
  • 网络The People's Democratic Party;Peoples Democratic Party
  1. 比洛尔是人民民主党(简称ANP)的领袖,他曾经公开批评塔利班。

    He was a leader in the Awami National Party or ANP and was a vocal critic of the Taliban .

  2. 塔利班与现在由人民民主党统治的省政府,缔结了和平协定。

    A peace deal had been struck between the Taliban and the provincial government , which was now under the control of the ANP , not the mullahs .

  3. 紧接着,2009年12月1日,发生了一起针对当地相当知名的人民民主党政治家,同时也是开伯尔-普什图省代表大会的成员沙姆谢尔·阿里·汗医生的自杀式攻击事件。

    Then on 1 December 2009 there was a suicide attack on a well-known local ANP politician and member of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa assembly , Dr Shamsher Ali Khan .