
  • 网络The Northern Mariana Islands;CNMI;Tinian
  1. 还有几排北马里亚纳群岛的毛衣,它们的标签非常有礼节性,标明那是美国的领地。

    There are racks of sweaters from the Northern Marianas Islands whose labels politely inform you that it is a United States territory .

  2. 还有,当然,美国的确有使用日光节约时间,除非你住在波多黎各、维京群岛、美属萨摩亚、关岛、北马里亚纳群岛,或是先前提过的,夏威夷和亚利桑那州。

    And , of course , the United States does have Daylight Saving Time , unless you live in Puerto Rico , the Virgin Islands , American Samoa , Guam , the Northern Marianas Islands or as mentioned before , Hawaii and Arizona .