
zú qiú
  • football;soccer;association football;footy
足球 [zú qiú]
  • (1) [football;soccer;association football]∶两队在长方形场地上进行比赛的一种体育项目,每队11人,只能用脚踢或身体其他部分运球,但不许用手和臂

  • (2) [football]∶此项运动所用的球,里边是橡皮球胆,可以充气,外面是用皮做的皮球

足球[zú qiú]
  1. 足球界的形象需要改善。

    Soccer needs to clean up its image .

  2. 他执教篮球和足球。

    He coaches basketball and soccer .

  3. 目前有几家足球俱乐部在股票交易所上市。

    Several football clubs are now quoted on the Stock Exchange .

  4. 他是我训练过的最出色的足球运动员。

    He 's the best football player I 've ever coached .

  5. 狂热的足球迷败坏了他们所支持球队的声誉。

    Violent football fans bring discredit on the teams they support .

  6. 他已被列入斯坦福大学的美式足球奖学金等候者名单。

    He 's been wait-listed for a football scholarship to Stanford .

  7. 足球骚乱事件使我身为英国人汗颜得无地自容。

    The football riots made me ashamed to be English .

  8. 他们在一起时,谈论的都是足球。

    When they get together , all they talk about is football .

  9. 我听见“足球”两个字就腻味。

    When I hear the word ' football ' I switch off .

  10. 除足球外你还喜欢哪些运动?

    What other sports do you like apart from football ?

  11. 我无法理解足球流氓的心态。

    I cannot understand the mentality of football hooligans .

  12. 除足球外你还喜欢哪些运动?

    What other sports do you like besides football ?

  13. 他的娱乐活动包括打高尔夫球、踢足球和射击。

    His recreations include golf , football and shooting .

  14. 在这座体育场里进行过许多激动人心的足球比赛。

    This stadium has seen many thrilling football games .

  15. 对于他来说,足球就是他至高无上的追求。

    For him , football is an absolute religion .

  16. 数百名足球迷蜂拥入城。

    Hundreds of football fans descended on the city .

  17. 足球再也不是男人的专利了。

    Football is no longer the preserve of men .

  18. 他唯一的娱乐就是踢足球。

    His only form of recreation is playing football .

  19. 你愿意放弃一场足球赛,去跟一个女孩子约会吗?

    Would you sacrifice a football game to go out with a girl ?

  20. 不管怎么说,他懂什么足球?

    What does he know about football , anyway ?

  21. 世界杯足球赛热潮即将涌起。

    The World Cup bandwagon is starting to roll .

  22. 除足球外我喜欢所有的运动。

    I like all sports apart from football .

  23. 我的足球图文标签多数都是跟别人换来的。

    Most of my football stickers are swaps .

  24. 足球运动员表现出的速度和技能真是让我们大饱眼福。

    We were treated to an exhibition of the footballer 's speed and skill .

  25. 这些新规则可能意味着我们熟悉的足球终结了。

    The new rules could mean the end of football as we know it .

  26. 他宣布退出足球运动。

    He announced his retirement from football .

  27. 他非常热衷于足球。

    He just lives and breathes football .

  28. 这是试图将足球拔高成一门学科来进行严肃的研究。

    It was an attempt to elevate football to a subject worthy of serious study .

  29. 他无可奈何地只得在这个足球赛季剩下的时间里做替补队员。

    He was condemned to spend the rest of the football season on the bench .

  30. 他每周都去赌足球普尔。

    He does the pools every week .