
mǐn yǔ
  • Fukienese;Min dialect/topolect
  1. 闽语人群基本都是来源于北方的汉族移民。

    Those South-Fujian-Dialect-speaking population were mostly Han migrants from northern China .

  2. 中山闽语语音的一致性与差异性

    Phonetic Consistency and Difference of the Zhongshan Min Dialect , Guangdong Province

  3. 海南闽语人称代词研究

    A Study on Personal Pronouns in Hainan Min Dialect

  4. 琼南闽语的语法特点及其研究状况

    Grammatical Features and Research Situation of Min Language in the South of Hainan

  5. 闽语是汉藏语系汉语族中一种比较复杂的方言,内部各次方言既有一致性,也存在差异。

    There is not only commonness but also difference within the secondary Min dialect .

  6. 江西横峰县姚家闽语中的赣语性成分

    Jiangxi Dialectal Elements in Fujian Dialect of Yaojia , Hengfeng County , Jiangxi Province

  7. 试论资本范畴海南闽语声调的调值与调类研究

    Studies on the Tone Pitch and Tone Category of the Tone of Minnan Dialect in Hainan

  8. 本文举例说明中山闽语内部语音上一致性的特点和差异性的特点。

    The thesis clarifies with examples the phonetic conformity and divergence of the Zhongshan Min dialect .

  9. 琼南闽语前缀阿的语用现象及语源考察福建话,闽南语在福建

    Pragmatic Phenomenon and Etymological Explore of the prefix " A " in Min Language in Southern Hainan

  10. 闽语及其周边方言

    Min Dialect and its Neighbours

  11. 以此为基础,讨论了原始闽语构拟中的一些问题,并提出我们自己的构拟。

    Based on our analysis , we have discussed the reconstructions on proto-Min by Jerry Norman in details .

  12. 第三章琼北闽语的特征词,在对比和发掘两个轴线上展开。

    Chapter III , The Feature Words of the Northern Hainan Minis unfolded around two axis of comparison and extraction .

  13. 粤东闽语与福建闽南方言文白异读比较研究

    The Comparison of Min Dialect in Eastern Guangdong Province and Minnan Dialect in Fujian Province in Literary and Colloquial Readings

  14. 常州市高中生方言词语使用情况调查闽语福安方言连读变调之优选论分析

    Investigation on Usage of Dialect Words among High School Students in Changzhou Tone Sandhi in Fu'an Dialect : An Optimality Theoretic Account

  15. 苍南蛮话地处浙江与福建的交界,语言面貌兼具吴、闽语特色。

    Cangnan Manhua is spoken along the border area between Zhejiang and Fujian , and features both characteristics of Wu and Ming dialects .

  16. 本文研究闽南方言的文白异读,分两大部分:(一)粤东闽语的内部比较;(二)粤东闽语与福建闽南方言的比较。

    This paper studies the literary and colloquial readings of Minnan dialect in Fujian and Eastern Guangdong Province , it includes two parts .

  17. 温州方言除瓯语外,还有闽语、“蛮话”、“蛮讲”、畲客话、金乡话、大荆话和罗阳话等。

    Besides the Ou language , there are Fujian ," Manhua "," Mangjiang ", She Hakka , Jinxiang , Dajing and Luoyang dialects .

  18. 只有闽语区,单音节词与双音节词数量相当,三音节词很少。

    Only in the case of Minnan region are there as many monosyllable words as disyllable words , while there are few trisyllable words .

  19. 明清几本闽语韵书的亲疏关系&以韵类的差异性为例

    The Close or Distant Relation from the Differences between Several Ming and Qing 's Rhyme Books & to Different Types of Rhyme as an Example

  20. 晋语分布在华北和西北的内陆地区,闽语分布在东南沿海。

    The Jin dialect spreads over the inner land of northeast and northwest China , whereas the Min dialect is located in the southeast coastal area .

  21. 通过对现代福建和其他闽语人群的分子人类学研究,结果并没有看到闽越的结构。

    When modern populations in Fujian and other areas where South-Fujian was spoken were analyzed with molecular anthropological model , no structure of Min-Yue was found .

  22. 第一章绪论,主要介绍海南岛人文地理历史的概况以及海南闽语的形成和发展。

    Chapter I , General Introduction , makes a brief survey on the history of Hainan , particularly on the forming and development of Hainan Min dialect .

  23. 摘要莆仙方言的进行体和持续体标记来源于处所词,这是吴语和闽语的共同特征。

    The going-on aspect and persisting aspect marks in Puxian dialects stem from the place word , which is a common characteristic of Wu dialects and mm dialects .

  24. 惠安方言尽管是闽语的一个支系,在语法上与周边闽语有不少相同之处,但仍然存在着不同程度的差异。

    Though the dialect of Huian is a branch of the southern dialects of Fujian , there exists much difference in grammar from other southern Fujian dialects despite some similarities .

  25. 改革开放以来,粤东闽语区的语言生活在不知不觉中发生了变化&普通话和粤方言对该地区产生了深刻的影响。

    Since 1980s ' reform , great changes have taken place in Fujian dialect communities in Eastern Guangdong Province , for Putonghua and Cantonese have both cast deep influence upon the area .

  26. 本文从语用学角度出发,聚焦于琼南闽语的语法要素,侧重从词法和句法两方面探索琼南闽语的规律性,对于完善海南闽语的研究具有重要的学术意义。

    This article stresses grammatical elements of Min language in the south of Hainan from pragmatic angle , explores its regularity in morphology and syntax and great academic significance in perfecting its research .

  27. 通过分析古全浊声母中的塞音、塞擦音字在现代闽语的读音异同,结论认为这是闽语自身演变的多种语音层次叠置的结果。

    We concentrate on the different pronunciations of stop and affricative initials nowadays in Min dialects and think it the result of the overlap of many phonetics levels during the involvement of min dialects .

  28. 但莆仙方言的这两种体标记来源于处所代词即、许,而不是方位后缀或动介词,这又不同于吴语与闽语的其他方言。

    But these two kinds of aspect marks in Puxian dialects are place words Ji & Xu , but not the suffixs of place word or verb-preposition word , which is different from Wu dialects and other Min dialects .

  29. 本文先描写莆仙方言的进行体和持续体特征,然后结合吴闽语其他八种方言的资料,分析进行体和持续体标记的语法化序列,从而观察其演变发展的过程。

    This text describes Puxian dialects'going-on aspect and persisting aspect characteristic first , then combines Wu dialects and mm dialects'other eight dialect materials , analyses the going-on aspect and persisting aspect grammaticalization sequence , and accordingly observes its development and evolvement course .

  30. 闽方言,又称闽语,是汉语七大方言中与民族共同语普通话差别最大、语言现象最复杂、内部分歧最大的一个方言。

    Abstract : Fujian dialect , also calls Min language , is Chinese seven calls the turn naturally with the common national language standard spoken Chinese difference is biggest , the language phenomenon to be most complex , an internal divergent biggest dialect .