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  • 网络west fujian;western fujian;Longyan
  1. 闽西地区桉树引种栽培适应性调查分析

    Study on Adaptability of Eucalyptus Introduction and Cultivation in West Fujian

  2. 闽西客家地区的妈祖信仰

    Mazu Belief in Hakkas Region of West Fujian Province

  3. 推进闽西农业产业化的几点思考加入WTO后闽西烤烟生产可持续发展的对策

    Measures of sustainable development of flue-cured tobacco production in the west of Fujian Province after entry into WTO

  4. 福建省天湖山煤矿区处于闽西南坳陷东条带,推覆构造极其发育,以F31和F1两条推覆断层表现最为突出。

    The Tianhushan coalmine area is situated at the east strip of the southwestern Fujian depression , nappe structures are quite developed , especially the F31 and F1 nappes have stood out .

  5. 闽西三明市生态旅游发展状况研究

    Study on the Development of Ecotourism in Sanming of Western Fujian

  6. 对闽西客家体育文化与假日体育旅游整合的探讨

    How to Combine the Fujian Hakka Culture-Sports Holiday with the Tour-Sports

  7. 地方革命传统与大学生核心价值观教育&以弘扬闽西革命传统为例

    Local Revolutionary Tradition and Education of Core Values for College Students

  8. 闽西苏区的社会改造也给我们留下了宝贵的经验。

    The social reconstruction in this region leaves us valuable experience .

  9. 闽西北地区中生代花岗岩类成矿作用探讨

    Discussion on the Mineralization of Mesozoic Era Granitoid in Northwestern Fujian

  10. 闽西晚中生代基性岩脉的地球化学研究

    Geochemistry of the late Mesozoic mafic dikes in western Fujian Province

  11. 铸就新时代闽西广告人才队伍

    Founding the team of advertising talents in western Fujian in new times

  12. 闽西船山组上部的介形类调节阀的卸载机理及新型结构的调节阀

    The Unloading Mechanism of Control Valve and a New Type Control Valve

  13. 闽西北斑岩型金矿的发现

    Discovering of porphyry type gold ores in northwestern Fujian Province

  14. 闽西的竹子资源及其开发利用意见

    Bamboo Resources in Western Fujian Surveyed and Their Development Suggested

  15. 闽西北地区稀有金属矿床特征及成矿规律的初步探讨

    Characteristics and metallogeny of rare metal deposits in northwestern Fujian

  16. 闽西北桃小叶症病因诊断

    Diagnosis of Little Leaf Disease of Peach in Northwestern Fujian

  17. 加快闽西投融资体制改革的思考

    Accelerating the reform of investment and financing system in west of Fujian province

  18. 完美的内在序列&记闽西客家民居

    Perfectly inside sequence about the residences of Hakka in the west of Fujian

  19. 喀什民居和闽西土楼的空间形态比较分析

    Analysis of Space Form Between Kashgar Folk Dwelling and Yongding Hakka Earth Building

  20. 闽西烟区主要病害及其综合防治技术体系

    Main flue-cured tobacco diseases and their control in west region of Fujian Province

  21. 闽西主要粮食作物生产潜力初步研究

    The Survey for Potential Productivity of Major Grain Crops in West Fujian Province

  22. 闽西客家家族形态及其功能初探

    Forms and Functions of Hakka Kindreds in West Fujian

  23. 闽西地方戏剧与社会经济互动之关系

    Interactions between Local Operas and Socio-Economy in West Fujian

  24. 闽西客家土楼建筑与文化

    The Culture and Hakkas ' Buildings in West Fujian

  25. 闽西南坳陷在石炭纪时,演化至一个重要的发展阶段。

    The Southwest Fujian Depression is on an important development stage in Carboniferous period .

  26. 闽西细柄阿丁枫天然林群落结构特征研究

    Study on the Community Structural Characteristics of Altingia gracilipes Natural Forests in Western Fujian

  27. 龙台农业合作对闽西农业的影响与应对措施

    Effect of Long-Tai agricultural cooperation on agricultural development of West Fujian and its countermeasures

  28. 闽西洪涝期降水量多极模拟及其应用

    A precipitation multipolar imitation and its application during the flood period in west Fujian

  29. 闽西南早、中侏罗世叶肢介

    Early & middle Jurassic conchostracans from southwestern Fujian

  30. 闽西石灰岩洞穴地质特征及其石笋发育过程的古气候变化

    Geological feature of limestone caves in western Fujian and its paleoclimatic changes during stalagmite development