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jǐnɡ shì biāo zhì
  • warning sign
  1. 辐射危险警示标志是什么意思?

    What does the " Radiation Hazards " warning sign refer to ?

  2. 安全绳上织有色彩鲜明的警示标志,用来鉴别安全绳在使用磨损后的安全性。

    Colourful warning sign on the rope used for telling if it stands up to the wear and tear .

  3. 一些配有黄色闪光灯的大雾警示标志立了起来。

    Some fog warning signs had been put up with flashing yellow lights .

  4. 第三条:align(使一致)一词可起到警示标志的作用,人们只要在句子中看到这个词,就能知道这句话是废话。

    Rule 3 . The word align serves as a warning that the sentence in which it appears is a dud .

  5. 第三条:“align”(使一致)一词可起到警示标志的作用,人们只要在句子中看到这个词,就能知道这句话是废话。

    Rule 3 . The word " align " serves as a warning that the sentence in which it appears is a dud .

  6. 孟买警方发言人告诉BBC,警方将要求城市官员采取措施,来降低包括孟买的海滨大道在内的著名景点的自拍风险。相关措施包括部署救生员和张贴警示标志。

    A Mumbai police spokesman , Dhananjay Kulkarni , told the BBC that police would be asking city officials to take steps to reduce the risk of selfies at popular tourist spots such as the city 's famous Marine Drive , including deploying life guards and posting warning signs .

  7. 现场监理过程中发现,在整个mk5工程中,雨水沉淀池未全部设置警示标志,路基开挖地方和雨水管道开挖地方警示地段有遗漏,出现缺口。

    It was found during field monitoring that in MK5 project , not all the storm deposition pools are marked with warning symbols , and some warning sections of places with excavated subgrade and excavated storm conduit are missing with gaps .

  8. 建筑施工现场安全警示标志通病及防治措施

    Problems and preventive measures concerning the warning signs on the construction site

  9. 听听他们怎么说“缺少适当的警示标志”

    brought about what they call " lack of adequate signage . "

  10. 太危险了,都不写个警示标志。

    That was dangerous . They should really put up a sign .

  11. 谁出钱做卡车上的警示标志

    who 's going to pay for the truck signs .

  12. 据调查,疲劳驾车时特别容易忽视警示标志。

    Tired drivers were found to be particularly prone to ignore warning signs .

  13. 实施区域内张贴警示标志。

    Post warning signs in areas of application .

  14. 对所有的带电区域均设文字和图形警示标志。

    Text or graphic warning sighs should be set for all the current carrying areas .

  15. 斜纹印刷胶带可用地面、立柱等警示标志。

    Marking tape can be used as a warning signal on the groud or pillar etc.

  16. 中美两国受试者对警示标志反应差异性的实例分析

    A Case Study : Reaction Differences on Warning Labels between China and the US Participants

  17. 门诊输液室分区管理和警示标志在输液管理中的应用研究

    Applied study on the of subarea administration and cautionary symbol in the transfusion department of out-patient

  18. 经过良后的警示标志重点强调了该药物对一定的患者可能会引起或加重心衰。

    The upgraded warning emphasizes that the drugs may cause or worsen heart failure in certain patients .

  19. 还有四种其它类型交通标志:管制标志,警示标志,临时标志,方向标志。

    There are four other kinds of signs : regulatory , warning , temporary conditions and information and direction .

  20. 但他们认为这是一个性别的呼叫,或警示标志的错误,他们的敌人。

    But they think it is either a call for sex , or a warning sign from the bugs to their enemies .

  21. 无人看守的铁路道口,应当在距道口一定距离处设置警示标志。

    At a railway crossing not watched by any one , warning marks shall be set up at a certain distance from the crossing .

  22. 首先,他们说他们已经在上海综合股价指数的增长速度中发现了泡沫警示标志。

    First , they say that they 've found the telltale signs of a bubble in the growth rate of the Shanghai Composite stock-market index .

  23. 目的探讨分区管理和警示标志在门诊输液室防范护理投诉和纠纷中的作用。

    Objective To discuss the effect of subarea administration and cautionary symbol for the prevention of complaints and dissensions in the transfusion department of out-patient .

  24. 未在有较大危险因素的生产经营场所和有关设施、设备上设置明显的安全警示标志的;

    D.failing to place eye-catching safety warning marks on the sites of production and business operation or relevant facilities and equipments which are considerably dangerous ;

  25. 其由汽车底盘、底座、发电机、支撑架、显示屏、警示标志、频闪灯组成;

    The car is composed of automobile chassis , base , generator , supporting frame , display screen , a warning mark and a stroboscopic lamp ;

  26. 针对线路处在义乌机场跑道正前方的实际情况,设计安装了高塔航空安全警示标志。

    Against the line at the Yiwu airport runway in front of the actual situation , design the installation of a tower of aviation safety warning signs .

  27. 他说,泡沫警示标志是一种快于指数增长的讯号,由产生非线性增长的正反馈机制造成。

    The telltale sign of a bubble , he says , is a faster than exponential growth rate caused by a positive feedback mechanism that generates this nonlinear growth .

  28. 奥巴马在新发布的白宫视频中称,一些烟草公司抵制新香烟包装警示标志是因为他们不原诚实的告诉烟民吸烟的危害。

    Some tobacco companies , he says in a new White House web video , are fighting new cigarette warning labels because they don 't want to be honest about the consequences .

  29. 小镇的街道上,到处都是注意飞机低空飞行的警示标志,18兜的高尔夫球场周围尤其多,这些标识在二战时就已经开始使用了。

    Signs warning of low-flying planes are dotted around the streets of the village , which was used as a military base during World War II , particularly near the 18 hole golf course .

  30. 针对建筑施工现场安全警示标志的现状,分析安全警示标志设置、使用混乱的成因,并就安全警示标志存在的主要的通病,提出了防治措施。

    This paper attempts to propose the preventive measures for the problems that exist in the setting and use of the warning signs on the construction site after analysing the causes of the problems .