
xīn wén zhǔ bō
  • news anchor
  1. 美国广播电台新闻主播PeterJennings因患肺癌去世,享年67岁。

    ABC news anchor Peter Jennings dies of lung cancer at age67 .

  2. NBC的新闻主播、肯尼迪家族的第三代成员——玛利亚.施莱佛,当她1998年在圣十字学院发表这篇毕业演讲时,当时她说的那些话引起了全国广泛的关注。

    When Maria Shriver , NBC news anchor and third-generation Kennedy , addressed 1998 graduates at College of the Holy Cross , her remarks received national attention .

  3. 全国广播公司(NBC)称,前新闻主播汤姆·布罗考被查患有癌症。

    NBC News says former anchorman Tom Brokaw has cancer .

  4. 卡尔.阿祖CNN学生新闻主播:毛背心和星期五真是不错!

    CARL AZUZ , CNN STUDENT NEWS ANCHOR : Sweater vests and Fridays are awesome !

  5. 我是新闻主播CarlAzuz,让我们一起来看一下。

    I 'm your anchor Carl Azuz , let 's go .

  6. 司仪:各位观众,CNN著名新闻主播兼艾美奖得主拉利·!

    MC : Ladies and gentlemen CNN 's noted journalist and Emmy Award winner , Larry King !

  7. 提示:文本转自普特听力论坛CARLAZUZ,CNN学生新闻主播:大家好,我是CARLAZUZ。


  8. 提示:文本转自普特听力论坛CARLAZUZ,CNN学生新闻主播:今天是周五,节目非常精彩。

    CARL AZUZ , CNN STUDENT NEWS ANCHOR : It is Friday , and it is awesome !

  9. 提示:文本转自普特听力论坛CARLAZUZ,CNN学生新闻主播:这是本周最为精彩的一天,周五的节目不容错过,真的非常精彩。

    CARL AZUZ , CNN STUDENT NEWS ANCHOR : It is the most awesome day of the week .

  10. 提示:文本转自普特听力论坛CARLAZUZ,CNN学生新闻主播:今天我们来关注一些资讯快报。

    CARL AZUZ , CNN STUDENT NEWS ANCHOR : Some to get us going today : I 'm Carl Azuz .

  11. 不过BBC的新闻主播西蒙-麦科伊此前在播报一条关于酒鬼拘留所的新闻时,手里拿着的东西看上去不太像是科技产品,这也让观众们一头雾水。

    But BBC News presenter Simon McCoy left viewers baffled when he introduced a feature about ' drunk tanks ' by holding something slightly less technical .

  12. 提示:文本转自普特听力论坛CARLAZUZ,CNN学生新闻主播:现在市场上出现了一种机器,这种机器可以制造出令人烦恼的噪音,可以防止人们闲逛。

    CARL AZUZ , CNN STUDENT NEWS ANCHOR : Well , there 's a new technology out that makes noises to try to stop people from .

  13. 提示:文本转自普特听力论坛CARLAZUZ,CNN学生新闻主播:从古巴到加拿大,再到香港,我们为您带来世界各地的头条新闻。

    CARL AZUZ , CNN STUDENT NEWS ANCHOR : From Cuba and Canada to Hong Kong , we are bringing you headlines from around the world .

  14. 近日,中国官方媒体新华社在中国东部浙江省乌镇举行的第五届世界互联网大会上,首次启用了人工智能(AI)新闻主播。

    China 's state-run news agency Xinhua debuted its first artificial intelligence ( AI ) news anchors at the ongoing fifth World Internet Conference that kicked off in Wuzhen , east China 's Zhejiang Province .

  15. 提示:文本转自普特听力论坛CARLAZUZ,CNN学生新闻主播:大家好,我是CarlAzuz,这里是CNN学生新闻,将精彩纷呈的世界展现在你们的课堂。

    CARL AZUZ , CNN STUDENT NEWS ANCHOR : Hi , I 'm Carl Azuz . This is CNN Student News , bringing the world to your classroom .

