
  • 网络NAFTA;The North American Free Trade Agreement;North America Free Trade Agreement
  1. 更重要的是,由于北美自由贸易协议是比尔?克林顿签署的,奥巴马可以此归咎于克林顿之妻。

    More important , because NAFTA was signed by bill clinton , Mr Obama can blame his wife for it .

  2. 北美自由贸易协议包括货物贸易、贸易之技术壁垒、政府采购、投资和服务。

    The NAFTA agreement covers trade in goods , technical barriers to trade , government procurement , investment , and services .

  3. 北美自由贸易协议(NAFTA)是优惠贸易协议之一个例子。

    The North American Free Trade Agreement ( NAFTA ) is an example of a preferential trading arrangement .

  4. NAFTA,即北美自由贸易协议正式生效以来已经走过了20个年头,而这项协议为美国,墨西哥和加拿大带来了前所未有的经济合作,美墨间贸易呈现突飞猛进增长。

    In the 20 years since the North American Free Trade Agreement , or NAFTA , entered into force and set the stage for unprecedented economic cooperation between the United States , Mexico and Canada , trade between the United States and Mexico has grown by leaps and bounds .

  5. 北美自由贸易协议数据库的意图?

    Incentives for North American Free Trade Agreement database ?

  6. 环境合作委员会是北美自由贸易协议的一部分。

    This group was established as part of the North American Free Trade Agreement .

  7. 近来的民意调查显示,北美自由贸易协议之类的条约所获得的支持率正在下降。

    Recent polls show declining support for pacts such as the North American Free Trade Agreement .

  8. 克林顿总统支持北美自由贸易协议、但他同时对谈判关于环境和劳动标准问题的补充协议也感兴趣。

    President Clinton supports the North American Free Trade Agreement , but is interested in negotiating supplemental agreements on environmental issues and labor standards .

  9. 在这个问题上有进行地区合作的余地,至少在地区经济组织北美自由贸易协议中已展开了一些讨论。

    There may be room for regional cooperation , and at least some discussion has begun in the North American Free Trade Agreement , the regional economic organization .

  10. 奥巴马已经提出要重新研究与墨西哥和加拿大的北美自由贸易协议。这一立场在工人中深得人心,因为在美国几个以制造业为主的州里,工人失去了就业机会。

    Obama has proposed reworking the North American Free Trade Agreement with Mexico and Canada , a popular stand with workers who have lost their jobs in several industrialized states .

  11. 有望获得共和党候选人提名的亚利桑那州参议员麦凯恩最近说,北美自由贸易协议在美国创造了就业机会,而设置贸易壁垒将会是自取失败。

    The presumed Republican presidential nominee , Arizona Senator John McCain , recently said that NAFTA has created jobs in the United States , and that erecting trade barriers would be self-defeating .

  12. 布什总统说,在北美自由贸易协议生效以来的将近15年时间里,美国、加拿大和墨西哥之间的贸易总共增长了两倍多。

    In the nearly 15 years since the North American free trade agreement came into force , President Bush says trade between the United States , Canada and Mexico has increased by a combined total of more than 200 percent .

  13. 目前,欧盟已经扩大到27个国家,总人口超过5亿,超越北美自由贸易协议区,成为全球最大的贸易区。

    At present , the EU has expanded to involve 27 countries , with the total population of over 500 million . And it is larger than the North American Free Trade Agreement area becoming the largest trade zone in the world .