
xiāng duì xìng
  • relativity
相对性[xiāng duì xìng]
  1. 推导结果表明:新的变换关系满足相对性原理,变换关系允许超光速存在,通过合适地选择坐标的O、O′点及事件点P,可使变换得到简化。

    The conducted results show that : the new transforms satisfy the relativity principle , the transformation permits the existence of ultra-light-velocity .

  2. 随之得出的热力学定律满足狭义相对性原理,充分证明了P-E理论的正确性。

    The conclusion is that thermodynamics law satisfy principle of special relativity , the importance of P-E theory is fully proved .

  3. YAG激光治疗舌扁桃体肥大的疗效观察试论民族间语言的相对性

    Outcome Follow-up of Patients with Hypertrophy of Lingual Tonsil Treated with YAG Laser

  4. 然而,由于腹腔镜下手术动作轴向的相对性受限和手术操作空间的绝对性狭小,限制了LUS探头对某些方位上超声窗的利用。

    Nevertheless , in a limited space under laparoscope , some sonic windows on some aspects cannot be utilized .

  5. 在英美法中,并不存在债的概念及体系,所以大陆法中的债的相对性规则在英美法中被称为合同的相对性(PrivityofContract)。

    There is no concept of " debt " and related system in Common law , so " privity of debt " in Roman law is known as " privity of contract " in Common law .

  6. 论文指出,在我国现行法律未做明确规定或者合同未做明确约定的情况下,承运人向我国发货人或收货人收取装卸港THC不符合合同相对性原理。

    Moreover , the thesis points out that the collection of THC charged Chinese consignors or consignees by liners is not in accordance with the principle of the Privity of Contract if the laws of china do not provide or the contract of carriage does not stipulate .

  7. 文学翻译标准的相对性,从根本上来说,乃是由原作作者所决定的。

    Basically , original works determine the relativity of literary translation .

  8. 附保护第三人作用的契约,是对契约相对性原则的突破。

    It is the incidentally-third-party-protecting contract beyond the privity of contract .

  9. 经济增长方式转变的必要性及相对性

    The Necessity and Relativity of Changing the Mode of Economic Growth

  10. 确立语义范畴的原则及语义范畴的相对性

    Principles of determining semantic categories and the relativity of semantic categories

  11. 无有的静态、动态与相对性模型

    Statics , Dynamics , and Relativity Model of Wu and You

  12. 人-自然道德的调节作用具有相对性。

    But the regulation of the man nature morality has relativity .

  13. 论农民作为市场主体的相对性

    On the Relativity of Farmers as the Main Body of Market

  14. 道德具有自律性、他律性、绝对性、相对性及稳定性。

    Morality possesses autonomy , heteronomy , absoluteness , relativity and stability .

  15. 这些特征包括:相对性、分散性和模糊性。

    The characteristics includes : relativity , decentrality and ambiguity .

  16. 涅盘是超越二元性和相对性的。

    Nirvana is beyond all terms of duality and relatively .

  17. 它具有差别性、联系性、相对性和变动性。

    It has difference , connection , relativity and change .

  18. 而人的品德与文德相吻合往往具有相对性。

    But the virtue of a man has coincided with the relative .

  19. 网络信息自由具有相对性和受控性。

    The freedom of network information has relativity and controllability .

  20. 绝对性和相对性是相对真理所具有的两种属性。

    Absolute and relativity are two attributes of relative truth .

  21. 法的确定性的相对性在法的外在确定性和法的内在确定性两个方面都存在着。

    Both the internal and external certainty of the law are relative .

  22. 狭义相对性原理的实验证据研究

    Study on Experimental Evidences of the Special Relativity Principle

  23. 关于现象与本质相对性问题的思考

    Consideration of Issue for Relativity Between Appearance and Essence

  24. 风中声速与时间相对性计算公式

    Formula of Calculation of Relativity of Time And Sound

  25. 实践检验真理的过程具有相对性。

    There is a relativity in the process for practice to test truth .

  26. 试析合同相对性原则例外的标准

    Try analysing the standard of the relativity of the contract with exceptional principle

  27. 从力学相对性原理推导特殊相对论力学

    Relativistic mechanics ( special ) is derived from the relativity principle of mechanics

  28. 论语法范畴的相对性、模糊性、矛盾性及其原因

    On the Relativity , Obscurity , Contradiction of Grammar Category and Their Causes

  29. 论农村土地承包合同的相对性

    Study on the Privity of Contract of Rural Land

  30. 风湿性心脏瓣膜病相对性三尖瓣关闭不全程度诊断的探讨

    On diagnosing the degree of tricuspid insufficiency secondary to rheumatic heart valvular disease