
  • 网络Cerebellum Anterior Lobe;anterior lobe;anterior cerebellar lobe
  1. 目的光镜下观察6只大鼠小脑前叶、后叶及蚓部微血管构筑。

    Objective The microvasculature of the anterior lobe , posterior lobe and cerebellar vermis was observed under the optical microscope in 6 rats .

  2. 癫痫主要影响小脑前叶,即脊髓小脑区域,这可能与该部位特殊的生理功能和解剖联系有关。

    Epilepsy mainly affects anterior lobe of cerebellum , namely spinocerebellum , which may be due to the special physiological function and anatomical structure of the lobe .

  3. 本实验用HRP逆行追踪和免疫细胞化学结合法研究了大鼠脑桥内GABA能神经元至小脑前叶皮质的投射。

    Projections from GABA-ergic neurons of the pons to the cortex of anterior cerebellar lobe have been studied by combined method of HRP retrograde tracing and immunocytochemistry .

  4. WGA-HRP标记的苔藓末梢分布于双侧小脑前叶Ⅰ&Ⅴ小叶,其中多数集中在Ⅱ小叶的前部。

    The WGA-HRP labeled mossy fiber terminals were located bilaterally in lobules ⅰ - ⅴ . Most of them were found in the anterior part of lobule ⅱ .