
  1. 学科发展与专业资料室服务&以北京大学经济学院资料室为例

    On the Services of Special Library for Subject Development

  2. 北京大学经济学院教授王岳生认为最主要的问题不是价格问题而是制定政策的方法。

    Professor Wang Yuesheng from Peking University 's School of Economics explained that the principal problem was the policy-making methodology more than the price itself .

  3. 公共交通运营补贴:北京交通大学经济管理学院,交通经济的理论、政策和工业经济的相关发展2007学术研讨会,北京

    Operating subsidies in public transport ; Beijing Jiaotong University , School of Economics and Management

  4. 北京林业大学经济管理学院副院长王立群说其中一些建议措施已经提上了政策议程。

    Wang Liqun , deputy dean at the School of Economic Management at Beijing Forestry University , says some of the recommended measures are already on the policy agenda .