
  1. 学校以学科划分为21个学院(系),设有66个本科招生专业、143个硕士学位点、81个博士学位点、18个博士后流动站、18个国家重点学科,8个国家重点实验室、22个省(部)级重点实验室。

    HIT is composed of 21 academic schools and departments according to its disciplines and offers 66 undergraduate specialties , 143 master 's programs , 81 doetoral programs and 18 post-doctoral research stations . Besides , there are 18 national key specialties , 8 state key laboratories and 22 provincial and ministerial key laboratories .

  2. 学校设有51个专业,有113个硕士学位授权点,另设MBA,MPA、工程硕士3个专业学位授权点,67个博士学位授权点,国家级重点学科7个,博士后流动站10个。

    The University has designed 51 undergraduate programs , 113 master 's degree programs with 3 discipline programs of MBA , MPA and engineering master , and 67 doctoral degree programs . It has 7 state key disciplines and 10 post-doctorate research stations .

  3. 有临床医学专业硕士学位授权点。

    We also have a clinical medicine professional master 's degree program .

  4. 通过院内的2个博士后科研工作站,1个博士、16个硕士学位授权点,培养了大批高素质的科研人才。

    There have been lots of experts and management talents who got trained respectively in2 postdoctoral scientific research working station , 1 doctorate-accredited field and16 master-accredited fields .

  5. 中国农业大学拥有11个博士学位授权一级学科,61个博士学位授权点,96个硕士学位授权点;60个本科专业。

    and 18 state outstanding youth with science foundation.China Agricultural University has 11 doctorate programs in first-level disciplines , 61 doctorate programs , 96 master programs and 60 undergraduate majors .

  6. 学校设有学士学位专业61个,学校设有学士学位专业8个,硕士学位学科点144个,博士学位学科点99个。

    The RUC is now authorized to offer bachelor 's degrees in sixty-one areas , and double degree in eight areas . The RUC has 144 Masters programs and 99 Ph. D. programs

  7. 有本科专业129个,一级学科学位授权点28个,硕士学位授权点278个,博士学位授权点191个,博士后科研流动站27个;

    It has now 129 undergraduate programs , 28 programs in the first level disciplines , 278 master 's degree program , 191 doctoral degree programs , and 27 post-doctoral research stations .

  8. 南航现有本科专业41个、一级学科博士学位授权点10个、二级学科博上学位授权点52个、硕士学位授权点127个、博士后流动站9个。

    NUAA offers a wide range of programs including 41 undergraduate programs , 10 doctor programs in the first level , 52 doctor programs in the second level , 127 master programs and 9 post-doctoral research stations .

  9. 近两年来,全军博士后流动站和博士、硕士学位授权点有了大幅度增加,学位授权体系逐步完善,培养规模有了较大增长。

    In the past two years , the pla 's mobile post-doctoral stations and doctor 's or master 's degree authorization centers have increased by large margins , the academic degree authorization system has been improved gradually , and the training scale has been enlarged substantially .

  10. 学校现有16个学院、4个学系、3个教学部,有博士后流动站3个,博士学位授权点44个,硕士学位授权点61个,构成了教学和实践相结合、培养学士—硕士—博士—博士后一体化专业人才的教育布局。

    TMU has 16 academic schools , 4 academic departments and 3 teaching departments . It has 3 post Ph. D movable stations , 44 doctoral specialties as well as 61 master 's specialties , which have formed an integrated education and training system to produce qualified bachelor-master-doctor-post Ph. D medical professionals .

  11. 学校现有115个本科专业,二级学科硕士学位授权点312个,一级学科博士学位授权点41个,二级学科博士学位授权点237个,39个博士后流动站。

    The university now has 115 specialties for undergraduate studies , and it is entitled to confer master 's degrees in 312 programs of the second level , doctoral degrees in 41 programs ir , the first level , doctoral degrees in 237 programs in the second level and 39 postdoctor research stations .

  12. 我正在攻读园艺方面的硕士学位.一点一点慢慢读

    I 'm going for a master 's degree in horticulture . Sorta chipping away on it .

  13. 学校设有29个院系和研究生院,拥有57个本科专业,171个硕士学位学科授权点,12个博士学位授权一级科,69个博士学位授权二级学科,12个博士后科研流动站。

    It has now 29 colleges and departments and a graduate school , offering 57 undergraduate programs , 171 master programs , 12 first-order disciplines authorized to confer Ph. D degrees , 69 second-order disciplines authorized to confer Ph. D. degrees and 12 post-doctoral research centers .

  14. 以透视理论为基础,根据计算机图形学的知识,推导并建立了决定空间武汉理工大学硕士学位论文物体某点的几何位置与该点在采集图像上相应位置关系的摄像机模型,即针孔模型;

    On the base of perspective theory and graphic knowledge , inferring and constructing camera model ( pin-hole model ) to determine geometry local of some feature points in world and its coordinate on the of the camera .

  15. 学校设有18个学院,有62个本科专业;110个学科具有硕士学位授予权,并设有MBA(工商管理硕士)、MPA(公共管理硕士)和JM(法律硕士)专业学位点;

    The University has 18 colleges , and has 62 undergraduate disciplines , 110 master-degree-granting disciplines , including MBA , MPA and JM .