
jǐnɡ chá quán
  • police power;police authority
  1. 论英国警察权制约的组织基础&警察负责制

    On The Organic Base Of Police Authority Restriction In England-Police Are Responsible

  2. 和谐社会视野下的警察权控制

    Control of Police Authority in Perspective of Harmonious Society

  3. 警察权程序控制问题探究

    An Inquiry into the Procedural Control for the Power of Police

  4. 关于法治社会警察权的几点思考

    On some considerations about police rights of rule of law society

  5. 在此基础上,提出警察权的特征。

    On this basis , the police made the right characteristics .

  6. 论警察权运行的制度保障

    On the systematic guarantee for the operation of the police powers

  7. 刑事裁判权研究限权与分权:刑事法治视野中的警察权

    Restrictions and Separation of Power : Police Power in Criminal Justice

  8. 警察权的走向:一、自主化走向;

    The trend of police 's right : First , independence ;

  9. 警察权是行政权又是司法权。

    Police 's power is an administrative and judicative right .

  10. 警察权行使中存在的问题及原因分析

    Problems in Exercising Police Power and Analysis on Its Reason

  11. 治安管理处罚法:警察权的理性扩张

    Penalty Code of Public Order Administration : Reasonable Extension of Police Rights

  12. 论警察权的本质

    On the essence of the powers of the police

  13. 警察权的本质是行政权。

    The essence of the powers of the police is the administrative powers .

  14. 警察权主要有两大职权,即警察行政职权和警察刑事职权。

    The powers of the police include the administrative powers and criminal powers .

  15. 警察权的法律调整着力点初探

    Preliminary investigation on the point of the law adjustment of the police right

  16. 论警察权的规制与公民权保护

    The Regulation of Police Power and Civil Rights Protection

  17. 从法治的视角论刑事警察权的完善

    Perfection of the Power Criminal Police : From the Perspective of Government by Law

  18. 构建警察权的控制体系是和谐社会的必然要求。

    Constructing controlling system of police power is the inevitable request of harmonious society .

  19. 警察权的配置原则及其控制&基于治安行政管理和刑事诉讼的视角

    Disposing Principle and the Control of Police Authority

  20. 论和谐社会背景下警察权的亲和力

    On the Affinity of the Police Power under the Background of a Harmonious Society

  21. 警察权滥用的法律思考

    Legal Consideration On Abuse of Police 's power

  22. 法治视野下刑事警察权的合理构建

    Reasonably Constructing the Criminal Police Power under the Government by Law Field of Vision

  23. 警察权的性质是行政权,而非司法权。

    The nature of police rights is administrative rights , but not judicial ones .

  24. 论法治条件下警察权的合理构建

    On Construction of Police Power in Constitutional Society

  25. 征收条款是在警察权有偿取得财产权的调和。

    The takings clause mediates between the police power and the eminent domain power .

  26. 中国警察权思辨

    A Dialectical Reflection upon Chinese Police Power

  27. 警察权被滥用已引起一些法律问题和社会问题。

    The abuse of police 's power has resulted in some legal and social problems .

  28. 从治理理论看我国警察权的走向

    Seeing the trend of police 's right of our country from the theory of administration

  29. 对警察权规制路径的思考

    Thoughts on Police Power 's Regulatory Rules

  30. 略论警察权的行使原则

    On the Principles of Exercising Police Power