- 名North Island;【地名】【日本】Kitajima

In a week I had crossed between North and South Islands visiting some of the 31 properties that make up the Luxury Lodges of New Zealand .
North island has a mild climate , perennial grass .
What separates the North Island and the South island ?
It is made up of two large islands : North Island and South Island .
The technical characteristic and commercial application of North-Island highly efficient regenerative industrial furnaces are introduced .
Civet of Madagascar . Wellington , the capital city , lies on the North Island .
The North Island of New Zealand has the highest concentration of volcanoes in the world .
It has a population of just under a million people and is located on North Island .
North Island in New Zealand sports a balmy climate and the beaches to make use of it ;
New Zealand consists of two islands , the North and the South , and nine distinct growing regions .
Through poems of Yu Jian , Bei Dao and Wang Jia-xin to see the relation between poem and life
North Island brown kiwis are listed as endangered by the International Union of Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources .
Many young girls enjoy romantic misty poetry , a form of modern poetry represented by Bei Dao and Shu Ting .
The largest rivers in South Island is the clutha , and in the North Island is the Waikato and the wanganui .
The famous geyser in the world mainly in Iceland , Yellowstone National Park , and New Zealand 's North Island Taupo .
North Island is a secluded resort in the Seychelles , a small cluster of islands off the Eastern coast of Africa .
They brought dogs , rats and plants with them and settled mainly on the North Island where the weather was warmer .
The North Island is famous for an area of hot springs , some of which throw hot water high into the air .
Poets in the generation of Misty poetry , such as Bei Dao , Jianghe , Yang Lian , we had not talked much .
Taupo , in the north island , is considered the world 's skydiving capital , with the highest number of tandem jumps per year .
New Zealand is an important agricultural country , with cattle farming on the North island , while the hilly South Island has more sheep farms .
As fewer people live on South Island than on North island , those who crave solitude and pristine beaches will be amazed at their luck here .
This article attempts , based on careful perusal , to examine the change of style in Bei Dao 's poems with the poetic images as center .
The skepticism and criticism , which accounts for Bei Dao 's profundity , involve not only the relevant surrounding but also the division of men themselves .
The islands of England and Ireland in the Northern Hemisphere and the islands of North Island and South Island in the Southern Hemisphere are just such a coincidence .
Chinese literature in particular , placed in the context of this large , Bei Dao prose should not be viewed merely as a literary phenomenon and became a cultural phenomenon .
The audio texture for this piece is sourced from sonified data from a scientific weather station which measures the CO2 emissions from a mining site in the central North Island .
The team ventured to the southern tip of New Zealand 's North Island and poured explosive slurry into a series of 50-meter-deep ( 160 ft ) , steel-insulated bore holes .
" Reina " No.5 in eastern North Island of New Zealand waters near the rocks , cargo tie into the first half of the reef , half floating in the water .
A special feature of the north island is the central volcanic region with three still active volcanic peeks and internal activity featuring hot springs , geysers , and boiling mud pools .