
  • 网络minnan;Holo
  1. 这是闽南人的传统,而潮州或潮汕人则让这种功夫茶名声大噪。

    This is a tradition of the Minnan people and Chaozhou or Chaoshan people have made this Kungfu cha famous .

  2. 历史上闽南人较早就与东南亚人民有较为密切的交往,因而闽南方言借词大量出现在泰语中。

    Historical contacts between South-Min dialect speakers and people from Southeast Asia have resulted in a large number of Chinese loanwords in Thai .

  3. 清代,汉人开始大量移垦台湾,闽南人在此时成为开垦的主力之一,进而落地生根。

    While Han Chinese people began to move to Taiwan in a large number and reclaimed it in the Qing Dynasty , in which Taiwanese people become one of the main cultivating forces , and then took root there .

  4. 澎湖的居民中,闽南人占90%。闽南文化对澎湖文化的影响,主要表现在民间信仰、建筑、工艺、饮食、民谣、音乐、民俗等方面。

    Southerners of Fujian China make up 90 % of the residents of the Islands Penghu and the south Fujian culture has unsurprisingly influenced Penghu life in many aspects ranging from religion , architecture , arts and crafts , cuisine , folk literature , music to customs .

  5. 其他用户质疑作者是否漏掉了其他也应上榜的方言,其中包括海南岛的方言。海南方言也属于闽南方言,但据说其他说闽南话的人却听不懂海南方言。

    Other users questioned whether the author of the post had missed other dialects also worthy of being listed , including that spoken on Hainan island , China 's southernmost province , where the dialect is part of the Minnan family of dialects but said to be incomprehensible to other Minnan speakers .