
xīn shēng
  • newborn;firsts;new student;new life;regeneration;rebirth;newly born;entrant;revitalization
新生 [xīn shēng]
  • (1) [firsts]∶初学的儒生;刚出生;亦指科举时刚考中秀才的人

  • (2) [regeneration;new life]∶精神上的再生,再创造,苏醒

  • (3) [new student]∶刚入学的学生

新生[xīn shēng]
  1. 微生物学是新生科学。

    Microbiology was a newborn science .

  2. 一名新生女婴被发现遗弃在火车上。

    One newborn baby girl was found abandoned on a train .

  3. 学校完全让新生自生自灭。

    The new students were just left to sink or swim .

  4. 我们家很快就会添一个新生婴儿。

    We 're expecting a new arrival in the family soon .

  5. 新生婴儿出世时孩子常常感到忌妒。

    Children often feel jealous when a new baby arrives .

  6. 学校采用结伴制让每个新生跟一较大的学生结伴以获得照顾。

    The school uses a buddy system to pair newcomers with older students .

  7. 今年新生人数从210减少到160。

    The number of new students decreased from 210 to 160 this year .

  8. 学校对新生的选拔有趋严之势。

    Schools are tending towards greater selectivity .

  9. 这有助于新生发植株的成熟,令其开出繁茂的花朵。

    This helps to ripen new growth and makes it flower profusely

  10. 手术使我重获新生。

    The operation has given me a new lease of life .

  11. 英格兰队的人才选拔委员会必须着手引入一些新生力量。

    The England selectors must start introducing young blood .

  12. 新生国家从老殖民帝国的废墟中诞生。

    New states were born out of the wreckage of old colonial empires .

  13. 日本新生的富有阶层对犯罪的恐惧迅速加剧。

    Fear of crime among Japan 's new monied classes is rising rapidly .

  14. 所有入学新生中约有40%在4年内毕业。

    About 40 % of all students entering as freshmen graduate within 4 years

  15. 这个新生的国家目前正面临一场经济危机。。

    This newly founded country now faces an economic crisis .

  16. 学院将于8月份招收新生。

    The college will enrol new students in August .

  17. 新生后天入学。

    The new students will enter school the day after tomorrow .

  18. 录取新生已经发榜。

    The list of students to be admitted has been published .

  19. 新生力量必然战胜腐朽力量。

    The newly emerging forces are bound to defeat what is corrupt and degenerate .

  20. 新生已开始报到。

    The new students have started registering .

  21. 这一系列的建议对新生帮助很大。

    This list of hints help the new students a lot .

  22. 孩子们在动物园看到了新生的小海豹。

    The children saw the new seal calves at the zoo .

  23. 腐朽的势力让位于新生的势力。

    Decaying forces give way to new rising forces .

  24. 人们常把新生的婴儿称作家庭中新添的一员。

    A newly born child is often called an addition to the family .

  25. 新生事物层出不穷。

    There appears an endless stream of novelties .

  26. 新生事物蓬勃兴起。

    New things are springing up vigorously .

  27. 下面所列举的是分布于分流和三角洲前绿砂体的油气田的例子,在地质时代上从晚古生代至中新生代。

    The following examples of oil and gas fields in distributary and delta-fringe sand bodies range in age from Late Paleozoic to middle cenozoic .

  28. 要指责科技太易让人分散精力很容易,但是精力分散不是什么新生事物。

    It 's easy to blame technology for being so distracting , but distraction is nothing new .

  29. 但是作为个恐慌地关注着自己成绩的新生,这并不好玩。

    But as a scared freshman looking at their grades , it 's not fun .

  30. 芭芭拉·哈格蒂对人们在中年重获新生的一些特征进行了研究。

    Barbara Hagerty looks at some of the features of people who turn midlife into a rebirth .