
  • flip-flop;havaianas
  1. 二十年前,有免税产品、定期刊物塑料人字拖的经销商就已经足够了,英国零售咨询公司(VerdictResearch)尼尔•桑德斯(NeilSaunders)表示。

    Twenty years ago it was enough to have duty free , a newsagent and flip-flops , says Neil Saunders of retail analysts Verdict Research .

  2. 据MSN5月8日报道,就在飞机将起飞前,这位30多岁、穿人字拖、带红色行李包的金发女士叫来空乘人员,说她感到身体不舒服。之后她又给空乘人员传了一张纸条。

    Before the plane got off the runway , the 30-something blond-haired woman wearing flip-flops and carrying a red duffle bag called the flight attendant over to her and said was sick . She then handed the attendant a note , reports MSN News on May 8 .

  3. 当地人的品味反映在诸如Back40Mercantile这样的小店里,比如喜马拉雅粉红岩盐,和价格64美元(约合人民币393元)的人字拖。

    Local tastes are reflected in the wares at Back 40 Mercantile like Himalayan pink salt and $ 64 flip-flops .

  4. 但是,按照伦敦制鞋专家约翰洛旭庭(johnrushton)的观点,有一样东西是政治家们在度假时不能碰的,那就是人字拖。

    According to London shoe specialist John Rushton , there is , however , one item that has no acceptable permutation for politicians on holiday : flip-flops .

  5. 演员兼模特ClaraPaget出席哈瓦那人字拖新系列凉鞋的2011新品发布会时,穿着一条很帅气的格纹短裤,搭配黑色瘦腰带。

    Actress and model Clara Paget wears cool plaid shorts with a black skinny belt to the launch of Havaianas'new line of Wellies in2011 .

  6. Theflip-flopsthatgiveyoushapelylegs如果你还没有穿过FitFlops人字拖,那得尽快加入千人大军,买一双今年夏天的必备鞋!

    If you 're not already pounding the streets with a pair of FitFlops , you 'll have to join the thousands in the queue for this summer'smust-havefootwear .

  7. 男女主持会被提醒记住这些规则。好了,这下清楚了,媒体放映场没有任何着装要求:着装邋遢的记者们可穿着人字拖与运动鞋随意踏上皇宫广场(Palais)的阶梯。

    Perhaps wisely , press screenings are exempt from any dress code : scruffy journalists are free to ascend the Palais ' steps in flip flops and trainers .

  8. FitFlops人字拖的设计灵感来源于“极乐”健康水疗公司的创建者玛西娅·基尔戈,她想开发一种MBT(马赛赤足科技)健体鞋的夏季替代鞋。

    The idea for the FitFlops came from Marcia Kilgore , founder of health spa company Bliss Spas . She wanted a summer alternative to MBT ( Masai Barefoot Technology ) , shoes .

  9. 好了,这下清楚了,媒体放映场没有任何着装要求:着装邋遢的记者们可穿着人字拖与运动鞋随意踏上皇宫广场(Palais)的阶梯。

    Well , that cleared that up . Perhaps wisely , press screenings are exempt from any dress code : scruffy journalists are free to ascend the Palais ' steps in flip flops and trainers .

  10. 如果你还没有穿过FitFlops人字拖,那得尽快加入千人大军,买一双今年夏天的必备鞋!

    If you 're not already pounding the streets with a pair of FitFlops , you 'll have to join the thousands in the queue for this summer 's must-have footwear .

  11. 被称为“FitFlops”的创新型人字拖主要是通过每走一步使腿部肌肉得到更多锻炼,从而使腿部线条变得更加匀称优美。

    The innovative flip flops , dubbed ' FitFlops ' , are designed to help tone and trim your legs by engaging muscles for a longer period of time with each step .

  12. 伦敦的“王之路”运动俱乐部是第一批销售FitFlops人字拖商店的其中一家,头三天就卖出了700多双。

    The King 's Road Sporting Club ( KRSC ) in London , which was one of the first stores to stock FitFlops , sold more than 700 pairs in the first three days .

