
  • 网络danyang city
  1. 丹阳市流动人口疟疾流行状况

    Study on epidemic status of malaria among floating population in Danyang City

  2. 丹阳市小城镇发展思路探讨

    Discussion on ways of small towns'development in Danyang City

  3. 丹阳市人群流脑A群、C群抗体检测结果分析

    Analysis on antibody level against epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis ( ECM ) serogroup A and Cin Danyang

  4. 占丹阳市水稻土类80%面积的三种水稻土属的自然生产潜力在种植小麦&单季稻两熟时基本上为13510.5kg/ha。

    Potential yield of three paddy soils , which account for 80 % of paddy soil areas , is about 13510.5kg/ha under the wheat-single rice cropping system .

  5. 丹阳市幼儿园儿童血铅水平调查

    Investigation of Blood Lead Level of the Children in Kindergartens in Danyang

  6. 丹阳市生活饮用水卫生学调查

    Hygienic investigation of drinking water in danyang city

  7. 中国篮球城市&丹阳市篮球运动现状调查研究

    Investigation and Study on Present Situation of Basketball Sport in Danyang City of China

  8. 水泥粉喷桩在加固丹阳市河驳岸软土地基中的应用

    The Application of Cement Jet-pile to Consolidation of Soft Soil Foundation of River Quay Wall

  9. 江苏省丹阳市水稻土自然生产潜力的初步研究

    A preliminary study on the natural production potential of paddy soil in Danyang city , jiangsu Province

  10. 结论:丹阳市人群有较高的麻疹抗体水平,近期不会发生大面积麻疹流行。

    Conclusion : It would not occur measles outbreaks with high-level of measles-antibody in healthy population in Danyang .

  11. 简介:本公司地处丹阳市西郊风景优美、业发达的司徒镇。

    Our company lies on the developed and scenery Situ Town which stands on the western suburbs of Danyang City .

  12. 苏南河网地区小城镇水环境污染源分析研究&以丹阳市新桥镇为例

    Investigation and Assessment of Water Pollution Sources in Southern Jiangsu Province & A Case Study of Xinqiao Town of Danyang

  13. 丹阳市沿江三镇经济与社会协调发展的实践与思考

    Practice and thought of coordinated development of economy and society in the three towns of Danyang City along the Changjiang River

  14. 方法选取丹阳市城乡有代表性的中小学生为调查对象,共对7~18岁27331名学生进行身高体重测量,以《中国学生7~22岁身高标准体重值》作为评价标准。

    Methods Nutritional status of 27 331 primary and secondary school students was analyzed by using weigh-for-height standard method of Chinese students .

  15. 在丹阳市小麦应以提高土壤自然生产潜力为主。

    As for wheat production at present in Danyang city , we should put the emphasis on the increase of soil potential yield .

  16. 经济发达地区农村土地整理可持续发展模式探讨&以江苏省丹阳市为例

    Analysis on the Pattern of Rural Land Arrangement of the Sustainable Development in Developed Region & Exampled in Danyang City of Jiangsu Province

  17. 并结合丹阳市宅基地退出和具体交易案例,对设计建立的宅基地使用权流转系统进行了验证。

    And it has verified the circulation system of the homestead , with the exit homestead of danyang and a case of specific deal as the example .

  18. 官方媒体报道,在靠近南京的丹阳市,115英亩瓜地里的西瓜在一次强降雨后出现爆裂。

    In the city of Danyang , near Nanjing , watermelons planted across 115 acres of land split open after a heavy rainfall , state media reported .

  19. [目的]调查丹阳市3~6岁儿童血铅水平,并分析其相关因素,为科学预防提供依据。

    Objective To investigate the blood lead level of 3 ~ 6 years old children and influence factors of lead in DanYang , for providing evidence of prevention .

  20. 我们下面再来关注发生在江苏丹阳市“西瓜爆炸”事件。西瓜“爆炸”很可能与农民使用的生长调节剂有关,这次事件也再次暴露出食品安全监管漏洞。

    According to the Sydney Morning Herald , new food scandal has occurred in China as fields of watermelons are being destroyed after farmers mistakenly applied growth accelerator .

  21. 本文借助作物生长模型与模糊数学的方法对江苏省丹阳市的两种种植制度的土壤自然生产潜力进行了初步的分析研究。

    In this paper the crop growth simulation model developed by Penning ele Vries in 1988 and Fuzzy mathod are used to analyze the natural production potential of soils under two cropping systems .

  22. 本研究以丹阳市为代表,分析了该市粮食生产、化肥施用以及土壤肥力的动态变化。

    The present study taking Danyang municipality , in Jiangsu Province , a typical region of Tai Lake basin , for example analyzed dynamics of grain production , fertilizer application and soil fertility .

  23. 论文介绍丹阳市绝缘材料厂生产的新型系列少胶粉云母带的性能和在铁路牵引电机、高压电机、感应电机的应用情况。

    This article introduces the properties and the application of new series dry mica paper tape produced by Danyang Insulating Material Works to respondent motor , HV motor the traction motor and so on .

  24. 本研究所得主要结论为:(1)丹阳市粮食总产量自1997年以来,一直处于下降趋势。2005年,全市粮食总产量为39.2万吨,比1997年降低了28.8%。

    The following are the main conclusions . ( 1 ) Grain yield in Danyang has been declining since 1997 , which came to 392 thousand tons with a 28.8 % decrease compared to that of 1997 .

  25. 具体研究主要工作和结论如下:(1)针对广大农村宅基地使用者所普遍关心的问题,设计调查问卷,选取延陵镇作为样本区,在实地对丹阳市农户进行访谈与调查。

    The results of specific study are as follows : ( 1 ) This dissertation has designed the questionnaire , based on the concerns of house-site users , and selected the town of Yanling as the sample survey area .

  26. 转而通过对丹阳市地税局对高收入者征收个人所得税的税收政策执行效果的研究,分析了其税收政策在执行中表现出来的正负效应及其原因。

    Danyang city through the turn of the Inland Revenue Department for collection of high-income individual income tax effect of the implementation of tax policy research , analysis of its revenue in the implementation of the policy reflected the positive and negative effects and why .

  27. 从水泥粉喷桩的设计,精心组织施工,全面控制工程质量等方面,详细介绍了水泥粉喷桩在加固丹阳市河驳岸软土地基中的应用。

    The application of cement jet-pile to consolidating the soft soil foundation of river quay wall of Danyang City was introduced in detail from the sides of cement jet-pile design , construction of careful organization , overall quality control of the project in the paper .

  28. 了解丹阳市医院消毒状况,为加强医院感染管理提供依据,采用现场调查和抽检方法对丹阳市各级医疗机构进行了监测。

    In order to know the status of disinfection in hospitals of Danyang City for providing the basis for strengthening the administration of nosocomial infection , field survey and selective examination method were used to carry out monitoring of medical institutions at various levels in Danyang City .