
xiǎo fèi
  • tip;gratuity;back sheesh
小费 [xiǎo fèi]
  • [tip;gratuity;back sheesh] 服务于饭馆、旅馆等行业中的人员得到的顾客、旅客额外付给的小额报酬

小费[xiǎo fèi]
  1. 美国人总是受欢迎,因为他们往往给很多小费。

    Americans were always welcome because they tended to tip heavily .

  2. 你记住给服务员小费了吗?

    Did you remember to tip the waiter ?

  3. 你将需要准备好付小费和乘出租车之类的杂项开销。

    You 'll need money for incidentals such as tips and taxis .

  4. 这个国家兴给理发师小费吗?

    Is it customary to tip hairdressers in this country ?

  5. 她说美国人通常给小费很大方。

    She says that Americans are usually big tippers .

  6. 他给了服务员很多小费。

    He gave the waiter a generous tip .

  7. 她给了行李工一元的小费。

    She tipped the porter a dollar .

  8. 你真的认为给侍者小费是约定俗成的吗?

    Do you really think it 's customary to tip the waiters ?

  9. 她给了吧台服务员10美元小费,还请在场的所有人喝了酒。

    She tipped the barmen 10 dollars and bought drinks all round .

  10. 行李员领班扣留了所有人的小费。

    The Head Porter was keeping all the tips .

  11. 给服务员、行李搬运工、导游和司机小费是惯例。

    It is usual to tip waiters , porters , guides and drivers .

  12. 除了每周的薪水外,我还能得到不少小费。

    In addition to my weekly wage , I got a lot of tips .

  13. 凡账单上没收服务费的,是否付小费由你自己决定。

    Where there are no service charges added to the bill , tip at your discretion

  14. 我给了理发师小费。

    I gave the barber a tip

  15. 行李员想要小费。

    The porter expects a gratuity .

  16. 他没有零钱留下来付小费。

    He had no small change to leave as a tip .

  17. 那名服务生得到了一大笔小费。

    The waiter received a big tip .

  18. 我给了他两块钱小费。

    I tipped him two yuan .

  19. 你们中的大多数人可能也认为自己讨厌给小费。

    Most of you probably think that you hate tipping , too .

  20. 所以伙计们:让我们一同抛弃过时的小费制度吧。

    So come on , folks : get on board with ditching the outdated tip system .

  21. 一项你经常从赞成小费的人群中听到的理论似乎很合乎逻辑。

    One argument that you tend to hear a lot from the pro-tipping crowd seems logical enough .

  22. 你们真的很喜欢给小费!

    You actually love tipping !

  23. 我讨厌给小费。

    I hate tipping .

  24. 这是因为他打算取消小费,以支付其雇员真正可以维持生计的工资来取代小费。

    That 's because he plans to ban tipping in favor of paying his servers an actual living wage .

  25. 当服务生们看重小费时,服务会更周到,可能是因为他们看到了成功掩饰对你轻视之后得到的好处。

    The service is better when waiters depend on tips , presumably because they see a benefit to successfully veiling their contempt for you .

  26. 但是,事实证明,当服务生做了相对于本职工作而言更多的事情时,却看到小费只有微小的波动。

    But as it turns out , waiters see only a tiny bump in tips when they do an exceptional job compared to a passable one .

  27. 在一顼调查中,30%的受访者认为他们做的工作和收到的小费之间没有太大的关系。

    In one poll , a full 30 % said they didn 't believe the job they did had any impact on the tips they received .

  28. 无论实际如何,你坚持认为带有小费体制的餐厅有着更高的品质,这使得那些想取消小费制度的餐馆和酒吧很难达成这一目标。

    No matter how the math works out , you persistently view restaurants with voluntary tipping systems as being a better value , which makes it extremely difficult for restaurants and bars to do away with the tipping system .

  29. 但我讨厌小费最主要的原因是,我认为如果员工的薪酬同其他行业一样,完全由其雇主决定,我将会处在一个更舒适的位置。

    But mostly , I hate tipping because I believe I would be in a better place if pay decisions regarding employees were simply left up to their employers , as is the custom in virtually every other industry .

  30. 所以,连同这封信还有该付的18%以及额外的小费,都是为了感谢您。

    So together with this letter , you will find the correct 18 % tip + extra for simply being amazing .