
  • 网络Little Spotty;black speck;pore;Middle Dot
  1. 我认为那个底部的小黑点是行星X,正进入图画中。

    I think PX is the little black dot at the bottom , entering the picture .

  2. 试验结果表明,每公顷施用400kg氮素肥料的处理(处理3),2个品种小黑点的发生程度均明显高于每公顷施用300kg氮素肥料的处理(处理1,2);

    The results showed , in high amount nitrogen fertilizer application treatment ( treatment 3 ), the occurrence of Petiole Spots Disorder is obviously serious than low amount nitrogen fertilizer application treatment ( treatment 1 and 2 ) .

  3. 在它前面通过的那个小黑点便是金星。

    That little black dot passing in front of it is Venus .

  4. 远处小黑点般的一条小船出现在地平线上。

    In the distance , the dot of a boat appeared on the horizon .

  5. 人们看到一个小黑点正在屏幕上迅速地移动着。

    ( b ) A little black spot was seen moving quickly on the screen .

  6. 这一次,他们看到一个小黑点正好在父亲的眼球中央。

    This time , they noticed a small black mark directly in the center of my father 's eyeball .

  7. 后来她终于看见了,在她下面很远的地方,一个小黑点正从悬崖飘开,而且稍微往上飘了一点。黑点一升起,就飘远了。

    At last she saw , far away below her , a tiny black speck floating away from the cliff and slightly upwards .

  8. 我会询问我自己,抵达这些在天空中发光发亮的小点似乎和抵达法国地图上那些小黑点是一样简单的事情。

    Why , I ask myself , shouldn 't the shinning dots of sky be as accessible as the black dots on the map of France ?