
měi ɡuó zhí yè lán qiú lián sài
  • NBA;National Basketball Association
  1. 以现代的标准,这个数字实在不算大,这是因为美国职业篮球联赛(nba)过去奉行卡特尔运作模式现在仍是如此,不过不再那么有效以压低球员工资,并限制俱乐部之间的竞争。

    It is a modest sum , by modern standards , because the National Basketball Association operated and still does , though less effectively a cartel to hold down wages and restrict competition between clubs .

  2. NBA总部表示,由于一名球队高管在网上发表不当言论而导致了其与中国的合作陷入危机之中,这也致使美国职业篮球联赛蒙受了“巨大”损失。

    The US National Basketball Association has suffered " substantial " losses after an online comment from a team executive prompted a crisis in its relations with China , the NBA 's head has said .

  3. 美国职业篮球联赛(nba)的最佳后卫之一讲解了如何有效地使用盯防战术。

    One of the best defenders in the NBA explained how to effectively play man-to-man defence .

  4. 黄健华还曾帮助安排中国投资者与美国职业篮球联赛(NBA)的火箭队(Rockets)和纽约扬基棒球队(NewYorkYankees)达成交易。

    Mr. Huang also helped arrange deals between Chinese investors and the NBA 's Rockets and the New York Yankees baseball team .

  5. 他在中国享有极高人气;中国人对篮球比赛,尤其是美国职业篮球联赛(NBA),情有独钟。

    He is hugely popular in China , where basketball - in particular the NBA - is a national obsession .

  6. 本周三,这位曾五次获美国职业篮球联赛(NBA)冠军的球员将献上自己的告别赛,票价也是一路飙升。

    The five-time NBA champion is set to play his last game on Wednesday , and tickets are reaching exorbitant levels .

  7. 通过对美国职业篮球联赛的技术指标进行比较分析,研究了姚明与奥尼尔在NBA中防守效率、投篮效率、进攻效率等比赛效率方面的实际状况。

    Through research of the technology index of NBA , this paper compares the defence efficiency , shot efficiency and offence efficiency between Yao ming and O ' neal .

  8. 林书豪是首位进入美国职业篮球联赛(NBA)的美籍华人球员。他在NBA的第一个赛季是从金州勇士队(GoldenStateWarriors)开始的。2010年,勇士队为补充球员签下了这位曾在NBA选秀大会上落选的哈佛毕业生。

    Lin is the first Chinese-American player in the NBA , and spent his first season with the Golden State Warriors , who signed the undrafted Harvard graduate in 2010 to fill out their roster .

  9. 中兴的公关活动包括推出字体更讨喜的新商标,赞助美国职业篮球联赛(NBA)的五支球队,其中包括休斯顿火箭(HoustonRockets)、金州勇士队(GoldenStatewarriors)和芝加哥公牛队(ChicagoBulls)。

    ZTE 's PR push has ranged from a new , friendlier font for its logo to sponsoring five US National Basketball Association teams including the Houston Rockets , the Golden State warriors , and the Chicago Bulls .

  10. 美国职业篮球联赛对斯特林处以终身禁赛并罚款250万美元的惩罚。

    The NBA has imposed the life-time ban on Sterling and fined him 2.5 million dollars .

  11. 2002年的今天,前华盛顿奇才队的迈克尔·乔丹在重新加入美国职业篮球联赛后首次在芝加哥上场比赛。

    2002-Michael Jordan , formerly of the Washington Wizards , plays his first game in Chicago since rejoining the NBA .

  12. 带领洛杉矶湖人队获得十次美国职业篮球联赛总冠军的杰里·巴斯去世,享年80岁。

    Jerry Buss who led Los Angeles Lakers starred with ten championship of NBA has died at the age of 80 .

  13. 让新加坡国家篮球队和美国职业篮球联赛的芝加哥公牛队打,也是同样的结果。

    The same is true if Singapore 's national basketball team were to take on the Chicago Bulls of the American National Basketball Association .

  14. 美国职业篮球联赛总裁表示,他将于两周后同斯特林会面,届时将就强制斯特林出售快船队进行投票表决。

    The NBA board of governor says he 's expected to meet with him in the next 2 weeks to vote on forcing Sterling to sell the Clippers .

  15. 他还说,他的手印和脚印与众多电影界的传奇人物放在一起是他所有成就的最高峰,包括帮助湖人队五次登顶美国职业篮球联赛。

    He said having his prints alongside those of Hollywood legends was " right at the top " of his many accomplishments , including helping the Lakers to five NBA championships .

  16. 他们的报告总结说,国防部花了数百万美元,让各种体育组织不时地表现出对国家的热爱,包括国家橄榄球联盟、美国职业棒球大联盟、美国职业篮球联赛、国家冰球联盟和美国足球大联盟的几支队伍。

    Their report concluded that the Department of Defense had spent millions of dollars to have various sports organizations put on enormous shows of love of country at times . This included several teams in the National Football League , Major League Baseball , the National Basketball Association , the National Hockey League , and Major League Soccer .

  17. 爱德华斯是美国篮球联盟(ABL)的创始人之一兼著名球员,但是在1999年篮球联盟被美国职业篮球联赛(NBA)支持的女子职业篮球联赛(WNBA)取代后,她失业了。

    As a co-founder and star of the American Basketball League , Edwards found herself out of work in1999 when the league was buried by the rival WNBA which is backed by the NBA .

  18. 它不仅丰富了美国高等院校的文化生活,还吸引了众多的美国民众极大关注和热情支持,而且成为享誉全球的美国职业篮球联赛(NBA)主要的运动员培养基地。

    It not only enriches the cultural life of American universities , but also attracts a lot of great concern and enthusiastic support of Americans and a world-renowned major training base for athletes of United States Basketball League ( NBA ) .