
  • 网络second-tier city
  1. 很多一二线城市的餐馆已经在增加半成品年夜饭以及适宜1至2人食用的套餐储备,以应对年轻消费者相关需求的激增。

    Many restaurants are preparing more ready-to-cook meals and standard sets for one to two people to meet the expected spike in demand from young consumers in first and second-tier cities .

  2. 中国与全球化智库(CCG)的一项研究发现,对开展创业表示有兴趣的高校学生超过60%,二线城市更加适宜。

    A study by the Center for China and Globalization ( CCG ) think-tank found that over 60 percent of university students show an interest in launching startups , preferably in China 's second-tier cities .

  3. 在入境并购交易中,外国企业寻求把业务扩张到成本较低的二线城市和服务,例如,高盛(GoldmanSachs)上周向一家中国人寿保险公司投资了9亿美元。

    Into China , companies have been looking to expand into lower-cost second tier cities and services , such as Goldman Sachs ' $ 900m investment into a Chinese life insurance companies last week .

  4. Uber在印度的举措标志着类似的井喷式发展的开始,该公司计划在今年下半年将目光转向规模较大的城市以外,开始拓展更多所谓的二线城市。

    Uber 's push in India marks the start of a similar growth spurt , as it moves beyond larger urban centres and begins to tap more so-called tier-two cities during the second half of this year .

  5. BOSS直聘是一款为老板与求职人员提供直接对话的应用软件,根据其发布的目前职场吸引力报告显示,二线城市对95后应届毕业生的更具吸引力,而“独角兽”公司则成为了新宠。

    Second tier cities have become more attractive to fresh graduates , with unicorn companies the new favorite choice , among graduates born after 1995 , according to a report on the attractiveness of the current job market released by bosszhipin , an app providing direct discussions between bosses and job seekers .

  6. 各公司还称,二线城市的服务需求正在上升。

    Firms also report rising demand for services in second-tier cities .

  7. 二线城市本土零售业竞争的新思路

    On the Local Retail Sales Competition in the Second-line Cities

  8. 距上海不超过100千米的一个二线城市。

    a second-tier city less than 100 kilometers away .

  9. 中国二线城市拥有500万人口,因此,潜力十分巨大。

    Second-tier Chinese cities have 5m people , so the potential is huge .

  10. 因此对房地产投资者而言,应该进军二线城市,对吧?

    So for property investors – tier 2 is the place to be , right ?

  11. 奢侈品向中国二线城市扩张只是一个时间问题。

    The expansion of luxury towards Chinese second-tier cities was only a matter of time .

  12. 个别二线城市的现象,是如何发展呈现的?

    How is individual two gleams of cities phenomenon , to develop presentation format 's ?

  13. 几家外资银行表示,它们在二线城市新设立的分支机构往往首先会关注公司业务。

    Several say that their new second-tier city branches tend to focus first on corporate business .

  14. 二线城市求职者之间的竞争甚至比一线城市还要激烈。

    And competition among job hunters in second-tier cities is even fiercer than in first-tier cities .

  15. 二线城市同比上涨25.3%,三线上涨32.1%。

    Second-tier cities rose 25.3 percent and third-tier cities rose 32.1 percent , the report said .

  16. 郑州是一个真正的二线城市,但现在它有了一个非常棒的音乐厅。

    Zhengzhou is a real second-tier city , but now it 's got this wonderful hall .

  17. 蒲敬思说,然而,长期来看即使是二线城市也应该无虞。

    Yet even the second-tier cities should be all right in the long run , Mr. Brooke said .

  18. 通过比较研究,本文得出如下结论:1.西安作为二线城市,其商品房市场正处在高速发展期。

    As a second-tier cities of Xi ' an , the housing market is in rapid development period .

  19. 他迄今坚持在中国内地二线城市、而非北京和上海经营。

    So far , he has stuck to mainland China 's secondary cities rather than Beijing and Shanghai .

  20. 西安和成都等其它中国二线城市也正将自己推销为外包中心。

    Other second-tier Chinese cities such as western Xi'an and Chengdu are also marketing themselves as outsourcing centres .

  21. 下面的图片展示了中国一个二线城市的火车站清晨的图景。

    The picture below is an early morning photo at the train station of a second-tier city in China .

  22. 二线城市的受欢迎程度也有所上升,为25.94%的毕业生青睐,占比上升了4.74%。

    Second-tier cities also gained popularity as favorite among 25.94 % of graduates , an increase of 4.74 % .

  23. 房价对地价的短期作用表现为:二线城市强于一线和三线城市;

    The short-term impact of land price on house price is stronger in the second-level cities than the other two .

  24. 杭州是中国最大的二线城市之一,该市楼盘降价给关注房产的人们拉响了警笛。

    Price cuts in Hangzhou , one of China 's largest second-tier cities , are raising alarm bells among property watchers .

  25. 同国内其它二线城市一样,在郑州公交车是大部分人出行的首选交通工具。

    As with other domestic second city , the bus in Zhengzhou is the preferred means of transport for most people .

  26. 尽管中国人认为深圳和广州是二线城市,但这两座城市的人口都达到了800万~1000万。

    They call Shenzen and Guangzhou secondary cities , but they still have eight to ten million people living in them .

  27. 相比之下,在二线城市和三线城市的这一比例分别只有62.5%和43.8%。

    By contrast , the proportion was just 62.5 per cent in second-tier cities and 43.8 per cent in third-tier cities .

  28. 与此同时,31个二线城市房价小幅上涨0.3%,35个三线城市房价上涨0.5%。

    Meanwhile , prices edged up 0.3 percent in 31 second-tier cities , and rose 0.5 percent in 35 third-tier cities .

  29. 对于广州和协办城市佛山和东莞这样的中国二线城市,亚运会被看做是一次巨大的提升。

    The Asian Games is seen as a big boost for second-tier cities in China like Guangzhou and co-hosts Foshan and Dongguan .

  30. 然而,尽管中国二线城市拥有巨大潜力,但外资银行的消费者业务却面临着巨大障碍。

    However , although the second-tier cities in China offer huge potential , foreign banks face considerable obstacles to their consumer operations .