
mǐn nán yǔ
  • Southern Fujian Dialect
  1. 关于闽南语皮(纸)影戏本的研究&读《欧洲汉学研究会不定期刊》第2辑

    Studies on Shadow Play Scripts in Southern Fujian Dialect & Thoughts on " Occasional Papers , European Association of Chinese Studies Vol.2 "

  2. 像“typhoon”(台风)这个词就源自于闽南语。

    Words like typhoon have their origins in Hokkienese .

  3. 也许,很多中国人会惊讶地发现“ketchup”(番茄酱),这个西方快餐中的常见调味品,原来出自闽南语中的“番茄汁”一词。

    It might be surprising for most Chinese people to know that ketchup , a sauce closely associated with Western fast food , comes from the Hokkienese for tomato juice .

  4. 谁来影响闽南语区域的消费者?

    Who is going to inference Minnan dialect region consumers ?

  5. 台湾闽南语的ka~7与宾语的前置

    On ka ~ 7 in Taiwanese-Min and Object-Fronting

  6. 福建南部的方言&闽南语是这些词汇的另一大来源。

    The South Fujian dialect , Hokkienese , is another major contributor of Chinese words .

  7. 本论文研究闽南语语音合成中音节基周轨迹产生之问题。

    In this thesis , the problem of Min-Nan syllable pitch contour generation is studied .

  8. 论《资本论》的生命力原创与生机&闽南语歌曲音乐创作研讨会纪要不同静电场对水稻种子萌发吸水和幼苗根系活力的影响

    Effect of different electrostatic field on water absorbing of germinating rice seed and root vitality of seedlings

  9. 琼南闽语前缀阿的语用现象及语源考察福建话,闽南语在福建

    Pragmatic Phenomenon and Etymological Explore of the prefix " A " in Min Language in Southern Hainan

  10. 本研究采用传播学内容分析和田野调查等研究方法,对闽南语频道的节目运作进行了系统考察。

    This essay tries to systematically analyze its program operation with the method of communication content analysis and anthropology field study .

  11. 目前我们的服务语言包括粤语,普通话,闽南语,英语,日语,德语和法语等。

    Our contact center currently support seven languages including Cantonese , Mandarin , Minanese , English , Japanese , German and French .

  12. 提供数种网路语文教学题材例如儿歌、谜语、游戏以学习普通话、闽南语、和客家话。

    Offers online language classroom resources such as nursery rhymes and songs , riddles , and games for learning Mandarin , Taiwanese , or Hakka .

  13. 从语言学、历史学、传播学、社会学、音乐学等角度就闽南语合唱艺术的发展历程、规律和音乐特色作了相关研究。

    The paper analyzes the course , pattern and characteristic of choral music in Minnan dialect from linguistic , historical , communicative , social and musical points of view .

  14. 中国大地上有着许多广泛使用的方言,某种品牌中译名可能用普通话读起来很不错,但是翻译成其他方言,比方说粤语和闽南语,就没那么顺畅了。

    China is home to many widely used dialects , and what appears safe in Mandarin may not translate all that well to , say , Cantonese or Hokkien .

  15. 曾任全国青少年电子音乐大赛总决赛评委、全球闽南语歌曲创作演唱大赛评委、担任奥林匹克国际合唱节参赛歌曲编曲。

    Electronic music was the National Youth Championship finals judges , the world 's singing Taiwanese songs contest judges , as the " Olympic international chorus Festival " producer .

  16. 台湾现代文学作品的语言载体有汉语文言、国语(白话)、方言(客家语、闽南语、台湾少数民族语言)和日语等多种样态。

    The language of the Taiwanese modern literature works carry bodies to have various patterns : classical Chinese , Chinese nationallanguage ( mandarin ), dialects ( Hakka , South Fukien dialect , Taiwanese minority language ) and Japanese etc.

  17. 而在语言使用上,文读和白读并存、方言和国语兼用,是闽台两地闽南语区的共同特点。

    As for the language using in Fujian and Taiwan , both show the same characteristic that read sound and spoken sound exist side by side , and the Southern Min dialect and the Mandarin are used concurrently .

  18. 该应用名为“冰的啦”,在闽南语里意为愤怒地掀桌。用户可以用它来查看食物或饮料产品是否与顶新国际有关联。这家企业集团去年爆发了涉及食用油的食品安全丑闻。

    Named Bingdela - after a Taiwanese phrase associated with overturning a table in rage - the software allows users to check whether food or drink products are associated with Ting Hsin International , a conglomerate that last year was the center of a food safety scandal involving its cooking oil .