
xiǎo dù zi
  • Tummy;lower abdomen;underbelly
小肚子 [xiǎo dǔ zi]
  • [underbelly] [口]∶人体正面肚脐以下大腿以上的部分;小腹

小肚子[xiǎo dù zi]
  1. 这个练习对减除小肚子上的赘肉极为有效。

    This exercise is brilliant for getting rid of flabby tums .

  2. 他们胖胖的小肚子表明,他们在这里已经有一段时间了。

    Their fat little bellies showed that they had been here for some time .

  3. 但我总是要把小肚子收进去。

    But I 'm gonna have to hold my stomach in the whole time .

  4. 我喜欢有小肚子的消防员。

    I like firefighters with love handle .

  5. 什么时候开始我也有小肚子了?

    Since when I 've become pot-bellied ?

  6. 如果猫猫肚皮朝天躺着,说明它希望你揉揉它可爱的小肚子。

    If the kitty exposes their belly , it is an invitation for a tummy rub .

  7. 我的小肚子好大。

    I have a fat belly .

  8. 一块救命糖-跟巧克力一样早早就落了旺旺的小肚子了,圆圈代表我对你的爱永远也不会停歇。

    A piece of Lifesavers candy-a circle to show that my love for you will never end .

  9. 最近一次30多人的会员聚会上,只有一个人有明显的双下巴和小肚子。

    Of the 30-odd people at a recent meeting , only one had obvious jowls and a belly roll .

  10. 她如此纤小,介于婴儿和初学走路的孩子之间,有一个圆圆的小肚子。

    She was such a tiny thing , between an infant and a toddler , with such a round little tummy .

  11. 我的宝贝会比我更关注她的胖嘟嘟的小肚子,但她还是有那么多快乐。

    My toddler brings more attention to her Buddha belly than I ever would . But she also has more fun .

  12. 问题:许多跑步者低估跑步时失去的水分;有些人饮水不足是因为担心小肚子痛。

    The problem : Many runners underestimate how much fluid they lose during runs and don 't drink enough because they 're worried about side stitches .

  13. 然而,我却被他的小肚子和带着酒窝的脸蛋迷惑了。

    He bares little resemblance to the societal norm for a perfect male form . However , I am enthralled with his squishy belly and dimpled cheeks .

  14. 她发现背心式泳衣已被归到了塑身衣类别,采用压缩面料替代传统的光滑泳衣面料,目的是隐藏小肚子和缩小腰围。

    She found that the tank suit had been claimed by the slimming-garment category , which replaced the traditional sleek swim fabric with compression material meant to tuck tummies and nip waists .

  15. 如果你觉得大腹便便只是胖人的专利,那请君三思了——一些体重正常和经常锻炼的人都可能有小肚子,根本没有所谓的“完美”身材。

    If you think that belly fat is just an issue for people who are overweight , think again -- even people who are at a healthy weight and exercise regularly can have it .

  16. 但如果是15年前的照片,那时的你还没有小肚子,头发也没有脱落,劝你还是诚实点&上传一些最新的照片吧。

    However , if the photo is15 years old and show you with a long-lost flat stomach and full head of hair , then keep it honest-ask a friend to take some updated versions instead .

  17. 人体中的白色脂肪负责吸收卡路里并将其储存为脂肪,这些脂肪在我们的小肚子上、手臂上、大腿上等等地方都能看到,它们堪称减肥者的天敌。

    In the body , white fat cells soak up calories and store them as fat - the dreaded type visible in pot bellies , love handles and wobbly thighs that is the enemy of dieters 。

  18. 但如果是15年前的照片,那时的你还没有小肚子,头发也没有脱落,劝你还是诚实点--上传一些最新的照片吧。

    However , if the photo is 15 years old and show you with a long-lost flat stomach and full head of hair , then keep it honest - ask a friend to take some updated versions instead .

  19. 我明白咱都想看着比实际瘦点,但是相信我,大部分男生都宁愿面对一个有点小肚子的姑娘也不愿意一整晚都面对一个被箍得快发疯的姑娘。

    I get that we all want to look thinner than we actually are , but believe me , most guys would rather see a little belly bulge than deal with a cranky , cramping girl all night .