
  • 网络inuit;Innuit
  1. 所有的演员和剧组人员都是因纽特印第安人。

    All the actors and crewmembers in the film are Inuit Indians .

  2. 论文阐述因纽特语言政策和语言意识的发展变化。

    It provides the development change about Inuit language policy and language consciousness .

  3. 我记得曾经见过一个因纽特猎人宰杀一头刚刚打到的驯鹿的情景。

    I remember watching as an Inuit hunter was butchering a freshly shot caribou .

  4. 现在我们要通过古老的…因纽特“甩腔”唤回你古老的灵魂

    Now we wiII cIeanse your spirit ... by the ancient Inuit art of throat singing .

  5. 因纽特老人教导孙辈雪是你最好的朋友,是很有道理的。

    For good reason the Inuit elder reminds his grandson that the snow is your best friend .

  6. 楚科其和因纽特少数民族一度濒临失落的本土文化和语言又重新回到课程表中。

    The once-threatened indigenous cultures and languages of the Chukchi and Inuit minorities are back on the curriculum .

  7. 因纽特人间流传的消息得到卫星数据证实,这一发现也震惊了气象学家和各国政府。

    Confirming with satellite data what Inuit had been reporting anecdotally , its findings shocked climatologists and governments .

  8. 当我跟我的因纽特主人交谈时,他的妻子把北极狼皮和北美驯鹿皮堆在冰床上。

    I was talking with my Inuit host , his wife piled Arctic wolf and caribou skins on the ice bed .

  9. 反对此举措的人们邀请了一位穿着海豹皮背心的因纽特政治家来解释,为什么他的家乡将因此而遭受冲击。

    Opponents of the move called on an Inuit politician in a sealskin waistcoat to explain why his homeland will feel the impact .

  10. 因纽特语言政策的发展可分为三个阶段,自由与放任发展阶段、同化阶段和鼓励与促进阶段。

    The development of Inuit policy can be divided into three stages : freedom and indulge development stage , assimilation and encouragement and promotion stage .

  11. 在北加拿大的因纽特猎人最近看到一些鸭子,但是不能用因纽特语言和其他任何语言断定它们是属于什么种类。

    Inuit hunters in north Canada recently saw some ducks but have not figured out what species they were , in Inuktitut or any other language .

  12. 三瓣莲花形出现在非洲、波利尼西亚(利莫利亚和澳大利亚)、因纽特或蒙古根种族祖先们的远古神圣几何学里。

    The triple lotus appears in the ancient sacred geometry of ancestries that are African , Polynesian , Aborigine ( Lemurian or Australian ), and Inuit or Mongolian root race .

  13. 本论文介绍因纽特人和因纽特语,包括因纽特人的历史、传统生活方式、因纽特语基本特点和当前使用情况。

    This thesis describes the Inuit people and Inuit language , including the history , traditional life style of Inuit people , basic characteristics of Inuit language and current use condition .

  14. 本文通过对因纽特语言保护过程的细致研究,揭示其得以较好保护的根本原因,有助于我国使用人数较少民族语言的保护。

    This thesis conducts careful study of the Inuit language protection process to reveal the basic reasons for its good protection , which we can use as references for the maintenance of the minority languages in China .

  15. 事实并非如此。我国非常富裕,掩盖了城市穷人领取食品救济,五分之一居民住房条件恶劣,因纽特青年自杀率居高不下的现状。

    The truth is that our country is so wealthy that it manages to mask the reality of food banks in our cities , of unacceptable housing ( 1 in5 ), of young Inuit adults very high suicide rates .

  16. 像因纽特这样的民族如何与雪打交道极具启发意义,而当我们回想圣诞节前的那场特大降雪时,我们有必要反思自己在这种极具挑战性的天气现象方面的观点。

    How people such as the Inuit work with snow is a real education , and as we look back on the exceptional snowfall that preceded the Christmas break , we need to examine our outlook on this challenging weather phenomenon .

  17. 古代宇航员理论的支持者很容易忽视下面的事实:“护目镜式”形象仅仅只是许多类土偶中的一类,且考古学家已指出过土偶眼睛与因纽特雪地护目镜类似。

    Ancient Astronaut proponents tend to ignore the fact that the " goggle-eyed type " figures are only one of many types of Dogu , and that archaeologists have pointed out the similarity of the figure 's eyes with Inuit snow goggles .