
  • 网络Timothy Richard;Richard Timothy;Richard, Timothy
  1. 李提摩太,作为当时轰动政坛的传教士恰恰就是这本书的译者。

    Timothy Richard , as a renowned missionary , was the translator of it .

  2. 李提摩太是晚清众多来华传教士中的一位。

    Timothy Richard is one of the many missionaries coming to China in late Qing dynasty .

  3. 英国传教士李提摩太积极参与丁戊奇荒赈灾。

    British missionary Timothy Richard took an active part in the relief during Ding-wu Disaster .

  4. 李提摩太与山西大学堂

    Timothy Richard and Shanxi Academy

  5. 李提摩太与《回头看记略》&中译美国小说的起源

    Timothy Richard and looking backward , 2000-1887 : the pilot effort in translating an American novel into Chinese

  6. 李提摩太在《万国公报》上发表过很多宣传基督教的文章,在当时有一定影响。

    Timothy Richard had many of his Chritian articles published in Wan Guo Gong Bao , and he had great effects .

  7. 第二部分通过分析引述李提摩太的翻译著作和原文体现其对中国晚清科技政策的观点和影响。

    The second part ( chapter ) presents his opinions and influences on China " s late Qing " s science and technology policies .

  8. 在晚清时期的思想解放和文化传播中,涌现出了很多广为人知的传教士,李提摩太就是其中非常知名的一位。

    In the ideological emancipation and cultural communication of late Qing Dynasty , emerged in a number of well-known missionary . Timothy Richard was one of the famous missionaries .

  9. 从跨文化传播的行为模式来看,李提摩太的成功在于他有较高的学识修养,有较强的交流能力、应变能力、互动能力和语言表达力、协调能力以及驾驭能力。

    From the point of Behavioral Model of Intercultural Communication , Timothy Richard succeeds because of his knowledge , good communication skill , language skill , coordination ability and so on .

  10. 从李提摩太的传教活动中我们得到的启发是:实现传统文化的培植与复兴,完善孔子学院在海外的教学,加快构建传输快捷、覆盖广泛的传播媒体。

    We get a lesson from Timothy Richard and realize the cultivation and revival of traditional culture . The teaching of overseas Confucius Institute is improved , accelerating the establishment of fast , wide coverage communication media .

  11. 在近代西学东渐的过程中,《泰西新史揽要》经由西方传教士李提摩太的翻译和广学会的刊印传入晚清社会,一时间举国争诵,洛阳纸贵。

    In the course of modern " dissemination of Western learning to the Orient ", The History of the Nineteenth Century , which was translated by Timothy Richard , a missionary , was introduced to the late Qing Dynasty and published by the Christian Literature Society of China .