
  • 网络Japanese Royal Family;Toyroyal;Imperial House of Japan
  1. 日本皇室资助日本艺术协会。

    The Japanese Imperial family patronises the Japanese Art Association .

  2. 当时拍摄的电视画面显示,新娘Sakamoto在婚礼上身著的是厚达12层的“junihitoe”,这是日本皇室女性出席正式场合所穿的一种和服。

    Pictures shown on television at the time showed Sakamoto in the " junihitoe " 12-layered kimono worn by women of the imperial household on formal occasions .

  3. 每个日本人都明白,从日本皇室的现状来看,它的将来可能全靠小和田雅子王妃了。

    Everyone in Japan understands that the future of the imperial family as it now exists may depend on Princess Masako .

  4. 作为第一位以平民身份嫁入日本皇室的女子,美智子在日本成为优雅和智慧的象征。

    Michiko , who was the first commoner to marry into the royal family , became a national icon of gracefulness and intelligence .

  5. 但是自德仁太子的弟弟文仁太子1965出生以来,日本皇室还没有一个男孩诞生。

    But no males have been born to the imperial family since Naruhito 's younger brother , Prince Akishino , was born in1965 .

  6. 奥托的设计广受好评。比如,2006年,他曾获得第18届年度日本皇室世界文化奖,该奖项由日本文化协会颁发;

    In 2006 , for example , he won the 18th annual Praemium Imperiale prize for architecture , awarded by the Japan Art Association ;

  7. 自1965年纪子的丈夫文仁秋筱宫亲王出生后,日本皇室一直未添男丁,因此一时间出现了继承人危机。

    No imperial boys have been born since Kiko 's husband , Prince Akishino , in1965 , which raised the possibility of a succession crisis .

  8. 面对一系列危机,日本皇室正在研究允许女性继承天皇王位,并允许女性在婚后仍然保留皇室身份。

    Faced with a succession crisis , Japan is studying allowing women to assume the Chrysanthemum Throne and letting princesses keep their royal status after marriage .

  9. 今年9月6日,文仁秋筱宫亲王和纪子王妃的小皇子悠仁在东京出生,这是41年来日本皇室首次迎来男性继承人。

    Prince Hisahito was born in Tokyo on Sept.6 to Prince Akishino and Princess Kiko and the first heir to the Japanese imperial throne born in41 years .

  10. 因为德仁太子的弟弟生下了小皇子悠仁,之前准备修改法律准许女性继任天皇的计划即被搁置。悠仁是日本皇室四十多年来迎来的首个男性成员。

    But plans to change the law to allow an empress were shelved after Naruhito 's younger brother fathered Prince Hisahito , the first boy born into the imperial family in four decades .

  11. 学习院小学的一名官员称,从上周二起,爱子公主一直没有去上学。学习院小学是日本多数皇室成员就读的学校。

    The princess had not attended classes since Tuesday , according to an official at the Gakushuin primary school , the alma mater for most Japanese royals .

  12. 日本的皇室生活十分传统,皇室家庭的成员很少能在公共场合发表意见或表现得很随意。

    Palace life in Japan is deeply shaped by tradition , and members of the imperial family are rarely able to speak their opinions or show their casual side in public .

  13. 安倍昭惠也对日本太子妃雅子表示了同情。雅子育有4岁的女儿爱子,但因未为日本皇室生育男性继承人而饱受压力。

    Akie Abe voiced sympathy for Crown Princess Masako , who has a4-year-old daughter , Princess Aiko , but has been under intense pressure to bear a male heir to the throne .