
  • 网络Lear;king lear
  1. 罗经剧团推出了全新制作的《李尔王》。

    Compass Theatre Company presents a new production of ' King Lear ' .

  2. 他把李尔王刻画成一位真正的悲剧人物。

    He makes King Lear a truly tragic figure .

  3. 在《李尔王》里,其中的一个关键字是“天性”(nature),另外则是“自然的”(natural)和“非自然的”(unnatural)。

    In Lear , one of these words is " nature ", taken together with its relatives ," natural " and " unnatural " .

  4. 当李尔王(KingLear)决定是时候将自己的王国分给几个女儿时,他问她们有多爱他。

    When King Lear decided it was time to carve up his kingdom he asked his daughters how much they loved him .

  5. 作者将这些商业王朝与科利奥兰纳斯(coriolanus)和李尔王(kinglear)这样的莎士比亚悲剧英雄相提并论。

    The authors draw parallels between the business dynasties they describe and Shakespearean tragic heroes such as Coriolanus and King Lear .

  6. 在这里的最高法院,鲍康如诉凯鹏华盈(EllenPaov.KleinerPerkins)一案现在开始有点像《李尔王》(KingLear),或者至少是《与卡戴珊姐妹同行》(KeepingUpwiththeKardashians)了。

    In Superior Court here , the case of Ellen Pao v. Kleiner Perkins is beginning to look at little like " King Lear , " or at least " Keeping Up with the Kardashians . "

  7. 李尔王说,他要接受必要而强烈的困顿。

    King Lear says he would accept necessity 's sharp pinch .

  8. 我们去看了《李尔王》的演出。

    We went to a performance of " king lear " .

  9. 《李尔王》中的自然意象、服饰意象及其叙事结构

    Nature and Clothes Images in King Lear and its Narrative Structure

  10. 为管弦乐队而作的《李尔王》电影组曲。

    King Lear , Suite from the film , for orchestra .

  11. 《李尔王》一剧的圣经文化特征

    The Culture Character of the Bible in the King Lear play

  12. 他是李尔王这一角色的理想人选。

    Eg. He 's a natural for the role of Lear .

  13. 《李尔王》中的说者和听者&一个语用学的个案研究

    The Speaker and Listener in King Lear & A Pragmatic Case Study

  14. 西方的《李尔王》研究

    A Review of Research on King Lear in the West

  15. 从两个晚境凄凉的老人说起&《李尔王》与《懵教官》之比较

    Two Lonely Old Men & A Comparison of King Lear and Pedagogue

  16. 《李尔王》有着浓厚的圣经文化特征。

    The King Lear has abundant the culture charaiter of the bible .

  17. 我们有《李尔王》,而那是不朽的。

    We have King Lear : and it is immortal .

  18. 他擅长演李尔王的角色。

    He 's very good at playing the role of King Lear .

  19. 莎士比亚在《李尔王》中对疯癫的处理手法。

    Shakespeare 's treatment of madness in ` King Lear '

  20. 他们在表演新编排的《李尔王》。

    They are staging a new production of KING LEAR .

  21. 《李尔王》&人文主义理想的悲歌绝唱

    Somber Song that King Lear - humanism the Ideal Sing

  22. 试论屈原和李尔王发疯时的精神追求

    On the Spiritual Pursuit of Qu Yuan and King Lear in Insanity

  23. 莎士比亚公司这个月演出李尔王。

    The Shakespeare Company is offering King Lear this month .

  24. 动态顺应与《李尔王》的翻译

    Dynamics of Adaptability and the Translations of King Lear

  25. 论莎士比亚《李尔王》中的人文关怀主题

    Reflection on Shakespeare 's human concern in King Lear

  26. 他扮演李尔王是他退休前的告别演出。

    His performance as King Lear was to be his swan-song before retiring .

  27. 我们学了《李尔王》,现在我们在学十四行诗。

    We did king lear , and now we 're on the sonnets .

  28. 我没有演过三次“李尔王”。

    I did not play King Lear three times .

  29. 对爱的真切呼唤&论莎士比亚《李尔王》中的基督教倾向

    Earnest Call for Love On the Christian Tendency of King Lear by Shakespeare

  30. 李尔王被人挖去眼睛时,他的女儿就站在旁边。

    King Lear 's daughters stood by while his eyes were gouged out .