
  • 网络shekel
  1. 这半舍客勒是奉给耶和华的礼物(一舍客勒是二十季拉)。

    This half shekel is an offering to the Lord .

  2. 于是一细亚细面卖银一舍客勒,二细亚大麦也卖银一舍客勒,正如耶和华所说的。

    So a measure of fine flour was sold for a shekel , and two measures of barley for a shekel , according to the word of the lord .

  3. 一个金盂,重10舍客勒,盛满了香;

    One gold dish weighing ten shekels , filled with incense ;

  4. 这男子就要拿五十舍客勒银子给女子的父亲。

    He shall pay the girl 's father fifty shekels of silver .

  5. 我们就每人给你一千一百舍客勒银子。

    Each one of us will give you eleven hundred shekels of silver .

  6. 我不肯用白得之物作燔祭献给耶和华我的神。大卫就用五十舍客勒银子买了那禾场与牛。

    So David bought the threshingfloor and the oxen for fifty shekels of silver .

  7. 你若打死他,我就赏你十舍客勒银子,一条带子。

    And I would have given thee ten shekels of silver , and a girdle .

  8. 4若是女人,你要估定三十舍客勒。

    And if it be a female , then thy estimation shall be thirty shekels .

  9. 于是大卫为那块地平了六百舍客勒金子给阿珥楠。

    So David gave to Ornan for the place six hundred shekels of gold by weight .

  10. 大卫就用五十舍客勒银子、买了那禾场与牛。

    So David bought the threshing floor and the oxen and paid fifty shekels of silver for them .

  11. 所献摇祭的铜,有七十他连得并二千四百舍客勒。

    And the bronze of the wave offering was seventy talents , and two thousand four hundred shekels .

  12. 从以色列人头生的所取之银,按圣所的平,有1365舍客勒。

    From the firstborn of the Israelites he collected silver weighing 1365 shekels , according to the sanctuary shekel .

  13. 用那一千七百七十五舍客勒银子做柱子上的钩子,包裹柱顶并柱子上的杆子。

    And of the1,775 shekels he made hooks for the pillars and overlaid their capitals and made fillets for them .

  14. 而它也在为印度铸造卢比,为以色列铸造阿格洛和半舍客勒,为阿根廷铸造仙和比索。

    That has also made rupees for India , Agorot and half-shekels for Israel and centavos and pesos for Argentina .

  15. 我便用银子十五舍客勒,大麦一贺梅珥半,买她归我。

    So I got her for myself for fifteen shekels of silver and a homer and a half of barley ;

  16. 凡你所估定的价银都要按着圣所的平,二十季拉为一舍客勒。

    And all thy estimations shall be according to the shekel of the sanctuary : twenty gerahs shall be the shekel .

  17. 所罗门王用锤出来的金子打成挡牌二百面,每面用金子六百舍客勒。

    And king Solomon made two hundred targets of beaten gold : six hundred shekels of beaten gold went to one target .

  18. 头戴铜盔,身穿铠甲,甲重五千舍客勒。

    He had a bronze helmet on his head and wore a coat of scale armor of bronze weighing five thousand shekels ;

  19. 他们从埃及买来的车,每辆价银七百舍客勒,马每匹一百五十舍客勒。

    They imported a chariot from Egypt for six hundred shekels of silver , and a horse for a hundred and fifty .

  20. 你估定的从二十岁到六十岁的男人,要按圣所的平,估定价银五十舍客勒;

    Set the value of a male between the ages of twenty and sixty at fifty shekels of silver , according to the sanctuary shekel ;

  21. 于是乃缦带银子十他连得,金子六千舍客勒,衣裳十套,就去了。

    And he departed , and took with him ten talents of silver , and six thousand pieces of gold , and ten changes of raiment .

  22. 就从巴力比利土的庙中取了七十舍客勒银子给亚比米勒。亚比米勒用以雇了些匪徒跟随他。

    They gave him seventy shekels of silver from the temple of Baal-Berith , and Abimelech used it to hire reckless adventurers , who became his followers .

  23. 若是从六十岁以上,男子你要估定十五舍客勒,女子估定十舍客勒。

    If it is a person sixty years old or more , set the value of a male at fifteen shekels and of a female at ten shekels .

  24. 所罗门在巴力哈们有一葡萄园。他将这葡萄园交给看守的人,为其中的果子,必交一千舍客勒银子。

    Solomon had a vine-garden at Baal-hamon ; he let out the vine-garden to keepers ; every one had to give a thousand bits of silver for its fruit .

  25. 我便向我叔叔的儿子哈拿篾买了亚拿突的那块地,平了十七舍客勒银子给他。

    And I bought the field of Hanameel my uncle 's son , that was in anathoth , and weighed him the money , even seventeen shekels of silver .

  26. 32牛若触了奴仆或是婢女,必将银子三十舍客勒给他们的主人,也要用石头把牛打死。

    If the ox shall push a manservant or a maidservant ; he shall give unto their master thirty shekels of silver , and the ox shall be stoned .

  27. 我听到楼梯上有笨重的脚步声。金钉重五十舍客勒。楼房都贴上金子。

    I heard a clump on the stairs . and fifty shekels weight of gold was used for the nails . He had all the higher rooms plated with gold .

  28. 我自己的葡萄园在我面前。所罗门哪,一千舍客勒归你,二百舍客勒归看守果子的人。

    My vineyard , which is mine , is before me : thou , O Solomon , must have a thousand , and those that keep the fruit thereof two hundred .

  29. 出30:15他们为赎生命将礼物奉给耶和华、足的不可多出、穷的也不可少出、人要出半舍客勒。

    The rich shall not pay more and the poor shall not pay less than the half shekel , when you give the contribution to the Lord to make atonement for yourselves .

  30. 其中在一月之外所当赎的,要照你所估定的价,按圣所的平,用银子五舍客勒赎出来(一舍客勒是二十季拉)。

    When they are a month old , you must redeem them at the redemption price set at five shekels of silver , according to the sanctuary shekel , which weighs twenty gerahs .