
  • 网络demographic bonus;Population dividend;The demographic dividend
  1. 印度许多经济评论员认为,虽然深化结构改革再好不过,但凭借“人口红利”(demographicdividend),要维持8%或更高的增长速度也是能做到的。

    Many Indian economic commentators say that further structural reforms , though desirable , are not essential to keep the economy growing at8 % or more because of the " demographic dividend " .

  2. 这说明随着地区经济发展,当FDI和外包达到一定水平时,只有制度红利能进一步促进其发展,而像人口红利和基础设施等硬实力的作用已经变得十分微弱。

    This shows that with the regional economic development , FDI and outsourcing have reached a certain level , only " bonus system " works , and the role of " hard power " like the " demographic dividend " and infrastructure has become very weak .

  3. 但这种“人口红利”(demographicdividend)的时间有限,因为在整个亚洲地区,0至15岁儿童以及15至24岁年轻人所占比例在不断下降。

    But the life of this " demographic dividend " would be limited with the proportion of children aged 0 to 15 and youth aged 15 to 24 declining across the whole of the region .

  4. 浅析中国人口红利及其兑现途径

    Brief Analysis of Chinese Demographic Dividend and Its Cashing Approach

  5. 二元经济结构下的人口红利及其实现

    Demographic Dividend under the Dual Structure of Economy in China

  6. 经济学家称这是一个所谓人口红利的机会。

    Economists say this is a chance for a so-called demographic dividend .

  7. 基于人口红利、汇率的房地产价格研究

    Real Estate Prices Analysis Based on Demographic Bonus and RMB Exchange Rate

  8. 浅析人口红利对经济增长的影响

    On the effect of the population bonus to economic growth

  9. 但人口红利并非可持续。

    However , there is no consistent population dividend .

  10. 中国人口红利和人口负债的特色与应对策略

    On the Characteristics of China 's Demographic Dividend and Liabilities and the Countermeasures

  11. 西部地区人口红利效应与区域增长差距

    Population Bonus of Western China and Regional Growth Disparity

  12. 人口红利并不会自动产生经济增长。

    A demographic dividend does not automatically generate growth .

  13. 人口红利与人口负债:数量界定、经验观察与理论思考

    Demographic Bonus and Demographic Debt : Quantitative Delimitation , Empirical Observation and Theoretical Thinking

  14. 同时分析了中国人口红利发展的现状。

    At the same time , analyzing the current situation of Chinese demographic dividend .

  15. 人口红利效应与中国经济增长

    Population dividend effects and China 's economic growth

  16. 人口红利对经济增长的影响作用,已引起众多学者的讨论。

    Many scholar have discussed the effect of the population bonus to economic growth .

  17. 直辖市间做了要素贡献率和收获人口红利的对比分析。

    Contribution made between the municipality and harvest the demographic dividend rate comparison analysis .

  18. 一些印度人也担心,印度可能会浪费自己的人口红利。

    Some Indians , too , fear their country could fritter away its democratic dividend .

  19. 世界整体在2010年之前收获了40年的人口红利。

    The world as a whole reaped a demographic dividend in the 40 years to 2010 .

  20. 第五章分析了低生育水平下人口红利与经济增长的可持续性。

    Chapter ⅴ analyzes the demographic dividend under the low fertility level and sustainability of economic growth .

  21. 更糟的是,目前距离改过人口红利耗尽只有10到15年的时间。

    Worse , it only has a 10 to 15-year window before its demographic dividend plays out .

  22. 经济增长中的人口红利探索&兼论绿色人口红利调整模型

    Exploring Demographic Bonus in Economic Growth & Also on the " Green Demographic Bonus " Adjustment Model

  23. 积极利用人口红利,开发各种人力资源,特别是老年人力资源。

    Positively uses the demographic bonus , develops each kind of human resources , especially the elderly resources .

  24. 本文首先介绍了人口红利的概念、基本特征以及实现条件。

    First , This paper introduces the concept of population dividend , basic characteristics and conditions of realizing .

  25. 同时,外来劳动力也逐渐成为推动珠三角经济和社会发展的主要动力,这也正是我国人口红利在珠三角地区的具体体现。

    Migrant labors become the main driving force to promote the socio-economic development of the Pearl River Delta .

  26. 中国人口红利消失的拐点已在2012年出现,将对经济增长产生显著影响。

    China 's demographic dividend has been disappearing since 2012 , which will have significant impact on economic growth .

  27. 最后,针对重庆的实际,阐述了充分收获人口红利的相关对策和建议。

    Finally , the actual Chongqing , described fully reap the demographic dividend of the related countermeasures and suggestions .

  28. 高生育率的下降可以带来人口红利:一大批劳动人口。

    As fertility falls from high levels , it brings a demographic dividend : a bulge of working-age adults .

  29. 负责输送这种创新能力的高等教育将会释放出印度人口红利的潜力。

    Higher education that channels this capacity for innovation will unleash the latent potential of India 's demographic dividend .

  30. 亚洲享受了始于三十年前“人口红利”,现已至尾声。

    Asia enjoyed such a " demographic dividend " , which began three decades ago and is now tailing off .