
  • 网络Japanese cabinet;Cabinet Office
  1. 上周,日本内阁府(cabinetoffice)证实正在考虑开始向公众宣传日元长期走强的好处。

    Last week the cabinet office confirmed it was considering initiatives to persuade the public of the benefits of endaka or a prolonged period of yen strength .

  2. 不过,有关经济衰退比预期的严重的消息出现之际,日本内阁府(cabinetoffice)表示,商业环境的最新综合指数表明,经济在“不断恶化”。

    However , the news the recession was deeper than thought came as the cabinet office said its latest composite index of business conditions showed the economy " worsening " .

  3. 日本内阁府(CabinetOffice)新近进行的一项研究显示,由于经济、社会原因或情感上遭遇不幸而有过自杀念头的日本成年人正不断增多。AssociatedPress一项新的研究显示,有过自杀念头的日本成年人正不断增多。

    The number of Japanese adults thinking of taking their own lives due to economic , social and emotional distress is on the rise , according to a new study by the Cabinet Office .

  4. 仅仅两个星期前,日本内阁官房长官还刻意淡化了财务大臣麻生太郎(TaroAso)比较积极的言论。

    Barely two weeks ago , the cabinet secretary rowed back on more positive comments from Taro Aso , the finance minister .

  5. 日本内阁官房副长官HiroshiSuzuki表示,一些内阁大臣已提出了日本舰船开火还击作为自卫的可能性。

    Hiroshi Suzuki , deputy cabinet secretary , said some cabinet ministers had raised the possibility of Japanese ships being able to fire back in self-defence .

  6. 日本内阁官房长官河村建夫(TakeoKawamura)表示,政府在关注日元的动态,未来会采取适当的措施。日本政府以往曾对日元汇率进行过干预。

    Takeo Kawamura , cabinet chief secretary , said the government was watching yen movements and having intervened in the past would take appropriate measures in future .

  7. 日本内阁官房长官菅义伟(YoshihideSuga)表示,政府将尽快修订该法条,以便符合100天的限制。

    Yoshihide Suga , chief cabinet secretary , said the government would move quickly to revise the law so as to comply with the 100-day limit .

  8. 日本内阁官房副长官osamusakashita当时表示,用军机直接将救援队送往受灾地区的提议“过于敏感”。

    Osamu sakashita , deputy cabinet secretary , described then as " too sensitive " the suggestion that Japan could send them directly to the disaster area in military aircraft .

  9. 日本内阁官房长官藤村修(OsamuFujimura)周三拒绝对购岛交易的报道予以证实或否认。他说,日本政府目前仍在与栗原家族进行商谈,不便透露详情。

    Japan 's Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu Fujimura refused on Wednesday to confirm or deny reports of a deal , saying the government is still in talks with the Kurihara family and could not give specifics .

  10. 但日本内阁官房长官菅义伟(YoshihideSuga)敦促国土交通省要作出“严厉回应”,称燃油数据操纵行为的性质“极其严重”。

    But Yoshihide Suga , Japan 's chief cabinet secretary , urged the ministry to take a " strict response , " describing the fuel data manipulation as " extremely serious . "

  11. 日本内阁官房长官藤村修(OsamuFujimura)告诉记者,除了将领土争议提交海牙国际法庭外,包括日本贸易和经济官员在内的一些内阁大臣将推迟与韩国官员的会议。

    In addition to taking the case to the ICJ , Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu Fujimura told reporters that some Japanese cabinet ministers ─ including the trade and economy ministers ─ would put off meetings with their South Korean counterparts .

  12. 前田匡史也是日本内阁一名特别顾问。

    Mr Maeda is also a special adviser to the Cabinet .

  13. 日本内阁文库收藏的中国散佚古医籍

    Lost Ancient Chinese Medical Books Collected at the Library of Japanese Cabinet

  14. 日本内阁不信任案已遭否决。

    No-confidence vote against Japanese Prime Minister fails .

  15. 面对这样的情况,日本内阁以及您本人对日本经济是不是很乐观呢?

    Face so of circumstance , cabinet in Japan and you to Japan economy whether very optimism ?

  16. 日本内阁公共关系副秘书Shikata说,不管发生什么可能情况,日本都将做好准备。他说:

    Shikata , the Deputy Cabinet Secretary for Public Relations says Japan will be prepared for whatever happens .

  17. 在古屋参拜前,4月12日日本内阁总务大臣新藤义孝也曾前往参拜。

    Furuya 's visit followed a worship by Internal Affairs and Communications Minister Yoshitaka Shindo on April 12 .

  18. 日本内阁大臣表示,日本的经济刺激方案和其他主要经济体采取的措施规模一样大,甚至是更大。

    Ministers said the stimulus was as large as or even larger than steps adopted in other major economies .

  19. 周二,日本内阁批准了一项预算草案,国防支出的增加数额为近二十年来的最高水平。

    On Tuesday the Cabinet approved a draft budget to increase defense spending by the most in nearly two decades .

  20. 此前,日本内阁通过了一项备受争议的决议,允许日本向海外派遣部队。

    The call comes after the Japanese cabinet passed a controversial resolution which will allow Japan to send troops overseas .

  21. 同年1月14日,日本内阁秘密通过决议,将钓鱼岛编入冲绳县管辖。

    The Japanese cabinet secretly passed a resolution on January 14 to place Diaoyu Dao under the jurisdiction of Okinawa Prefecture .

  22. 日本内阁通过了一项法案,批准了15个亚太国家去年签署的自由贸易协定。

    Japan 's cabinet has green-lit a bill to ratify a free trade deal signed last year by 15 Asia-Pacific countries .

  23. 日本内阁官房长官菅义伟称,此举将对国民生活产生“重大”影响。

    Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said such a move would have a " major " impact on people 's lives .

  24. 而冷战后日本内阁调整是日本对华外交政策发展变化的最主要动因。

    After the Cold War , the adjustment of the Japanese Cabinet is the main motivation for its diplomatic policy on China .

  25. 作为国际社会的一个成员,我们有义务参加,日本内阁秘书福田康夫说。

    " As a member of the international society , we have a role to play ," says Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasuo Fukuda .

  26. 日本内阁最近放宽了日本军队的限制,使得在盟友遭受袭击的情况下日本可提供军事协助。

    A recent Japanese cabinet decision eased long-standing limits onthe military forces ' ability to come to the aid of allies under attack .

  27. 根据日本内阁商定的协议,日本航空最早将于下周获得其要求的一半资金。

    Under a deal agreed by cabinet ministers , JAL is to receive half of the requested funds as early as next week .

  28. 根据日本内阁府的初步数据显示,第四季度的数字在过去三个月内下降了0.3个百分点。

    The fourth-quarter figure translates to a0.3 percent fall from the previous three-month period , according to the Cabinet Office 's preliminary data .

  29. 日本内阁府报告称,经季节性调整,日本实际国内生产总值季度环比下降7.8%。

    The Cabinet Office reports that Japan 's preliminary seasonally adjusted real gross domestic product , or GDP , fell 7.8 percent quarter on quarter .

  30. 不过,日本内阁官房长官安倍晋叁却说,估计平壤不会马上再次试射远程导弹。

    However , Japan 's Chief Cabinet Secretary Shinzo Abe says Pyongyang is not expected to test another of its long-range weapons in the immediate future .