
xīn xīng
  • nova;new star;temporary star
新星 [xīn xīng]
  • (1) [new star;nova]

  • (2) 新形成的恒星

  • (3) 新出现的明星c.短时间亮度增加几万到几百万倍的星

新星[xīn xīng]
  1. 那些天文学家发现了一颗新星。

    The astronomers have discovered a new star .

  2. WEBService技术是IT业界的一颗新星。

    Web Service technology is a new star in the IT industry .

  3. 在我们的星系中每10年至少有一颗超新星出现。

    At least one supernova occurs per decade in our galaxy .

  4. 他十分富有,并且是政治高层一颗冉冉升起的新星。

    He was rich , and a rising star in the political firmament .

  5. 行星躲过超新星爆发的几率总是十分渺茫。

    The chances of a planet surviving a supernova always looked terribly slim .

  6. 有些超新星研究者怀疑,这可能只是昙花一现。

    Some supernova researchers wondered if it might be just a nine-day wonder .

  7. 在省城我遇到了这3位新星。

    I met the three rising stars in the capital of the province .

  8. 在比赛的全过程中,许多优秀的网球手都败在这位年轻的新星手里。

    All through the competition , good players were falling to the new young tennis star .

  9. 十多年以来,天文学家们一直在猜想,超新星激波可以充当巨型粒子加速器。

    Astronomers have suspected for more than a decade that supernova shock waves can act like giant particle accelerators .

  10. 颜是科学界的新星。

    Yan is a rising star in the science world .

  11. 他们认为这个庞大的物体是由两颗“白矮星”合并而成的,通常白矮星会以强大的超新星的形式爆炸。这颗新星被天文学家称为“白矮星”。

    The new star is what astronomers1 call a ' white dwarf2 ' .

  12. NGC4321中超新星1979c的照相研究

    A photographic observation on Sn 1979C in NGC 4321

  13. II型超新星的物态方程与爆发能量

    The Equation of State and Explosive Energy of Type II Supernova

  14. 坍缩阶段中微子对II型超新星爆发的影响

    How the Neutrino in Collapse Phase Affect Type ⅱ Supernova Explosion

  15. II型超新星瞬发爆炸模型的激波传播

    C shape ; Shock Propagation in the Prompt Explosion Model of SN II

  16. 另外,我们的光谱拟合可以为C+O星作为Ic型超新星的前身星提供证据。

    The modeling may provide evidence for C + O stars as progenitors of Type Ic supernovae .

  17. 用MonteCarlo方法拟合超新星SN1993J的早期光谱

    Modeling the Early Spectra of SN 1993J Using the Monte Carlo Method

  18. MSTP+&打造移动3G传送网的新星

    MSTP + & A New Star of Building the 3G Mobile Transmission Network

  19. 这个模型的重要点是从超新星遗迹来的X射线促使产生OH分子。

    An important ingredient of this model is that X-ray emission from the remnant enhances the production of OH molecules .

  20. 超新星爆炸时发射出大量的无线电射线、X射线和宇宙射线以及其他粒子。

    Supernova explosions release tremendous amounts of radio radiation , x-radiation and cosmic rays , as well as other elements .

  21. 由物质吸积导致的Ia型超新星会在爆发前产生大量的X射线辐射。

    A Type1a supernova caused by accreting material produces significant X-ray emission prior to the explosion .

  22. 最后,我们还探讨了Ia超新星中碳点火的非线性问题。

    Finally , nonlinear process of carbon ignition is discussed .

  23. 对Ib/Ic型超新星应加以特别关注。

    Particular attention should be paid to the sample of Type Ib / Ic SNe .

  24. Ia型超新星的爆发机制及其前身星模型

    The Explosion Models and Progenitors of Type la Supernovae

  25. 旋涡星系中Ia超新星的产生率比椭圆星系的要高。

    Spirals are more efficient SNe Ia producers , comparing with elliptical galaxies .

  26. 接着又发生两起爆炸现象,宇航员总结道:最终SN2009ip还是变成了超新星。

    Following two subsequent flare-ups , astronomers have now concluded that SN 2009ip has gone supernova at last .

  27. 由新星绝对星等MB和发射带的相对强度求得了谱带的绝对强度(表4)。

    3 ) The absolute intensities of the emission bands have been obtained from the absolute magnitude M_B and the relative intensities of the emission bands for Nova ( Table 4 ) .

  28. 金刚石携带分别由p过程和r过程产生的Xe同位素组分(XeHL),其源区可能是超新星。

    Diamond contains Xe isotopes ( Xe HL ) typically produced in p and r processes , probably formed in supernovae .

  29. 10M⊙的超新星爆发。

    10M_ ⊙ of a supernova .

  30. 你见过超新星的照片么?【我没见过supernova我对mininova很熟……囧】

    Have you ever seen picture of a supernova ?