
zú bèi
  • instep;arch;acrotarsium
足背[zú bèi]
  1. C组63例次,选择手背及足背静脉。

    There were 63 cases in the C group , the injection points included dorsal vein .

  2. B组病例足背动脉血流动力学变化不明显,1年内只有69.0%病例创口愈合。

    In group B the improvement of hemodynamics of dorsal pedes arteries were not apparent and only 69.0 % lesions were cured within one year .

  3. 电针对大鼠足背炎性痛病灶局部P物质、IL-1β免疫反应性的影响

    Effect of Electroacupuncture on Substance P and Interleukin-1 β Positive Immunoreaction in the Inflammatory Pain Focus of the Rats ' Hindpaw

  4. 结果:足背静脉注射部分纯化的应激免疫抑制蛋白200、400和800μg后,血压下降,并呈明显的量效关系。

    Results : It was found that intravenous injection of the protein ( 200,400 and 800 μ g per rat ) decreased the arterial blood pressure in dose response .

  5. 血流频谱:糖尿病组左、右足背动脉和左腘动脉均宽于正常对照组(P<0.05或0.01)。

    Spectrum of blood flow : Those of left and right dorsal artery of foot , and left popliteal artery were all wider in the diabetic group than in the normal control group ( P < 0.05 or 0.01 ) .

  6. 坐位时,足背动脉收缩压、舒张压均显著高于平卧位肱动脉血压(均P0.01);

    At sitting position , both the systolic and diastolic blood pressures of dorsalis pedis artery were significantly higher than those of brachial artery ( P0.01 for all ) .

  7. 与健康对照组比较,DF患者足背动脉血管内径变小,峰值流速加快,血流量减少,谱宽度增加;

    In comparison with healthy control group , DF patients had smaller inner diameter of ADP , quicker peak flow rate , lower blood flow , and wider spectral width .

  8. 以超声多普勒血流计,对非胰岛素依赖性糖尿病(NIDDM)患者141例进行足背动脉和胫后动脉血流波形测定。

    Blood stream waves of pedal artery and posterior tibia artery were determined by ultrasound Doppler 's hemadromometer on 151 cases of non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus ( NIDDM ) .

  9. 采用最大类间方差法进行光带区域的提取,运用Zhang并行快速细化算法对光带进行细化。(2)足背点云盲区的曲线拟合修复。

    OTSU algorithm is used to extract the light band area and Zhang fast parallel thinning algorithm is used to thin the light band . ( 2 ) The repair of blind data in human heel zone by curve fitting .

  10. 目的探讨创面封闭式负压引流(VSD)结合拉网式中厚皮肤移植修复足背皮肤软组织缺损的临床效果。

    Objective To discuss the outcome of vacuum sealing drainage ( VSD ) combine with thickness skin graft in the dragnet to repair instep skin and soft tissue defect .

  11. 膝、阳窝、足背、肘、肘窝和下腹部皮肤EBA抗原表达率较高。

    Higher expression of EBA antigen was observed in knee , popliteal fossa , dorsum of foot , antecubital fossa , elbow and lower abdomen .

  12. 方法:采用以第1跖背动脉为蒂的逆行足背复合组织瓣修复趾远端软组织缺损创面9例,切取皮瓣面积最大为7cm×5cm,最小为5cm×4cm。

    Methods : 9 cases with refractory soft tissue defects of the dorsalis big toes were treated with distally based dorsalis pedis composite flaps ranged from 5cm × 4cm to 7cm × 5cm in size .

  13. 单纯球囊扩张治疗对糖尿病膝以下动脉病变患肢有良好疗效,下肢动脉血供、ABI、足背皮温、间歇跛行以及静息痛均有所好转,半年病残率为0%。

    The treatment of Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty on diabetic patients with below-knee arterial disease was effective . The blood serving , degree of ABI , foot temperature , intermitten claudication and rest pain were all mending well . The low-limb deformity rate was 0 % .

  14. 利用5MHZ彩色多普勒超声探头测双侧肱动脉、足背动脉和胫后动脉的收缩压,计算踝肱指数(ankle-brachialindex,ABI)。

    In addition , Ankle-branchial index ( ABI ) was calculated on basis of the systolic pressures at systolic pressures at double brachial arteries ( non-fistula side for patients with fistulas ), posterior tibial arteries and dorsalis pedis arteries , which were determined with a 5 MHz Dopper prober .

  15. 足背静脉弓与外踝静脉网之间有一恒定、较直的静脉&外踝前静脉,长约8.26cm,外径0.1cm。

    There was a vein between the instep vein and the external malleolas vein network to bend , It is about 8.21 cm long , external diameter 0.1 cm .

  16. 结果足背中间皮神经续于腓浅神经,行于踝间线时位于其中点外侧1.3±0.6cm,直径2.05±0.56mm。

    Results The intermediate dorsal cutaneous nerve of the foot was found to arise from the superficial peroneal nerve . Crossing the intermalleolar line , it was located 1.3 ± 0.6 cm lateral to the midpoint of the line with a diameter of 2.05 ± 0.56 mm .

  17. 前后足背棕褐色,稍带黑色。

    The backs of feet are brown , with slightly blacker .

  18. 足背复合串联皮瓣修复手掌贯通伤

    Repair of palm penetrating wound with microsurgical composite dorsalis pedis flap

  19. 足背浅静脉瓣的观察

    Observation on the venous valve of the superficial dorsal pedal vein

  20. 足背复合皮瓣在手部复合损伤中的应用

    The application of composite dorsalis flap in repair of hand injuries

  21. 包覆技术的发展趋势游离第2足趾带足背皮瓣、小腿外侧联合皮瓣再造拇指及修复创面;

    Lateral lower leg flap transfer for thumb reconstruction and wound covering ;

  22. 双峰驼胫前动脉和足背动脉解剖

    Dissection of Cranial Tibial Artery and Dorsal Ped Artery in Bactrian Camel

  23. 足背游离皮瓣移植6例报告

    Free dorsalis pedis skin flap transfer report of 6 cases

  24. 足背浅静脉及其瓣膜的应用解剖

    Applied anatomy of the dorsal veins of foot and its venous valves

  25. 足背皮瓣的解剖学基础和临床应用

    Anatomy Foundation and Clinical Application of Dorsum Pedis Skin Flap

  26. 足背外侧皮神经营养血管皮瓣的应用解剖学

    Applied anatomy of the lateral dorsal neurocutaneous flap on foot

  27. 带足背皮瓣的第二足趾;

    Composite dorsalis pedis flap with the second toe ;

  28. 足背动脉搏动消失的糖尿病患者有更高的大血管病危险性

    Diabetic patients with unpalpable dorsalis pedis artery pulse have more macrovascular risk factors

  29. 带股外侧皮神经的股前外侧皮瓣修复足背皮肤缺损

    Repair of dorsal skin defects of the foot with nerved anterolateral thigh flap

  30. 远端为蒂的外踝上皮瓣修复足背软组织缺损

    Distally based lateral supramalleolar flap for the reconstruction of dorsal aspect of foot