
  • 网络United States National Guard;ARNG
  1. 后来,有一天下班后,当我在卷饼摊后台休息的时候,我看到了美国国民警卫队在购物中心里设置的征兵处。

    Then one day , on my break from work at the pretzel stand , I spotted a U.S. Army National Guard Recruiting booth in the mall .

  2. 在新奥尔良以南的普拉克明县,大水漫过一座防洪堤,冲击了附近的居住区,美国国民警卫队(NationalGuard)对几十名未注意到疏散令的居民实施了营救。

    In Plaquemines parish , south of New Orleans , a levee was overtopped , flooding surrounding neighbourhoods and forcing the National Guard to rescue dozens of residents who had not heeded evacuation orders .

  3. 难道卖空者还要遭到美国国民警卫队的射杀么?

    Are short sellers also to be shot by the National Guard ?

  4. 美国国民警卫队已向受影响地区居民提供了洁净用水。

    National Guard had been distributing water to those living in the affected area .

  5. 在怀俄明州,美国国民警卫队正在努力保护曼德逊和格雷布尔的居民不受冰冷洪水的威胁。

    In Wyoming , national guard troops are working to protect the residents of Manderson and Greybull from freezing floodwaters .