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  1. 该报道涉及的最大牌的球星是丹佛野马队(DenverBroncos)的四分卫佩顿·曼宁(PeytonManning)。他愤怒地否认了报道内容,称之为“一派胡言”、“全盘捏造”。

    The most prominent athlete mentioned in the report was the Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning , who angrily denied the report , calling it " complete garbage " and " totally made up . "

  2. 星期二,克林顿总统在白宫为全美橄榄球联赛超级碗冠军丹佛野马队举行招待会。

    President Clinton holds a reception for NFL Superbowl winners Denver Broncos at the White House on tuesday .

  3. 1984年,我以每年170万美元的薪水加盟了丹佛野马队。当然,我给我母亲买了梦想中的房子!

    In 1984 , I began to play the Denver Bronces for $ 1.7 million a year , And Certainly , I bought my mother the house of my dream !

  4. 美联社将丹佛野马队四分卫佩顿·曼宁评为本年度最有价值进攻球员。

    The Associate Press has named Denver Broncos 's quarterback Peyton Manning most valuable player in offensive player of the year .

  5. 红皮队的球迷在周末举行集会欢呼支持保留队名,但是周日球队就在比赛中输给了丹佛野马队。

    Redskins 's fans chanted and favor of keeping at the weekend rally before Sunday 's lost to the Denver Broncos .

  6. 1984年,我与丹佛野马队签订了170万美元的合约,终于圆了为我妈妈买一套房子的梦想。

    I signed with the Denver Broncos in1984 for $ 1.7 million , and bought my mother the house of my dreams .

  7. 西雅图海鹰队和丹佛野马队角逐超级碗时的收视率为46.4,高于2009年匹兹堡钢人和亚利桑那红雀对决时的42。

    The 2014 Super Bowl between the Seahawks and the Broncos got a household rating of 46.4 - up from 42 in 2009 , when the Steelers and Cardinals played .