
  • 网络northern dialect;Mandarin;heavily influenced by non-Han Chinese
北方话 [běi fāng huà]
  • [northern dialect] 汉语最大的一种方言。现代汉民族共同语的基础方言。以黄河流域为中心,分布于东北和长江流域中部及西南各省(包括四川、云南、贵州、湖南西北部和广西北部的方言),使用人数约占汉族全部人口的百分之七十以上,北方话内部一致性很强,根据部分分支,一般又分为北方、西北、西南、江淮等四个次方言

  1. 论文是一项关于北方话鼻韵尾变异的社会语言学研究。

    This thesis is a sociolinguistic study of Mandarin nasal variation .

  2. 北方话的语音语气能够表现出北方人的直爽豪迈。

    The intonation and tone of the northern dialect reflect the forthright character of northerners .

  3. 关于北方话词汇调查、整理、编纂的几个问题

    Some problems on investigation , arrangement and compilation of Chinese north dialects vocabularies

  4. 这个时期,还是汉语语体由文言转变为以北方话为基础的古白话,并逐步走向成熟的时期。

    In this period , Chinese language was developed and perfected richly , and the style of writing was transformed from Wen-yen to colloquialism and maturated gradually .

  5. 该书反映了近代汉语北方话的量词面貌,同时带有山东方言的地域特征,在汉语史上具有极高的研究价值。

    The book reflects the north modern Chinese language , but also with the geographical features of Shandong Province , so in Chinese history has a very high research value .

  6. 普通话以北京语音为标准音,以北方话为基础方言,以典范的现代白话文著作为语法规范。

    Voice as the standard pronunciation of Putonghua in Beijing , the northern dialect as the basis of dialect , to work as a model of the modern vernacular syntax specification .

  7. 如果要说不太好分辨,那是因为普通话是以北京语音为标准音,北方话为基础方言,以典范的现代白话文著作为语法规范的普通话。

    If it is not a good resolution , it is because Beijing is a voice for the Mandarin northern dialect words based to a model of modern Chinese grammar book for Putonghua norms .

  8. 普通话吸收了不少强势方言&北方话、粤语和吴方言的词语;4.某些原来废弃不用的老词语又恢复使用。

    And 3 . The standard Chinese ( Putonghua ) has also absorbed many words from some of its intensive dialects : Northern ( Beijing ), Yue ( Guangdong ) and Wu ( Shanghai ) .

  9. 他说:“拍摄这个地方时非常困难的,水很热,散发出大量的蒸汽,所以如果风不是从北方吹来的话,你就什么也看不见。”

    He said : It 's avery difficult place to photograph.The water is very hot and gives off a lot ofsteam so the wind has to blow from the north or you can 't see anything . '

  10. 然而,如果一个人在北方这样做的话,可能就会被别人嘲笑。

    However , one may be laughed at if he does this in the north .

  11. 他虽然是北方人,上海话讲得很好,可以使人家把他当上海人。

    Though he comes from the north , he speaks the Shanghai dialect well enough to pass for a native of Shanghai .

  12. 这时期,大量北方人民南迁进入吴地,他们带来的北方话与当地吴语接触,势必会相互影响和渗透,鉴於此,文章以魏晋南北朝时期的吴语为研究对象。

    During this period , a large number of people in the north migrate into the Wu area , the northern dialect which they speak comes into contact with Wu dialect and they must influence each other and penetration .