
jǐng quǎn
  • police dog;patrol dog
警犬 [jǐng quǎn]
  • [police dog] 经过训练以协助警察执行侦察、搜捕等任务,尤其是追踪刑事犯的犬

警犬[jǐng quǎn]
  1. 一只警犬嗅出了凶手的气味。

    A police dog picked up the murderer 's scent

  2. 警犬嗅来嗅去,终于找到了踪迹。

    The police dog scented about till he found the trail .

  3. 他曾经为警方培育警犬。

    He used to breed dogs for the police

  4. 包括蛙人和警犬训练员在内的50名警官正展开对她的搜寻。

    Fifty officers , including frogmen and dog handlers , are searching for her .

  5. 警犬一边叫一边追逃犯。

    The hounds were baying as they followed the escaped prisoner .

  6. 警察训练警犬探查毒品。

    The policemen trained their dogs to detect drugs .

  7. 纽约已仿照巴黎的做法建立了一支警犬队。

    New York has followed the example of Paris in establishing a brigade of police dogs .

  8. 警犬的嗅觉对罪犯留下来的痕迹特别灵敏。

    Police dogs have good noses for following criminals ' trails .

  9. 这些警犬都受过良好训练。

    All these police dogs are well-trained .

  10. 警察带着警犬在树林里寻找那失踪的孩子

    Police with dogs are searching through the woods for the missing child .

  11. 从12头疑似产气荚膜梭菌感染的猝死警犬中分离获得了18株病原菌,经生化试验及毒素中和试验,确定为A型和C型产气荚膜梭菌。

    The 18 strains of Clostridium perfringens separated from 12 suddenly-died dogs infected with C. perfringens were identified as type A and C by the biochemical tests and the toxin neutralization reaction .

  12. 美国康涅狄格州一名男子索要天使粉(PCP,一种麻药、致幻剂)时击伤一名警察、并咬伤了警犬。

    A Connecticut man searching for some PCP attacked a police officer and bit his dog .

  13. 上海地区警犬蜱流行病学调查与控制技术的研究基于WiMAX技术的上行调度算法

    The Epidemiology and Treatment of Canine Tick Dieases in Shanghai Study on Uplink Packet Scheduling Algorithm of WiMAX

  14. 利用PCR-RFLP检测五大不同品种警犬遗传缺陷&血管性假性血友病

    Detection of an inherited defect : von Willebrand Disease by PCR-RFLP in five police dog breeds

  15. 描记了90只警犬标准肢导联、加压单极肢导联、单极胸导联、A-B导联等共24个导联的心电图。

    The normal electrocardiograms ( ECGs ) from 24 leads , including standard limb leads , augmented unipolar limb leads , unipolar chest leads and apex base lead ( A B ), of 90 healthy police dogs were traced and analysed .

  16. 凭借高达12输出插座分发机架机柜内的权力,新爱克赛警犬队的目的是完全符合最机架式兼容单相UPS的。

    With up to12 output receptacles to distribute power within the rack cabinets , the new Powerware PDU was designed to be fully compatible with most single phase rackmount UPS 's.

  17. 英国皇家检察署检察官要求“警员Peach”提交案件证词,他们并没有意识到Peach其实是警犬的名字。警察们显然火了。

    Officers became exasperated when prosecutors asked for an account of a crime from a ' PC Peach , " not realising Peach was the name of a police dog .

  18. 这对皇室夫妇拥抱了小警犬,小警犬正在接受训练以便日后加入新西兰警方K9联盟。

    The royal couple cuddled tiny police puppies that are being trained for the New Zealand police K9 union .

  19. 20世纪90年代末,一位前警犬训导员JosePeruyero为了提高狗狗们嗅臭虫的能力,他开始与佛罗里达大学的昆虫学家合作。

    In the late 1990s , Jose Peruyero , a former police dog handler , began collaborating with entomologists at the University of Florida to improve training for bug-detecting dogs .

  20. 作为PDI与伊顿爱克赛品牌警犬队,电源保护无限的经销商可以提供适当的警犬队,以补充现有的电力系统。

    As a reseller for PDI and Eaton Powerware brand PDU 's , Power Protection Unlimited can provide the right PDU to complement your existing power systems .

  21. 方法用多基因型HEV重组蛋白建立检测HEV抗体的DS-ELISA,并用于591份猪、警犬、家犬、宠物犬、山羊、鸡、鸭、鸽子和兔等多种动物血清标本的HEV抗体检测;

    Methods HEV antibodies in serum samples obtained from swine , sleuth , domestic dog , pet dog , goat , chicken , duck , pigeon and rabbit were tested by a double-antigen sandwich ELISA ( DS-ELISA ) which was established using HEV multiple-genotype recombinant antigens .

  22. 西米德兰兹郡警局的总督察JulianHarper表示:“专业标准部门正在调查此事,我们从此前的问询中得知,这是一次由于对警犬和警察产生误解的轻松交流。我们将对此事进行调查。”

    DCI Julian Harper , from West Midlands Police , said : ' The Professional Standards Department is looking into this , early enquiries suggest it is a light-hearted exchange as a result of a misunderstanding around a police dog and a police officer . The matter will be investigated . '

  23. 有一只警犬在附近的一所房子下面找到了他。

    A police dog had found him beneath a nearby house .

  24. 警犬跳起试图捉住那名男子。

    The dog jumped in an attempt to catch the man .

  25. 警犬在废墟搜救及消防中的作用

    Role of the Police Dogs in Ruins Rescuing and Fire Investigation

  26. 胡克像警犬一样,对这个问题穷追不舍。

    He pursued the problem like the sleuth-hound that he was .

  27. 警犬气味识别结论的证据属性

    The Characteristic of the Smelling Identification of Police Dogs as a Proof

  28. 警犬鉴别人体气味操作方法研究进展

    The progress of identification human body odor by police dog

  29. “我背后很快就会有一只大警犬跟着了。”

    " I 'd as soon have a bloodhound after me . "

  30. 有两个方面的敏捷性训练为警犬。

    There are two sides of agility training for dogs .