct themselves in society .

  13. 群体至上的价值取向,忽视个人、压抑个性;重义轻利的价值观念,谴责和限制对利益的追求;重德轻才的人才评定标准,鄙视实用技术和理性思辨。

    The supreme orientation of group value ignores the individual and suppresses personality ; the idea of valuing loyalty over money criticizes and restricts the pursuit of benefits ; valuing morality over talent evaluation standards despises practical technology and speculative reason .

  14. 一个重要的原因便是在中国特殊的血缘文化、家族文化背景下,诚信观表现出自律性、重义轻利、多用在个人品德中恪守,并局限于家族圈子中实行的特点;

    An important reason is that the trust view expresses self-discipline character , heavy righteousness , light benefit , much use to practice in personal moral qualities , and limits in household in the Chinese special blood relationship culture and household culture .

  15. 主客体交融、互渗的思维模式,重群体轻个体、重义轻利的文化结构,国家与社会的不平衡生活样态,共同缔造了中国的制度传统。

    The mixture of subjects and objects , the inter-penetrated ways of thinking , the cultural structure of laying stress on groups and making light of individuals , and the unbalanced life modality between the country and the society all established the Chinese system tradition .

  16. 先秦儒家重义轻利的思想对物质生产发展不利;过于强调群体价值,忽视了个体的合理价值;夸大修身的功能,导致法律制度效能减弱;过于强调伦理纲常,抑制了个体的自由发展。

    The pre Qin Confucian Justice Thought on material production development ; too much emphasis on group values , ignore the reasonable value of individual self-cultivation ; exaggerating the function , weaken the legal system efficiency ; too much emphasis on ethics , inhibit the development of freedom of individuals .