
  • 网络Native American
  1. 我很感谢卢卡,因为他终于让我和我的朋友布莱恩打成了平手。布莱恩从小有幸跟一个名叫丹尼斯•哈哈(DennisHa-Ha)的美国原住民小孩做邻居,因此老是夸口说他有个名字最酷的朋友。

    I 'm grateful for Luca because he has finally allowed me to get even with my friend Brian , who was lucky enough to have grown up next door to a Native American kid named Dennis Ha-Ha , and therefore could always boast that he had the friend with the coolest name .

  2. 有非洲、欧洲和美国原住民的传统。

    It 's part african , part european , part native american .

  3. 国家博物馆的美国原住民FredNahwooksy说:“我们正在这方面取得进展,

    says Fred Nahwooksy of the National museum of the American Indian , " we are making progress ,

  4. 你是印第安人吗我们更愿意被称为美国原住民

    Are you Indian ? We prefer to be called Native American .

  5. 美洲大陆一度曾有许多美国原住民部落。

    There used to be many Native American tribes on the American Continent .

  6. 这场小大角之战是美国原住民得到的短暂胜利。

    The Battle of Little Big Horn was a short-lived victory for the Native Americans .

  7. 在欧洲移民到美洲以前,美国原住民已在峡谷的洞窟里栖身。

    Native Americans built settlements in the caves within the canyon before the emigration of Europeans .

  8. 《黑水河》则讲述了美国原住民乔克托部落的来世。

    The last movement , Hacha is the afterworld of the Choctaw tribe of Native Americans .

  9. 讨论关于美国原住民的历史地图作为现代的使用。不正确,并非现在拿过去来做文使用。

    An argument concerns that historical maps of Native American lands are put to the present-day uses .

  10. 在美国原住民艺术领域,受到全国赞扬的专家,会在这个展览会现场担任裁判。

    Nationally acclaimed experts in the field of Native American art act as judges in the show .

  11. 我对美国原住民的兴趣从来就没有减退过,同时也深深感到他们受到了多么不公正的对待。

    I never lost my interest in Native Americans or my feeling that they had been terribly mistreated .

  12. 通过观察美国原住民妇女,她想出了一个将玉米磨成粉的新方法。

    After observing Native American women , she came up with a new way to turn corn into cornmeal .

  13. 美国原住民(如:达科他人)将黑山视为圣地及狩猎场所。

    American Indians such as the Lakota considered the Black Hills to be a sacred area and hunting ground .

  14. 美国原住民的称谓之争&当今美国美国印第安人与土著美国人的争议

    On the Current Dispute over the Usage of " American Indian " and " Native American " in the United States

  15. 而他想要些与众不同的东西—能反映新墨西哥的美国原住民文化独特的影响的东西。

    And he wanted something different - something that would reflect the unique influence of New Mexico 's native American culture .

  16. 美国原住民参与这个组织是一件大事,我们后来才知道它实现了印地安人的预言。

    The involvement of the Native Americans in this organization was an important fulfilment of an Indian prophecy as we would later learn .

  17. 美国原住民阿尔冈琴人的版本则是一个相貌粗糙的女孩,因为她善良的心地和美好的内心世界而赢得了一个无形的武士灵魂的爱情。

    The Algonquin Native American version is about Rough-Face Girl , whose kindness and inner beauty win the love of an invisible warrior spirit .

  18. 在其他一项研究中,心理学家们发现在非裔美国人和美国原住民社区当中,稳定的文化认同感和整体的积极情绪之间存在关系。

    In other research , psychologists found an association between stable cultural identity and overall positive emotion in African American and Native American communities .

  19. 美国原住民的传说充满了神秘生物,所以为什么他们会选择大脚到图腾,而不是其他?

    And native american legend is full of mythical creatures so why would they choose ONLY big foot to add next to real creatures rather than others ?

  20. 因为她是重要酋长的女儿,波卡洪塔斯是降低维吉尼亚州内美国原住民及英国殖民之间紧张关系的理想人选。

    Because she was the daughter of a powerful chief , Pocahontas was an ideal person to help reduce tensions between the Native Americans and the English colonists in Virginia .

  21. 那一天,路易斯在他的日记中写道,虽然美国原住民的弓箭也许无法有效对付灰熊,但灰熊根本敌不过受过训练的步枪射手。

    That day Lewis wrote in his journal that although the Native Americans with their bows and arrows might have problems , the Grizzlies were no match for skilled rifleman .

  22. 大多数的美国原住民,他们不认为时间是线性的,即时,没时间,我从没有足够的时间,环时,史帝芬转轮。

    Most Native Americans , they don 't think of time as linear ; in time , out of time , I never have enough time , circular time , the Stevens wheel .

  23. 自从20世纪60年代以来,针对美国原住民的称谓问题,围绕着美国印第安人和土著美国人这两个词产生激烈的争议。

    Since the 1960s , there has been heated disputes mainly over the usage of the terms " American Indian " and " Native American " in referring to the indigenous peoples of America .

  24. 不论你是黑人白人,是拉丁裔还是亚太裔,或是美国原住民,你都可以在美国成长,并成就你的任何目标。

    It doesn 't matter whether you are black or white or Latino or Asian American or Native American , you can grow up in America and be anything that you want to be .

  25. 事实上,90%的美国原住民或是因疾病死亡,或是遭到殖民者的屠杀,这些疯狂的殖民者认为他们的杀戮行为是“神授天命”。

    In fact , 90 % of the indigenous people in America were wiped out by a combination of disease and genocide of crazed religious settlers , believing their actions justified by the idea of " manifest destiny . "

  26. 一个男子走上前来,说他是美国的原住民。

    A man came up to me and identified himself as Native American .

  27. 为解决新墨西哥美国特定原住民索赔问题及其他目的的法案。

    A bill to resolve certain Native American claims in new mexico , and for other purposes .

  28. 美国30万原住民中的绝大多数已经生活在了政府指定的区划或保留地里

    Most of America 's 300000 tribes people now live on government assigned lands , reservations .

  29. 美国印第安人和阿拉斯加原住民也曾勇敢战斗,以保卫这一传统遗产。

    So , too , have American Indians and Alaska Natives bravely fought to protect this legacy as members of our Armed Forces .

  30. 美国「印地安事务局」提供财政援助,让200位来自纳瓦伙族的美国原住民也可以就读大学。

    The US Bureau of Indian affairs is providing financial assistance for up to200 Native Americans from the Navajo nation to attend college .