
shǒu nǎo
  • head;chief;head of government
首脑 [shǒu nǎo]
  • [chief;head of government] 领袖人物,凡团体、机关等的领导、指挥人物皆可称为首脑

  • 政府首脑

首脑[shǒu nǎo]
  1. 在向民主过渡的时期他将依然是国家首脑。

    He will remain head of state during the period of transition to democracy .

  2. 他是名义上的首脑,不过偶尔签字批准法律法规。

    He is titular head , and merely signs laws occasionally .

  3. 首相与其他欧洲首脑举行会谈。

    The Prime Minister met other European leaders for talks .

  4. 官员们正在为世界首脑峰会做准备工作。

    Officials are laying the groundwork for a summit conference of world leaders .

  5. 她3月份宣誓就任过渡政府首脑。

    She was sworn in as head of an interim government in March .

  6. 世界各国首脑预计会签署一份承诺加强环境保护的协定。

    World leaders are expected to sign a treaty pledging to increase environmental protection

  7. 来自100多个国家的政府首脑明日将齐聚日内瓦。

    Heads of government from more than 100 countries gather in Geneva tomorrow .

  8. 世界各国的王室成员和政府首脑齐聚日本。

    Royalty and government leaders from all around the world are gathering in Japan .

  9. 昨天,政府首脑要求起诉那些该为这些人的死负责的人。

    Yesterday the head of government called for the prosecution of those responsible for the deaths .

  10. 该报道的作者马丁·帕里宣称是世界各国的首脑采取一致行动的时候了。

    Martin Parry , author of the report , says it 's time for concerted action by world leaders .

  11. 如果新首脑产生了,女王就会邀请他组建政府。

    If a new leader emerged , it would then be for the Queen to invite him to form a government

  12. 美国总统是政府的行政首脑。

    The President of the United States is the executive head of the government .

  13. 那个国家的军事首脑们关闭了进一步和平谈判的大门。

    That country 's military leaders have shut the door on any further peace talks .

  14. 他们试图把他从公司首脑的位置上挤走。

    They 're trying to lever him out of his job as head of the firm .

  15. 尊敬的各位元首、政府首脑、议长、国际组织负责人、部长,博鳌亚洲论坛理事会各位成员,各位来宾,女士们,先生们,朋友们。

    Your Excellencies , Heads of State and Government , Speakers of Parliament , Heads of International Organizations , Ministers , Members of the Board of Directors of the Boao Forum for Asia , Distinguished Guests , Ladies and Gentlemen , Dear Friends ,

  16. 包括美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)在内的100多位国家和政府首脑将在大会最后一天(12月18日)到场。

    More than 100 heads of state and government , including Barack Obama , US president , are due to attend the final day of the conference on December 18 .

  17. 另外,其它g20国家政府首脑下周在韩国应该发挥的作用是,推动达成必要的协定。

    Meanwhile , the role of the other heads of governments of the G20 , in Korea next week , is to promote the necessary agreement .

  18. 2008年,在全球金融体系濒临崩溃之际,时任美国总统乔治布什(GeorgeWBush)将G20会议提升至政府首脑级别。

    The G20 was elevated to a heads of government meeting in 2008 by the then US President George W. Bush when the global financial system seemed to face imminent meltdown .

  19. 虽然他们扩张安全领域,上海合作组织(SCO)首脑们否认任何的意图产生北约的一个欧亚版本。

    Notwithstanding their expanding security activities , Shanghai Co-operation Organisation ( SCO ) leaders deny any intention to create a Eurasian version of Nato .

  20. 政治活动家兼谷歌中东市场经理WaelGhonim在Facebook网站发帖,是关于埃及军方首脑和年轻代表间的会议的。

    Activist and Google executive Wael Ghonim has posted notes on Facebook from a meeting between military chiefs and youth representatives .

  21. 去年11月份华盛顿20国集团(g20)会议闭幕后约48小时,所有政府首脑均签名支持的反保护主义承诺就遭遇了第一次冲击。

    It took about 48 hours after the G20 meeting in Washington last November for the first holes to be punched in the anti-protectionism pledge to which all heads of government signed up .

  22. 另外一名名叫RichardRego的用户表示,这次事件是“世界上最大的民主国家的最高首脑开的最大的国际玩笑。”

    Another user - Richard Rego - said it was " the biggest international joke from someone occupying the biggest chair in the biggest democracy . "

  23. 亚欧会议(ASEM)诞生于1996年,迄今为止共召开了五届首脑会议,在学术界属于较新的研究领域。

    Asia-Europe Meeting ( ASEM ) was born in 1996 and has held five skull sessions . The research of ASEM is new in academia .

  24. ONE2ONE买家首脑会议是由励展博览集团的生产和管理的活动组合的一部分。

    The ONE2ONE Buyers Summits are a part of the portfolio of events produced and managed by Reed Exhibitions .

  25. 巴罗佐是在北京参加为期两天的43国亚欧首脑会议(Asia-EuropeMeeting)前夕发表这席讲话的。亚欧首脑会议以往几乎没有任何成效,但今年由于金融危机持续而被赋予相当大的重要性。

    He was speaking ahead of a two-day summit in Beijing of the 43-nation Asia-Europe Meeting , a dialogue that has yielded few results in the past but which has taken on considerable importance this year because of the continuing crisis .

  26. 另外,在秘鲁出席亚太经合组织(apec)会议的政府首脑们发表了联合声明,要求各国部长到日内瓦碰面,重启多哈回合谈判,并表示他们期待谈判能获得“平衡且具有雄心”的结果。

    Separately , heads of government at the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation meeting in Peru issued a statement directing ministers to meet in Geneva to revive the Doha round , saying they expected an " ambitious and balanced " result .

  27. 此行的目的地是克罗地亚,在那里来自ATT贝彻尔及其它十家公司的首脑将要求政府官员在战后前南斯拉夫的重建中发挥更大作用。

    The destination was Croatia , where executives from ATT , Bechtel and10 other firms would press government officials for a larger role in the postwar reconstruction of the former Yugoslavia .

  28. 在一份长达66页的报告中,各国部长一致认为,反思全球经济和金融体系的框架至关重要。该报告预计将由下周出席意大利G8峰会的各国首脑签署认可。

    In a 66-page report expected to be endorsed by heads of government at next week 's G8 summit in Italy , ministers agree a rethinking of the framework of the global economic and financial system is critical .

  29. 美丽的烟花在夜空绽放,以欢迎利比亚临时政府首脑MustafaAbdulJalil至利比亚首都新命名的烈士广场。

    It was fireworks , popping in starbursts , to welcome Mustafa Abdul Jalil , head of Libya 's interim government , to the Libyan capital 's freshly renamed Martyrs'Square .

  30. 在即将于4月2日在伦敦举行的G-20国首脑会议上,我们需要探讨如何在银行的监管问题上,在国际间同各国更好地合作。

    And at the G-20 summit coming up in London on the2nd of April , we need to be looking at how we do a better job internationally with countries cooperating on regulating the banks .