
rén wén
  • cultural activities in human society
  • human culture
人文 [rén wén]
  • [human culture] 指人类社会的各种文化现象

  1. 历史、文学和语言学属于人文学科。

    History , literature and linguistics are among the arts .

  2. 明清时期,徽州考中的进士数量之多,为他郡所不及,这是徽州区域一个较为突出的人文现象。

    During the Ming and Qing dynasties , huizhou exceeded other regions in its number of jinshi , which was an outstanding cultural feature of huizhou .

  3. 我们依旧需要人文关怀或是人际交往,尤其当人们抑郁的时候。

    " We do still need the human touch or the human interaction , particularly when people are depressed . "

  4. 一体化大市场、金融大流通、互联互通以及人文大交流

    market inter-linkages , financial integration connectivity as well as people-to-people contacts

  5. 当选为英国人文社会科学院的院士

    to be elected to fellowship of the British Academy

  6. 中澳人文交流蓬勃发展,友好情谊不断加深。

    China and Australia have engaged in vibrant people-to-people exchanges and deepened bilateral friendship .

  7. 在新的历史条件下,“创业创新创优”的三创精神是新时期江苏人文精神的升华

    Presently , entrepreneurship , innovation and excellence-creating are the sublimation of the spirit .

  8. 我们称之为“粉丝圈”。粉丝圈可以围绕任何一个领域的人文兴趣或活动成长。

    A fandom can grow up centered around any area of human interest or activity .

  9. 我们要鼓励民间交流,巩固人文纽带。

    We need to encourage people-to-people exchanges to reinforce the cultural bond between our people .

  10. 人文精神具体应该包括真、善、美、自由四个向度。

    It argues that the Humanity SpirIt'should involve Truth , Goodness , Aesthete and Freedom .

  11. 努力开创人文交流新局面。中新两国政府要为扩大人民往来创造更多便利条件。

    Open new horizons for cultural and people-to-people exchanges.Governments of the two countries should create conditions to facilitate more people-to-people exchanges .

  12. 成员国遵循“上海精神”,加强政治、经济、安全、人文等领域合作,树立了相互尊重、公平正义、合作共赢的新型国际关系典范。

    Committed to the Shanghai Spirit , SCO members have enhanced cooperation in the political , economic , security , people-to-people and cultural fields ,

  13. 教育引导学生树立高远志向,历练敢于担当、不懈奋斗的精神。教育引导学生培养综合能力,培养创新思维。帮助学生在体育锻炼中享受乐趣,提高学生审美和人文素养,在学生中弘扬劳动精神。

    Efforts should be made to educate and guide the students to set their sights high , foster their sense of responsibility , striving spirit , comprehensive capability taste and hard-working spirit .

  14. 要倡导尊重自然、爱护自然的绿色价值观念,让天蓝地绿水清深入人心,形成深刻的人文情怀。

    We need to advocate the value of green development that reveres and cares for nature so that blue skies , green fields and clear waters will be a vision cherished by all .

  15. WTO与人文教育

    WTO and the Education of Humanities

  16. 被《卫报》称为卡夫卡最好的书之一,这本小说详细描述了无名主人公(K)同云雾缭绕的城堡展开的不朽的斗争,体现了不灭的人文精神。

    Hailed as one of the best books of Kafka by the Guardian , this novel details the unquenchable human spirit of the unnamed protagonist ( K ) in his monumental struggle against the mist-enveloped Castle .

  17. 分析哲学是有其人文和社会的兴趣与关怀的。

    Analytic philosophy has its humanistic and social interest and care .

  18. 社会的人文关怀与社会的和谐稳定

    On the Social Humanistic Care and the Social Unity and Stability

  19. 改进教育方法,培养学生人文素质;

    Improve the educational method , train student 's humane quality ;

  20. 建构体育社会环境,树立体育人文观;

    Forming sports social environment and setting up sports humanity viewpoint ;

  21. 加强人文艺术教育培养高素质护理人才

    Strengthening social & art education to cultivate high quality nursing talents

  22. 突出自然风景与人文景观协调和谐的园林化特点;

    Stress natural scenery and humanity landscape coordinative harmonious garden characteristic ;

  23. 医学模式的人文回归与医学人文素质教育

    Humanistic regression of medical mode and humanistic quality in medical education

  24. 高职教育不能忽视人文素质的培养

    No Neglect of Cultivation of Humanistic Quality in Advanced Vocational Education

  25. (四)、数学教育的人文之美。

    The function of humanism education in the teaching of maths .

  26. 科学与人文对建筑美的影响

    The influence of science and humanity on the beauty of architecture

  27. 新经济与人文精神具有紧密的内在联系。

    The new economy and humanities spirit has the close inside contact .

  28. 采取各种措施提高学生的人文素质;

    Take various measures to improve the students humanity quality ;

  29. 社会新闻,本地商务文化活动,人文信息。

    Social events , local business culture activities and people .

  30. 景观资源包括自然景观资源和人文景观资源。

    Landscape resources consist of natural landscape resource and humane landscape resource .