
  • 网络Capital Circle;capital area;capital region;National Capital Region;capital territory
  1. 应用远震有限频率层析成像反演首都圈上地幔速度结构动态GPS中对流层天顶延迟解算精度分析及实时水汽反演探讨

    Upper Mantle Structure Beneath the Chinese Capital Region from Teleseismic Finite-frequency Tomography The Precision Analysis of Troposphere Zenith Delay Resolution in Kinematic GPS and the Discussion of Real Time Water Vapor Inversion

  2. 首都圈遥测台网卫星传输台站数据流与传递函数

    Data stream and transfer function of Capital region digital telemetry seismic network

  3. 首都圈地区地壳P波和S波三维速度结构及其与大地震的关系

    3-D P and S wave velocity structures and their relationship to strong earthquakes in the Chinese capital region

  4. 首都圈GPS地形变监测网的布设与观测

    Distribution and survey of GPS network for Monitoring Crustal Deformation in North China

  5. 地磁差值年变率δF方法4年来已用于首都圈1年尺度地震趋势判断。

    Its method is applied to annual judgement of earthquake trend for four years .

  6. 本文给出了用首都圈GPS地形变监测网1995~1996年椭球面上的位移求得的应变量。

    Strain patterns are obtained from displacements in the GPS network for crustal deformation observation in Beijing area .

  7. 首都圈遥测地震台网所采用的SEED格式及ASCII码格式的转换程序

    The SEED format used in telemetered seismic network of Capital Area and the transform program for ASCII code

  8. 介绍了首都圈GPS地形变监测网的布设情况和提高观测精度的技术措施。

    The distribution of survey points of the GPS network for monitoring crustal deformation in North China and the measures for improving survey accuracy are described .

  9. 首都圈GPS地形变监测网在数据处理中采用了最佳的技术方案,获得了高精度的定位结果。

    In data processing for Capital circle GPS crustal deformation monitoring network , the best technical program has been used and high precision positioning results have been obtained .

  10. 首都圈地区Pn和PmP波层析成像研究

    Research of Seismic Tomography in Capital Circle Area from Pn and PmP Wave Travel Time Inversions

  11. 介绍了首都圈台网SEED格式波形文件的结构,SEED文件中各块的具体内容以及读取文件的方法。

    The structure of waveform file with SEED format used in Capital Area network and the content in each part of the SEED file as well as the reading method are introduced .

  12. 作者在处理首都圈GPS地形变监测网数据的过程中,经过长期探索和大量试算,提出了制定数据处理方案的基本原则:要采用一个自洽的地球参考框架和常数系统;

    In processing the data from Capital circle GPS crustal deformation monitoring network , the authors have proposed basic principles for making data processing program through long term explorations and large amounts of calculations .

  13. 在GreaterTokyo(日本首都圈)世界人口最稠密的市区,有超过3000万人口地震以及紧接着的一系列余震带来了让人不适的房屋震动。

    In greater Tokyo - the world 's most populous urban area with more than 30 million people - the earthquake and a succession of tremors that quickly followed were uncomfortably felt as they shook buildings .

  14. 本论文的应用的GAMS所编制的水资源分配模型得到的成果对首都圈内将来水资源的分配具有指导和参考价值。

    Water resource allocation achievement that getted from GAMS model have guidance and reference value in the future to capital circle .

  15. 系统地介绍了首都圈GPS地形变监测网布设的科学思路和原则,该网的基本情况,以及为提高观测精度而采取的重大技术措施。

    In the paper , the scientific thinking and principles for establishing the GPS crustal deformation monitoring network in the region of the Capital Circle and the basic conditions of the network and the major technical measures adopted to improve the observation accuracy are described systematically .

  16. 通过对首都圈地区不同时期的18条深地震测深(DSS)测线资料的重新统一处理,形成采样网格密度为0.25°×0.25°×(2~5)km的速度网格化数字地壳;

    After unified reprocessing of the 18 DSS profile data that are got in various periods in the Capital area , a digital crust model of velocity grid is obtained with sampling density 0.25 °× 0.25 °×( 2 ~ 5 ) km .

  17. 叙述了1982年以来在首都圈附近超低频(ULF)电磁辐射观测网的建设,该台网以埋地电极接收地下电场变化为主,用感应线圈接收磁场变化为辅。

    A group of ultra-low frequency electromagnetic radiation observation network has been built in the Capital circle region since 1982 . The network is mainly used to observe electric field change by electrode under the ground . At the same time , it is used to accept magnetic sign .

  18. 首都圈地区数字化钻孔应变观测资料分析

    Analysis of data of digitalized borehole strain observation in capital area

  19. 首都圈数字地震遥测台网的技术构成

    Technical composition of the digital telemetry seismic network in Capital Zone

  20. 我们发现在整个首都圈有数个区域。

    We detect jamming on all frequencies in the Tokyo area .

  21. 首都圈西北部地区地壳介质地震各向异性特征初步研究

    Seismic anisotropy in the crust in northwestern capital area of China

  22. 首都圈平均波速比分析

    Analysis on Average Velocity Rations in the Capital Area , China

  23. 首都圈地区的地震活动性与断裂的关系

    The relationship between seismic activity and fault activity in Beijing region

  24. 首都圈断层形变空间信息合成图像

    Spatially synthetic information pattern of fault deformation in Capital Circle Area

  25. 首都圈地区重力变化及其映震能力

    Gravity changes and its ability to reflect earthquakes in capital area

  26. 首都圈的空间结构急需调整。

    The space structure of the capital-circle badly needs adjustment .

  27. 首都圈年累积释放地震能量的拓扑预测

    Topological forcast accumulated seismic energy released annually in Beijing area

  28. 首都圈数字地震台网地震事件波形的管理与服务

    Waveform data management and service system of seismic events in capital areas

  29. 首都圈断层活动性研究

    A study of the fault activity in the capital circle

  30. 日本首都圈城市功能分类与空间组织结构

    The Function Classification and Spatial Organizational Structure of Japan 's Capital Megapolis