
  1. 因为爱,我们,不再孤单;

    Because of love , we won 't be lonely anymore ;

  2. 体谅是因为爱,而不是因为恐惧。

    Understanding is because love , and not because of fear .

  3. 因为爱所以离开,因为爱所以放弃。

    Because love so leave , because love so give up .

  4. 就象我那样回答,你是因为爱他才跟他结婚的。

    Answer as I do , thatyou married him for love .

  5. 他因为爱你而为你做出重大牺牲。

    He made a great sacrifice for you out of his love .

  6. 因为爱你,所以我指出你的错误;

    Because I love you , so I pointed out your mistakes ;

  7. 很显然乔治。华盛顿不是因为爱而结婚。

    It 's clear that George Washington did not marry for love .

  8. 他真是因为爱你才跟你结婚吗?

    Is he really going to marry you for love ?

  9. 爱是一件美好的事情:因为爱是艰难的。

    It 's also good to love : because love is difficult .

  10. 因为爱,也发现自己可以变得那么的温柔,不再任性。

    Because of love , I can be sweet , not capriciously .

  11. 若干年前他因为爱我而告诉我他是一个吸血鬼。

    He told me he was a vampire because he loved me .

  12. 精灵偷走了上帝的时钟,因为爱。

    Fairy stole God 's clock , because of love .

  13. 因为爱一个人,所以离开她。

    Because of love of a person , so she left her .

  14. 我不想因为爱你而道歉

    I 'm not going to apologize for loving you .

  15. 因为爱你,什么都值得。

    Because the love you , What are worth .

  16. 因为爱是一个陌生和奇妙的东西。

    Because love is a strange and funny thing .

  17. 如果有一个人因为爱你,收起他的顽固脾气。

    If a person because of love you put aside his stubborn temper .

  18. 某种程度上答案仍然是难以捉摸的因为爱不是一件事。

    The answer remains elusive in part because love is not one thing .

  19. 学生们说,他们抗议是因为爱家乡。

    The students themselves say they protested because they love their home town .

  20. 因为爱着“不完美”,“完美”用美丽装扮着自己。

    The perfect decks itself in beauty for the love of the imperfect .

  21. 因为爱所以爱是天使。

    Love for the seek of loving is angelic .

  22. 我不知道是否是因为爱,他变化如此之大。

    I am not sure if love makes Xiao Dong change so much .

  23. 因为爱你,就该放了你。

    Because the love you , put you on .

  24. 我追求过爱,首先,因为爱能带来无比的快乐;

    I have sought love , first , because it brings great happiness .

  25. 因为爱在我心中,我寻求认识上的升华。

    With love in my heart I ask for a true shift in perception .

  26. 我们都要坚强,因为爱。

    We must be strong because of love .

  27. 因为爱这个字中间是一个心。

    Because between love the word is heart .

  28. 因为爱而伤心的心灵是最伤心的。

    How sad the soul is , when it is sad because of love .

  29. 因为爱,所以选择;

    Because of love , so choose ;

  30. 因为爱住在我们心里。

    For love lives in our hearts .