
  1. 他还为今年早些时候上映的日本真人电影《小偷家族》和2014年CG电影《哆啦A梦:伴我同行》制作过中国本土海报。

    He 's also done local posters for " Shoplifters " ( also known as " Manbiki Kazoku " ) , a live-action Japanese movie released earlier this year , and the 2014 CG " Stand By Me Doraemon " film .

  2. 和电影《寄生虫》与《小偷家族》中的家庭一样,这三个人每天都致力于骗和偷,但仍然陷于贫困中。

    Like the families in Parasite and Shoplifters , the trio devotes its days to cheating and stealing , but is still stuck in poverty .

  3. 《小偷家族》是一部情感微妙、层层深入、步调沉稳(影评人的意思是节奏缓慢)的电影,虽然没有清晰的故事线,但是耐心看完的人会感受到阳光般的温暖和温情。

    Shoplifters is a typically subtle , modestly scaled , thoughtfully paced ( film critics " speak for slow ) offering , whose borderline plotless story will repay patient viewers witha wealth of warmth and tender humanity .

  4. 那些红袍子的是杀手和小偷!打倒拜里若斯家族!

    Those red 's are killers and thieves ! Down with the Bellerose family !