
  • 网络Beijing Forum
  1. 北京论坛是以学术和文化为中心的世界级学术性论坛。

    Based on the strong cultural tradition in Beijing , Beijing Forum is a world-class academic forum on academics and culture .

  2. 这项调查的结果于上周日在北京大学主办的北京论坛上公布。

    The results were released on Sunday at the Beijing Forum , organized by Peking University .

  3. 参会记者凭请柬进山东人在北京论坛正门。

    Participants by invitation only press China into the main forum in Beijing .

  4. 北京论坛是经国务院和教育部批准,由北京大学和北京市教育委员会联合主办的国际性学术会议。

    Forum in Peking is through State Department and the Ministry of Education approval , international academic meeting sponsor by the University of Peking and education board consociation in Peking City .

  5. 世界卫生组织驻华办事处负责人贝汉卫昨天在北京论坛上表示,他不认为禽流感会在中国传染给大批人。

    Henk Bekedam , head of the WHO 's Chinese office , said yesterday ( 17 November ) that he does not expect bird flu to infect a large number of people in China .

  6. 交流合作共图发展&2005中国家居业总裁(北京)论坛综述

    Review of President Forum 2005 in China 's Furnishing Industry

  7. 在北京铁路论坛上被评为优秀作品。

    BE review for the excellent work on the railroad forum of Peking .

  8. 中国离现代化到底有多远?&2000北京经济论坛记

    How FAR is CHINA FROM MODERNIZATION IN THE FINAL ANALYSIS ? & An account of Beijing Economic Forum 2000

  9. 11月15日,俞理应参加在北京的论坛会,但是论坛组织者称自从11月14号就与俞失去了联系。

    Yu was to attend a forum in Beijing on November 15 , but the event 's organizer said he had not been able to get in touch with Yu since November 14 .

  10. 北京国际金融论坛:十大关注点

    BIFF : Beijing International Financial Forum : ten significant focuses

  11. 奥运:创意产业的最大机遇&第四届北京奥运国际论坛撷萃

    Olympic : The biggest opportunity of Creation Industry

  12. 东非北京会议后论坛

    East African Post-Beijing Forum

  13. 北京召开的开发者论坛会议上,Intel首次公开展示了新Atom处理器Moorestown的样本。

    Intel at its Developer Forum in Beijing today demonstrated the first public example of Moorestown , its next major update to the Atom processor .

  14. 今年3月,国际货币基金组织(IMF)总裁拉加德(ChristineLagarde)在北京的一个论坛上说,未来几年中国要采取更多措施应对人口迅速老龄化的问题。

    In March , Christine Lagarde , the managing director of the International Monetary Fund , said at a forum in Beijing that the country needs to take more steps to cope with a rapidly aging population in the years ahead .

  15. 2005北京·中国交通论坛宣言

    Announcement on 2005 Beijing · Advanced Forum for China Transport

  16. “北京国际民间友好论坛”在北京开幕。

    Beijing kicks off people-to-people exchange forum .

  17. 中国交通问题的政策走向在2005北京·中国交通论坛上的发言

    Trend of China Transport Policy Development Speaking on 2005 Beijing · Advanced Forum for China Transport

  18. 外交部副部长张业遂在北京出席世界和平论坛时发表以上讲话。

    Vice foreign minister Zhang Yesui has made the comments as part of a World Peace Forum here in Beijing .

  19. 加强首都公共交通建设促进首都公共交通事业发展在2005北京·中国交通论坛上的发言

    Strengthening the Construction of Beijing Public Transport Systems to Promote the Development of Public Transport Industry Speaking on 2005 Beijing · Advanced Forum for China Transport

  20. 洪秀柱早前表示,北京举办的这个论坛能够帮助台湾人民找到出路,而国民党有责任引导民意。

    Earlier , Hung said the forum in Beijing would help Taiwan people seek a way out , and that it is the KMT 's responsibility to guide public opinion .

  21. 在今年的北京国际电影节论坛上,博纳影业集团有限公司总裁于冬表示,中国电影的海外推广无外乎三个阶段。

    At a Beijing International Film Festival forum , CEO of Bona Film Group Ltd Yu Dong maps out three stages that Chinese films have to take to launch a global entry .

  22. 前不久,在北京召开的北京国际金融论坛(BIFF),引人关注。

    Several weeks ago , the attractive Beijing International Financial Forum ( BIFF ) was held in Beijing .

  23. 伦敦奥运会期间,中方已举办北京文化周、第四届北京奥运城市发展论坛等多场推广中国文化和介绍北京城市发展的活动。

    During the Games , we have held Beijing Culture Week , the seminar on the development of Olympic cities and many other activities to spread Chinese culture and introduce the latest achievements of Beijing .