
shǒu shì hé
  • Jewelry box;jewel case
  1. 兹收到理查德夫人交来首饰盒一只,据称内装首饰,谨代保存,此据。

    Received from Mrs. Richard for safe custody the following : one jewel case , said to contain ornaments .

  2. 这枚钻石戒指配有天鹅绒衬里的织锦缎首饰盒儿会显得更加精美。

    The diamond ring looks more exquisite and elegant when it comes with this beautiful brocade jewel case lined with velvet .

  3. 在霍华德街(HowardStreet)的MicheleVarian商店,诺维克挑选了一只带有胡桃木盒盖的混凝土质地首饰盒,这件物品“很有都市感”,她说,非常出色地“混搭了冷峻的混凝土与温暖的木料。”

    At Michele Varian 's shop on Howard Street , Ms. Novick picked out a concrete box with a walnut top that had a " very urban feel , " she said , and was a nice " juxtaposition of cool concrete and warm wood . "

  4. 这个漂亮的首饰盒是她以前的男朋友送给她的

    The pretty casket was given to her by her former boyfriend

  5. 在我的首饰盒最上层的抽屉里

    That 's in the top tray in my jewelry box .

  6. 梁姬罐不是礼器,应是盛放珠宝的首饰盒。

    Liangji jar is the jewel case instead of the ritual vessel .

  7. 精美的木制首饰盒,由二层抽屉并带有一面椭圆镜子。

    An exquisite Chinese wooden dressing case with a mirror .

  8. 一个首饰盒,里面有一条金项链。

    A jewelry box with a gold necklace in it .

  9. 请把那个首饰盒给我看看好吗?

    Would you show me that jewelry box over there ?

  10. 如果这是你,你的眼睛被一首饰盒!

    If this is you , your eyes put a box jewelry !

  11. 我朋友给了我一个镀金的首饰盒。

    My friend gave me a gilt jewelry box .

  12. 特别的创意戒指,为你的首饰盒增色不少!

    Unusual and creative rings that will spice up anyone 's jewelry collection .

  13. 黑漆、红漆彩画音乐首饰盒

    Black lacquer / red lacquer jewellery box with music , in painted designs

  14. 这骨灰盒啊,我一直以为是首饰盒了。

    This casket ah , I always thought it was a jewelry box .

  15. 小小鸡蛋壳,变身首饰盒!

    Little egg shells , turned jewelry box !

  16. 你的首饰盒你的指纹刀也是在你公寓里找到的

    It was your jewelry box , your fingerprints , knife in your apartment .

  17. 我在我妈首饰盒的夹层里找到了这张照片

    I found this hidden in the lining of my mother 's jewelry box .

  18. 她有两个漂亮的首饰盒。

    She has two beautiful caskets .

  19. 黑漆彩画首饰盒和黑漆嵌青田石首饰盒

    Black lacquer jewellery box in painted designs and black lacquer jewelry box inlaid with carved soapstone

  20. 一个蓝色天鹅绒的首饰盒映入眼帘。

    A blue-velvet jewel box appeared .

  21. 为了不损坏包装纸,她小心翼翼地把它拆开,一个蓝色天鹅绒的首饰盒映入眼帘。

    She unwrapped it carefully , to save the paper . A blue-velvet jewel box appeared .

  22. 胡安妮塔:罗西姑妈很穷,但每次她来,你都把首饰盒藏起来。

    Juanita : Aunt Rosie 's poor , and you always hide your box when she comes over .

  23. 作为一个很好的方式开始了在新的一年,为什么不清理你的首饰盒?

    As a nice way to start out the New Year , why not clean up your jewelry box ?

  24. 这个包装盒跟262完全不同,从一个首饰盒一样的盒子里打开,取出一个旗舰耳塞挺有趣的。

    The presentation box is identical to the RE-262.The jewellery box adds to the drama of opening a flagship product .

  25. 这些首饰盒感觉像是可移动的雕塑作品,那么美轮美奂,让你想把它们都展示出来。

    These feel like movable sculptures and are such objects of beauty that you want to have them on display .

  26. 始终把你的首饰盒单独的车厢它,以避免与其他石头或宝石接触。

    Always put it in separate compartment of your jewelry box , to avoid contact with other stones or gems .

  27. 在家时,始终使用您的首饰盒,你可以找到你的耳环,快捷方便。

    When at home , by always using your jewelry box , you can find your earrings quickly and easily .

  28. 我现在正看着我们的结婚照片,总是放在妆台上的那张,就在你的首饰盒旁。

    I 'm looking at our wedding photo now , the one on our dressing table , next to your jewellery box .

  29. 我现在正看着我们的结婚照片,总是放在我们妆台上的那张,就在你的首饰盒旁。

    I 'm looking at our wedding photo now , the one on our dressing table , next to your jewelry box .

  30. 精工妙品工艺音乐首饰盒,赠给心上人的最佳选择。

    The elegant musical jewel case , a wonderful article made with clever workmanship , is the best present for your sweet heart .