
shǒu fǔ
  • capital;metropolis;the prefecture where the provincial capital is located
首府 [shǒu fǔ]
  • [capital] 行政区域的主要城市;现在多指自治区或自治州政府所在地

首府[shǒu fǔ]
  1. 我们在多塞特熙熙攘攘的郡首府多切斯特相遇。

    We met in Dorchester , Dorset 's bustling county town .

  2. 游击队攻占并短暂控制了一个重要首府。

    Guerillas captured and briefly held an important provincial capital .

  3. 乍看上去,它不像是首府,更像是矿工村。

    At first sight it looked less like a capital city than a mining camp

  4. 驻扎在首府周边的部队因9个月没有领到军饷而哗变。

    Units stationed around the capital mutinied because they had received no pay for nine months

  5. 几十万人的沉寂首府迅速发展成为拥有两百万人口的拥挤都市。

    A sleepy capital of a few hundred thousand people has mushroomed to a crowded city of 2 million .

  6. 他列举了50个州的首府。

    He enumerated the capitals of the 50 states .

  7. 呼和浩特是内蒙古自治区的首府。

    Huhhot is the capital of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous region .

  8. 苏格兰首府爱丁堡以节日闻名。

    Edinburgh , the capital city of Scotland , is famous for its festivals .

  9. 你知道州首府吗?

    Do you know the state capitals ?

  10. 许多家长常挑选美国各州和首府的名字作人名。

    Many parents are picking the names of US states and capital cities .

  11. 作为本届奥运会的唯一候选城市,澳大利亚昆士兰州首府布里斯班毫无悬念地获得举办权。这将是继2000年悉尼奥运会后,澳大利亚时隔32年再度举行夏季奥运会。经国际奥委会批准,澳大利亚布里斯班将举办2032年夏季奥运会和残奥会。

    Brisbane will host the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games after being approved by the International Olympic Committee .

  12. 当老师在课堂里问她:“芬,宾夕法尼亚洲的首府叫什么?”时,她还在想着那头小猪。

    She was still thinking about the pig when the teacher said : " Fern , what is the capital of Pennsylvania ? "

  13. 1996年的澳大利亚全国人口普查数据显示,越来越多的人去海滨城市定居,距离各州的首府只有几个小时车程。

    Data from the 1996 national Census2 reveals the fastest-growing parts of the nation are located on the coast , a few hours ' drive from our capital cities .

  14. State值用于搜索查找文件,这个文件包含所有50个州及其首府。

    The State value is used to search through a lookup file that contains all50 states and their associated capital cities .

  15. 多伦多,安大略省首府,加拿大最大的城市。故此题答案为C。

    Ottawa is the capital of Canada , a municipality and the second largest city within the province of Ontario .

  16. 在位于西澳大利亚州首府帕斯的控制中心,力拓正努力将其“未来之矿”(mineofthefuture)的愿景变成现实。

    At its control centre in Perth , it is trying to translate its " mine of the future " vision into reality .

  17. TwoKinds她第一晚给我讲的故事有关一个年仅3岁的男孩,他知晓各州的首府,甚至欧洲大多数国家的首都。

    The first night she brought out a story about a three-year-old boy who knew the capitals of all the states and even most of the European countries .

  18. GIS辅助对长汀客家首府地位形成与地理环境关系的探讨

    Research on Relation between the Forming of " Capital of Hakka " in Changting and Geographical Condition Assisted by GIS

  19. 同我一样,自行车世界冠军LanceArmstrong也来自德克萨斯首府奥斯汀。

    Like me , world-champion cyclist Lance Armstrong is from Austin , Texas .

  20. 而本周在夏威夷首府檀香山召开的亚太经合组织(APEC)论坛上,巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)的话题几乎就没有离开过太平洋世纪。

    And this week , at the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation forum in Honolulu , Barack Obama talked about hardly anything else .

  21. PORT技术是一栋建筑的中央神经系统,这是对其做出的最贴切的解释。该技术可以作为双向通信界面,使乘客与首府银行广场环境相关联。

    Best understood as the central nervous system of a building , the PORT Technology functions as a two-way communication interface between the occupants and Capital Bank Plaza 's environment .

  22. 我们重新启动了刚从船上下来的于尔根,向集市城镇、奥克尼群岛首府柯克沃尔的“高原骑士”酒厂(HighlandPark)进发。

    Rebooting Jurgen after his stay in the ship 's hold , we drove to Highland Park distillery in the market town of Kirkwall , the Orcadian capital .

  23. 首府银行广场为罗利发展公司所有,由RDC房产管理公司经营。

    Capital Bank Plaza is owned by Raleigh Development Company and operated by RDC Property Management .

  24. 在州首府珀斯(Perth),房价已经开始下跌,而同期悉尼和墨尔本的房价却在上涨。

    House prices have started to fall in the state capital Perth , while they continue to grow in Sydney and Melbourne .

  25. 在法国阿尔卑斯山区的首府城市格勒诺布尔市(Grenoble),一家名为ShortEdition的出版业初创公司在该市人流最密集的几处公共场所安置了8台免费短篇小说自动售货机。

    In Grenoble , France , a city known as the capital of the French Alps , a publishing start-up called Short É dition has installed eight free story-dispensing vending machines in some of its most popular public spaces .

  26. 使得中国东部浙江省首府杭州机场空中交通中断一小时的不明飞行物(UFO)仍是一个不解之谜。

    The unidentified flying object ( UFO ), which disrupted the air traffic in Hangzhou , capital of east China 's Zhejiang province , for an hour , is still a mystery .

  27. 北苏门答腊首府棉兰的KualaNamu机场负责空中导航的经理对美联社(AssociatedPress)说,在该地区执飞短途航班的小型飞机被警告避免靠近火山飞行。

    Small planes serving short-haul flights in the region have been warned to avoid flying near the mountain , the manager for air navigation at Kuala Namu airport in North Sumatra 's capital Medan told the Associated Press .

  28. RANGER矿位于达尔文东部260km,是澳大利亚北部地区的首府。

    The Ranger Mine is located about 260 kilometres east of Darwin , the capital city of the Northern Territory , Australia .

  29. 他强调,大城市和农村地区可以有不同的枪支法案,认为“在芝加哥适用的不一定在夏延【Cheyenne,美国怀俄明州的首府】适用”。

    He stresses that big cities and rural areas can have different gun laws , saying that " what works in Chicago may not work in Cheyenne " .

  30. 而以上所述的事件,都齐聚在爱尔兰首府(贝尔法斯特)举办的,MTV欧洲音乐大奖的颁奖盛典上。女演员海顿·潘妮蒂尔在舞台上为最佳歌曲颁奖时,一个裸体的年轻男子突然冲了上去。

    That 's exactly what happened at the MTV Europe Music Awards in Belfast , Ireland , when a nude young fellow joined actress Hayden Panettiere on stage to present the award for Best , er , Song .