  13. Bogdanov表示,巴西物价特别贵,但是也有一些会比欧洲便宜一点。他向大家推荐了巴西著名的橡胶人字拖,在海外卖24美元,但是在巴西只有8美元。

    Some things are way overpriced but some others are cheap compared to Europe , Bogdanov said , recommending that tourists splurge on Brazil 's famous rubber flip-flops , which can retail for $ 24 overseas but cost as little as $ 8 here .

  14. 比如,你按价格挑选女鞋时,最便宜的商品有6.99美元一双的人字拖和8.99美元一双的仿皮坡跟鞋,而荷兰设计师品牌IljaVisser一双最贵的鞋则要卖到3000美元以上。

    When you sort women 's shoes by price , for example , some of the cheapest items include $ 6.99 flip flops and $ 8.99 faux suede wedges . On the other hand , the most expensive pair by Dutch designer Ilja Visser costs more than $ 3000 .

  15. 初衷:发誓从此不再穿人字拖。

    Intention : Promise to never wear flip-flops again .

  16. 新建议:把你的人字拖扔进垃圾桶。

    New Suggestion : Throw away your flip-flops .

  17. 老妈裤和厚底人字拖还舒服呢

    So are mom jeans and platform flip-flops .

  18. 但是他们都穿人字拖这个我不太喜欢

    But they wear flip-flops , I don 't know if i like that .

  19. 人字拖?这么有钱?

    Where 's the money from ?

  20. 现在他穿着人字拖。

    Now he wears flip flops .

  21. 正因如此,泰国海滩上的那些人字拖才会有那么大的价格差距。

    That is why the prices of those flip-flop sandals are so different on that beach in Thailand .

  22. 如果比较时尚,人字拖也可以,但是如果是普通胶质的,还是留在游泳池穿吧。

    Flip-flops may be okay if they 're stylish , but save the generic rubber ones for the pool .

  23. 实际上,我感觉穿T恤,牛仔短裤和人字拖会更加舒服一点。

    In fact , I 'd feel more comfortable in a T-shirt , cut-offs , and flip - flops .

  24. 一些人嘲弄说,应该把这个小册子转发给所有穿着运动裤和人字拖来北京的外国人。

    Some quipped that someone should forward the memo to all the foreigners arriving in sweat pants and flip flops .

  25. 乍一看,这些学生身上完全没有共同点:本科生踢拉着人字拖,穿着鼻环;研究生则衣着正式如同正准备参加面试。

    They appeared to have little in common : undergraduates in flip-flops and nose rings , graduate students in interview-ready attire .

  26. 除非你是去面试摇滚乐队主唱,不然面试就别穿人字拖或运动鞋。

    Do not wear flip-flops or sneakers , unless you are interviewing to be a lead singer for a rock band .

  27. 楼下,一位妇女趿着人字拖,手里提着个黑色尿壶,身旁的一个男孩子只穿了底裤。

    A woman in plastic flip-flops carried a black bucket filled with urine downstairs , accompanied by a young boy wearing only underwear .

  28. 据《每日邮报》报道,英国国家健康中心每年花费大约4千万英镑用于治疗因穿人字拖而引起的伤病;

    The UK 's National Health Service spends £ 40 million a year treating injuries caused by wearing flip-flops , the Daily Mail reported .

  29. 22岁的江东新(音译)穿着人字拖蹲在首都师范大学的人行道上,正在和另一位学生就一本二手教材讨价还价。

    Crouching on the sidewalk of Capital Normal University , Jiang Dongxin , in flip-flops , is bargaining with another student over a secondhand textbook .

  30. 一项最新研究显示,度假行李中的必备物品根本不是人字拖和防晒霜,而是咖啡和番茄酱。

    Forget flip flops and sun tan lotion , it 's coffee and ketchup that holidaymakers consider their packing essentials , according to a new study .