
xiǎo huán jìng
  • Small environment;microenvironment;subenvironment
小环境[xiǎo huán jìng]
  1. 管理水平和小环境都是影响冷季型草坪杂草群落的重要因素。

    Management level and microenvironment are the important factors which affect weed communities .

  2. 结论:不同产地浙贝母的差异不是由碱基序列,而是由小环境因素引起的。

    Conclusion : The difference of alkaloid content in F.thunbergii from various habitats isn 't resulted from base sequence variation , but from microenvironment .

  3. 火棘等III级树种需要小环境或保护才能正常越冬并形成景观。

    The grade III trees like Pyracatha fortuneana need small environment or protection to overwinter normally and form the landscape .

  4. 基于MODBUS协议的小环境恒湿系统设计

    Microenvironment Humidistat System Design Based on Modbus Protocol

  5. 以生态学特性为基础,因地制宜,合理利用小环境;

    Reasonable taking advantage of small environment according to ecology characteristic ;

  6. 对于一家公司来说,真正的工作是在局部小环境中展开的。

    The real work of a company happens in microclimates .

  7. 基于行为模式的小环境空间设计浅析

    The small environment space design in view of conduct model

  8. 优化社会大环境(2)优化校园小环境

    Optimize social environment ( 2 ) optimize campus environment

  9. 海洋中的漩涡也具有中心奇点的特征,任何物质都无法逃脱。就是在这种情况下,那些漩涡构成了他们自己的一个小环境。

    The oceanic eddies also feature central singularities from which materials cannot escape .

  10. 学校小环境的限制;

    The restriction of the micro school environment ;

  11. 次生林下红松幼树适生小环境研究

    Suitable Individual Growth Environment for the Young Trees of Pinus koraiensis under Natural Secondary Forest

  12. 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫小说的背景有大环境和小环境之分。

    The background of Virginia Woolf 's novels can be divided into macro-setting and micro-setting .

  13. 我们不能改变生存的大环境,但我们可以改善自己身边的小环境。

    We can 't change the living situation , but could improve the life details .

  14. 浅析建筑小环境的营造

    The construction of micro architectural environment

  15. 云:与说同义,说说大环境、小环境。

    Goes like this : synonymous with that , talk about the environment , small environment .

  16. 环境包括孕妇体内的小环境和体外的大生态环境。

    Environmental condition includes the micro-environment in the body of pregnant woman and the big ecological environment .

  17. 园林小环境设计与自然风

    Landscape Gardening and Natural Wind

  18. 形态各异的不同种类蜉蝣稚虫生活在不同的小环境,表明种类演化和形态变化与环境有密切关系。

    This indicates that there is a close relationship between species divergence , nymphal morphology derivation and microhabitat .

  19. 二是道德灵魂的浮躁与冲撞。这是由社会时代的大环境和校园内外的小环境决定的。

    These are caused by the general environment of the time and the limited surroundings of the campass .

  20. 林冠干扰后,林窗内因小环境的改变使得植被作出相应的反应。

    After canopy disturbance , because of the change of surroundings in gaps , the vegetations have corresponding responses .

  21. 处理好医德建设工程中大、小环境的关系

    To Deal with Correctly the Relationship between " the Big and Small Envirionment " in Medical Moral Construction Engineering

  22. 一个是大环境因素即国家经济政策和教育政策的改变,另一个是小环境因素即温州区域环境因素。

    The one is the big environmental factor which refers to the change of national economy and education policy .

  23. 针对不同的客户,每个小环境的设计也不同。

    Response to local context – Each outlet tries to incorporate elements taken from the local context into its design .

  24. 小环境保护项目:4000字中文,译英,交稿:2006年7月28日。

    A Small environmental protection project with 4000 Chinese characters , C-E , Date of completion : July 28 , 2006 .

  25. 这能够让我们在一个小环境中简单地复制步骤,然后将其应用到现实模型中。

    This allows an easy reproduction of the steps in a small environment before applying them to a real world model .

  26. 需要优化道德教育的社会大环境和学校小环境,尤其要占领思想政治教育的网络阵地。

    It also needs to optimize the social and school environments , especially to occupy the network position of moral education .

  27. 要充分应对这种小环境,需要一支由本地供应商、昂贵的基础设施以及多层批发商和中间商组成的大军。

    Adequately addressing such niches requires an army of local suppliers , costly infrastructure and several layers of wholesalers and intermediaries .

  28. 壁画和彩塑的每种病害,几乎都和窟内小环境有直接关系。

    Almost all kinds of decay to the murals and color statues are directly related with the small environment inside the grottoes .

  29. 学生缺乏多样化的双语学习活动,学习主要还是集中于课堂小环境,缺乏课外大环境。

    Students lack of diversified bilingual learning activities and learning is primarily focused on small class environment , lacking the outside environment .

  30. 社区的所有参与者都扮演一个角色,从而构成我们生活中的大环境下的一个小环境。

    Each plays a role in the community , making it a structured microcosm of the larger interactions we all encounter in life .