  16. 提示:文本转自普特听力论坛CARLAZUZ,CNN学生新闻主播:星期五是一周中最美好的一天,我们很高兴你能花费一点时间来收听CNN学生新闻。

    CARL AZUZ , CNN STUDENT NEWS ANCHOR : It 's the most awesome day of the week , and we 're glad you 're spending part of it with CNN Student News .

  17. NBC电视台周二晚间表示,陷入争议的NBC新闻主播布莱恩·威廉姆斯(BrianWilliams)将被无薪停职六个月。威廉姆斯承认他夸大了自己在伊拉克一起直升机事故中的角色,因而其公信力一落千丈。

    Brian Williams , the embattled NBC news anchor whose credibility plummeted after he acknowledged exaggerating his role in a helicopter incident in Iraq , was suspended for six months without pay , the network said Tuesday night .

  18. 麦克•亨利(迈克尔•J•福克斯饰)是纽约最受欢迎的新闻主播之一,在被查出患有帕金森综合症后,他暂时搁置了个人事业,花更多的时间来陪伴家人、关注自身健康。

    One of New York 's most beloved news anchors , Mike Henry ( Michael J Fox ) , put his career on hold to spend more time with his family and focus on his health after he was diagnosed with Parkinson 's disease .

  19. 提示:文本转自普特听力论坛CARLAZUZ,CNN学生新闻主播:200周年纪念日,归还的纪念品,以及完美的分数:在今天的CNN学生新闻中,我们将为您报道这些内容。

    CARL AZUZ , CNN STUDENT NEWS ANCHOR : A bicentennial birthday , a that 's being returned , and a perfect score : We 've got it all for you in today 's editing of CNN Student News .

  20. 2003年5月,CCTV-9进行了大规模改版,外籍新闻主播首次在中国英语电视画面上出现。

    In May 2003 , CCTV-9 conducted a large-scale reform , which brought a premier of foreign anchors ' faces on China 's English TV screen .

  21. 汤姆·布罗考[原NBC新闻主播]:“如果有人前来冒犯,我们不会逆来顺受,这不是我们的性格。”英国人为此关闭了波士顿港,这个美洲最繁忙和富庶的港口之一。

    When someone comes along and smacks us , we don 't turn the other cheek . That 's not who we are . Move it ! The British respond by shutting down Boston Harbor , one of America 's busiest , wealthiest ports . Come on , lad .

  22. 两名知情者透露,NBC将于周四宣布陷入争议的新闻主播布莱恩·威廉姆斯(BrianWilliams)不再担任《NBC晚间新闻》主播的决定。威廉姆斯因为夸大自己在一次伊拉克美军直升飞机险情中发挥的作用,已被停职了四个月。

    NBC is planning to announce Thursday that Brian Williams will not return to his position as the anchor of its " Nightly News " show , four months after the network suspended him for exaggerating his role in a helicopter incident in Iraq , according to two people briefed on the discussions .

  23. 那位著名的新闻主播参加了我们的聚会。

    The famous anchor attended our party .

  24. 新闻主播变成了网络明星。

    News anchors turned online stars .

  25. 新闻主播新闻主播们拥有很高的曝光率,在人们眼中她们就是智慧与美貌的象征。

    News announcers have lots of exposure and people think they havehealthy images and bright brains .

  26. 新闻主播们拥有很高的曝光率,在人们眼中她们就是智慧与美貌的象征。

    News announcers have lots of exposure and people think they have healthy images and bright brains .

  27. 我会在圣坛等你…我这个英俊潇洒的新闻主播

    I 'll be waiting for you at the altar ... the handsome news anchor in the tux .

  28. 通过对时空切片的模式分析,聚类和信息融合,实现了新闻主播镜头的自动检测。

    Anchorperson shots were detected automatically for browsing news video with STS pattern analysis , clustering and information fusion .

  29. 一位地方新闻主播在周二的播报新闻时,强势回应了之前写信攻击她身材超重的观众。

    A local news anchor took the air Tuesday to blast a viewer who attacked her for being overweight .

  30. 崔茜卡是个新闻主播,而全世界的新闻总部基本上都驻扎在纽约。

    Tricia was a TV anchor person , and New York was where most of the world 's TV was anchored .